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Everything posted by Saraj

  1. I was going to send a long PM going into the details on how Bazza acted inproperly as a mod. but I am going to let it lye, my only issue is this: warning for rudeness and then removed "because I can" The reason I have decided to show this on the forum, is to see whether other members agree with me or me just being me. When providing warnings dont you think more specific details should be provided, and also in this case, i clearly apologised in the very same post i was accused of being rude. I posted the edit at 8:04pm, and Bazza issued the warning at 8:05pm, but still continued to refuse to remove it at post 191 11:28pm. But then to remove it, and provide such a reason as "because I can" with no apology or providing a proper reason for the issue and removal, its clear, he used his position inappropriatly. and "because he could" Is this how it works on this club, you speak out and stand up to what you believe in, and mods used they positions in a completly unacceptable way, (in my opinion) I look forward to comments from Mods/Admin
  2. to be honest im not going to bother going into it, as it will just end up like the other day. its clear the issues they might be
  3. Do you not think that 2 of the 3 managers being husband and wife is a problem to fairness. having said that could you remove some of my warnings please steve.. Janey is not a manager ah i see. ok then do you not think that have 2 people so close, 1 a mod the other management, has its own issues.. i havent voted BTW,, cant be bothered lol.. i have to agree
  4. I warning was given to me straight after my post which shows it clearly not up for discussion but then removed, which shows a mistake was made
  5. thinking about it you made a good point there, in which case the current method is fine
  6. Good luck with the job Steve and marriage, been married for 5 years now (since age 16) and its something you cant replace. I will PM you later after work in regards to specifics, and would not like to see this thread become the same as the othrs. and the suggesstion above is a good idea, mods for different areas, ive seen it on other sites and it works well.
  7. I agree with,this forum would not work if member had a say in what happened or not, and i do support mods, as the work there put in is not know by many of us. However mods do have to conduct in an appropriate way, and if one mod gets stipped due to issues and another mod doesnt, where is the fairness in that?
  8. This matter was going to be closes untill you came out with that outburst Bazza, Its clear and in my opinion you are not fit to be a mod thats my op and im entitled to it, so please dont question it. I will be writing a PM to Steve this evening, mentioning that you have done the same as some as the accusations put against Wozza. Also commenting on this very thread (unless its deleted) on how you acted as a Mod. Anyone who would like to support me please PM me, this is not a witch hunt Bazza against you its just similiar to what was done to Wozza
  9. I second that, And I recognise that this thread would have been sorted in the first few posts, If Wozza got stipped for his dubious comments and posts, what about Bazza? I am sure this is not the first.
  10. I still do believe that Bazza needs to take a hard look at this thread and recognise where he went wrong, as some of his replies and comments were completly unappropriate as a Mod.
  11. I personally think this matter can now be closed, we've heard from Wozza and Bazza, and its clear that LOC will not provide any specifics to Wozza, And in regards to my warning and someone getting banned. it is clear that Bazza was out of order issuing it, of which he has clearly admitted by removing the warning, in regards to the ban, i have no idea who has been banned and for what reason
  12. You are right Pathiban, and what you stated it completly correct, and I agree and have done from the start that the Mods need to explain to Wozza what exactly the complaints were about for him to learn for the future, as Pathiban said its natural to want to know. However, with Bazza so far avioding having to do this, leads to alot of suspicion...........
  13. when i say cover up, i mean the office assaulting without cause, not the death, until its proven by doctors and scientists theres no reason to link the death with the attack just pure coincendine, and im sorry, you would be angry if that happened as well as questioning your own stupidiy for being there in the first instance
  14. I look forward to your reply Bazza
  15. so you wouldnt mind being hit with a baton to your legs and then pushed down? when walking with you hands in ur pockets and head down, even though you were obstructing theres no need for that, you know that........... my issue is the where the media have linked his death to the incident
  16. i would love to see pics of is220/is250 on a is200, anyone has any?
  17. demand? we just going in circles here you got a PM from me if i was rude again why do i still just see 10% warn?
  18. what i say was an unprovoked attack on the guy from a polic office, yes i agree i would have not been walking in that area at that time if i was not involve, and maybe there was no link to the heart attack, but still that officer went over the top
  19. then please feel free to leave Bazza, im not here to please you, as you gave ur opinion i gave mine, im here for the community, a community which in my honest opinion would not need you as a mod. ive enjoyed this forum as a lexus owner to a non lexus owner, i even became Gold after a crashed the lexus. Giving an suggestion for me to leave is damn rude and its those comments which make visitors loose there confidence in you.
  20. And just because ive been here for 9 months but with still over 700 posts, i cant comment on your ability with modding a forum, as its clear to all visitors to this thread and how you go about doing things. I am very tempting to start a new thread with a poll in regards to mods.............
  21. you have been here a matter of months you havent a clue about what sort of mod i am if you want to see a vote join rabsters forum i have considered it , it stays ! as you believed i was being rude, I believe that you are not an appropriate mod for this forum or any others, just by your involvement in this thread, need i say anymore? and in regards to the warning, its clear that you not going to remove it cause you have ignored clearly what was stated in that post, of which Steve I am sure will cleary see.
  22. Dont hold your breath, anyhow thats it from me tonight, missed the apprentice tonight for this thread and well worth it, just goes to show what sort of mod Bazza is, I would like to see a vote in regards to mods, Look forward to Bazza considering my request to remove my warning.
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