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Everything posted by Saraj

  1. very nice car mate, and very jealous
  2. very nice car mate, and very jealous
  3. oright cool, just interested to know, i know nothing about the mechs of a car but the basics lol
  4. just another scam by the government to get money out of us, like them all
  5. so its not important what DOT you put in aslong its not less then 4?
  6. what you get lined up next? looks amazing with all fitted in
  7. the brake fluid cap, on the is200, states Dot 4, i bought Dot 4 but dont need it anymore all 5 litres of it, is this a must in a is200?
  8. i would switch the Sky off as well, but run the risk, of missing any save recording schedule, the times and date from as far as am aware stay the saem
  9. looking good mate, how much did the custom rad cost if you dont mind me asking?
  10. oright its interesting to know, specially on the late is200/300
  11. Yh I have my Sky+ on a separat socket and the rest of the 6 applainces on a extension surge protected and at night i switch the extension off and only sky remains on, i switch everything off standby, execpt for my fridge/freezer. But i hate the buzzing of the sky+ box lol I would defo let Virgin know, as it could be a wide problem
  12. yh welcome back, hopefully family gets better, and have a nice summer !
  13. oright, so the IS220 / IS250 dont have them, i would have thought there would
  14. on the later IS's are there 6k? as standard
  15. on the lexus i think its two year for the wheels, but worth a ring
  16. thats a question which ones did u have and ur mates, if its 10k, then yh you would get flashed, 6k are fine
  17. Is this the S or SE, yh defo change the alloys, even the 5 spoke ones are decent iin my opinion, otherwise very nice car
  18. yh ive been flashed a few time, and all i did was what Stav did just turned it down on the leveler internally,
  19. I am going to have to try this, on my astra, wouldnt be arsed about claying it, but just worth the try to see the results and alot cheaper
  20. defo looks good ! i like that, just for the look lol
  21. the noise would put me right off, as its described, hate noisey engines
  22. looks good and imrpoves cooling, lean something every day
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