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Everything posted by knitware

  1. I wonder if anyone, anywhere has had a Hybrid Lexus battery change? If someone had a problem with their hybrid battery I would guess that Lexus would 'quietly' change it. It wouldn't look good for Lexus selling this hybrid technology if a replacement part as integral as the battery needed replacing every 5-6 years. Does anyone here know of anyone replacing a hybrid battery, or motor? And if you do know of a change, was the customer charged? Just a thought provoking question...............maybe.... <_<
  2. Second part of rule 201 below!!! The Highway Code 200-203: Reversing 200 Choose an appropriate place to manoeuvre. If you need to turn your vehicle around, wait until you find a safe place. Try not to reverse or turn round in a busy road; find a quiet side road or drive round a block of side streets. 201 Do not reverse from a side road into a main road. When using a driveway, reverse in and drive out if you can. Oh ok, I thought you suggested reversing into a drive because of engine/gearbox preservation or some other idea. I live at the end of a road with no through traffic so I suppose 201 doesn't really apply to me.
  3. Hi, So "Does the fanned seats blow AC air, or ambient air", sorry to hyjack but i'd like to know this answer too!?
  4. The cold weather reduces MPG by quite a lot, more than you could imagine. Longer warm up times, heaters, electric seat warmers, aircon working harder, lights on longer etc. Your mpg figures do seem to have dropped by quite a lot but I'd wait until the weather picks up and make another comparison. This looks a little suspect - "highway cruising at 75-80 the current mpg gauge used to always sit between 50-60" the mpg values look on the high side.
  5. Hi, I reversed the car, full lock, making note of any noises, the car was cold and so were the tyres. I could not hear any noise that you described. I can only assume it is not a normal characteristic of the GS, not on my car anyway! I'd seek a second opinion from another Lexus dealer. Dave, why is it advisable to reverse into a drive rather than reverse out of a drive?
  6. Thanks for your reply Dave, it seems that the main dealer is willing to unravel this deal, but it is a shame because it is otherwise a very nice car. As I regularly reverse off the road onto my drive I am constantly reminded that things are not as I would wish Hi, I have an 05 GS. I'll try this in the morning and report back. I must admit though I do reverse out of my drive daily and do not hear any noise, not that I've noticed anyway. I'll try a full lock reverse tomorrow.
  7. Hello. I have an 05 GS too, this is how I set up my car phone bluetooth thingy. I sent the car, via my phone, a business card with all my numbers. I have a Nokia N96. Contacts-mark all-send as business card-bluetooth-(finds car) - send I now have my phone numbers in the car. When you enter the car the car should make a connection with the phone, do you see this message on the car display? If you do all is good. Before you start the car, have the ignition on and go through the car phone set up and select which no's you want as speed dial. I have 2, home and wife. You can use these speed dial no's on the move but you can't go through your phone book whilst driving. I think you can use voice command to do that but I haven't used it so not sure. Maybe someone can explain this. Hope this helps a little.
  8. At last, someone else who has had this experience, scary isn't it! It's not happened since the snow and ice has melted. Like you I have driven auto's for years but I have never had this happen before. Exactly as you say, " just at the instant you expect the front wheels to come to a complete stop at less than 1 mph, the rear wheels try to keep driving". it must be something to do with anti-roll backwards down the hill technology. It has to be this along with icy conditions, the rear wheels grip, the front wheels skid, heart in mouth time as you see a wall coming closer! (although very slowly) I'm going to Lexus tomorrow, I shall ask them about this. What I do now is very, very slowly creep up the drive, and as I say since the ice has gone it seems to be ok. I shall let you know what Lexus say tomorrow. Thanks for replying, it has made me feel better. PS-With us being new owners it could be a case of us not knowing our cars yet.
  9. The above posts are a good observation. I only travelled for about 10 mins, not enough time for the engine to warm to it's optimum. I noticed the engine revs were high on tick-over, about 1500 rpm, when I was at a stop at the beginning of my drive. I think that it was the high tick-over revs that caught me out when I released pressure from the brake that caused the car to surge. I'm going to see Lexus on Tuesday so i'll ask them to take a peek. When my engine is cold, as expected, the revs are higher than when the car is warm. When the aircon kicks in, with a warm engine, should the revs remain the same, eg 900-1000 rpm? If the revs increase when aircon is added does this indicate a problem? Thanks for your advise chaps!
  10. Any response is welcome! I hope it is the problem, I will check it now!!!!!!! I checked the mat, It's not the mat, it's clear of the pedal, I wish it as the mat. Thanks though. :(
  11. Hello. I shall try and explain this ‘problem’ as best as I can. This has happened twice since I bought the car last week and it scares the s*** out of me. Today, coming home from the shops I line the car up with my driveway and prepare to drive up it. My driveway has a slight incline. I am doing about 2-3mph if that. My foot is off the gas and I’m slowing the car and keeping control with the foot brake. I’m creeping up the incline nice and slow when the car’s revs increase and the car surges forward, (remember, my foot is OFF the gas), towards my house wall! I slam the brakes hard, enough for the ABS to click a few times. I then come to a halt. I look at my wife, she looks at me, and we both say’ what the f was that’. What the hell is going on? If the car’s rear wheels detect loss of traction, it is a bit slippy out there, do the electronics compensate somehow and give some revs? I can’t believe this to be the case as my foot is off the gas and on the brakes, why would the car lunge me forward? My action is to ring Lexus in the morning, they may know of this problem. I’m also going to ring the garage I bought the car from. Do I have to give them chance to investigate; I don’t see how they could as they don’t have the Lexus tech. gear. My wife was in the car with me, she isn’t impressed, and quite scared. It has never happened anywhere else, just going slow into my drive, twice. Does anyone here have any ideas? Would Lexus be able to get a diagnosis from the car? If Lexus were to investigate this would cost money, would the garage pay for this work? Any help very much appreciated! :(
  12. Hi I have a Mk3 GS300, a different animal to the RX but I'd thought I'd comment. I had to be somewhere on Monday, there was heavy snow in the drive but I thought 'hey ho, rear wheel drive and a snow button, what's the problem'. I reversed out of my drive, slight incline but all ok. I turned the steering wheel to turn left, I went forward, I turned the wheel right, I went forward again, I couldn't go anywhere but straight forward or straight back. I thought sod this and wheel spun my way up the drive, parked up and cancelled my meeting. I had no traction to the front wheels and I presumed electronics would cure the problem, they didn't. I don't blame the car at all, I love it. I blame my tyres, winter tyres would help but what is the point. My driving skills could be inproved with respect to driving on snow but again what's the point. For the amount of snow we have in England I shall simply stay indoors and cope without a car for a few days. When I realised I couldn't drive in a controlled manner I put the car to bed. All the people driving their cars, skidding, sliding and being a danger to themselves and others must have known as soon as they set off that they could be in trouble. Why not park up and have a cuppa, where do people have to be that so important.
  13. What age of Mk3 have you got? Edit, sorry just read your signature stuff, 05 I assume! Haven't had anything about my October 08 car so far. It is a MK3 GS 2005. I'm not sure if the recall is for all MK3 GS models made or just for certain cars determined by year of manufacture. I'll find out more Thursday though and report. It might be worth a bell to your local dealer.
  14. Yep, My GS450h was in last week and they asked me to book in again for the recalls Malc Hi What are the recalls specifically? Did they change anything on your car? How long did the repairs, if any, take? Edit - I've just read your post again, you haven't had the work done yet so you won't know how long it takes, oops. Mines in Thursday so I'll post here with results.
  15. Hello again. I've just had a call from a Lexus dealer asking me to take my car in to check it for recall work. Apparently its the rear brake callipers and steering rack. Has anyone else been in for this to be checked on their cars - MK3 GS range. I'm just curious that's all!
  16. Hi. I have just bought a 2005 MK3 GS from Direct Cars. My Mrs bought an A class there last year and the buying experience is a good one. There isn't much of a deal to be done on the screen price but they are keenly priced cars. I picked up a 1 owner, FLSH, 22,000 mile GS300 SE for under £15k. At the time of looking this was the best deal in the country! They do have quite a few IS's in stock. There is a very nice black 250 auto for sale there! I think that Direct Cars have sourced a lot of these cars at auction, mine was as it says Manheim on the number plate, a bit of a give away. My question was, why would Lexus not try to sell these cars on their forecourt or do they have too many to shift at the moment?
  17. I prefer the MK3 GS over the MK2 IS as well, I'll be sure to keep an eye out next time I'm in the Sheffield area :) I'll be in a Mk3 GS wearing a stupid grin! Is it proper to wave at fellow Lexus drivers? If I spot another GS driver do I wave, nod or hoot?! ^_^
  18. I've been thinking about this. I'm sure now that I must have entered into a (very slow) slide due to me applying the brakes too hard. With the car sliding the abs came on when I re-applied the brakes. I have only had the car a few days so I'm not used to it, scared the crap out of me though. I must say, I was only doing about 2mph, so I wasn't dangerously out of control!
  19. Hi. I was looking at both the IS and GS but chose the GS and picked it up last Friday! What swayed it for me were a few things. When you sit in the IS look at the back seats, not much room. Take a look in the boot, not, in my opinion, enough space for luggage for two. These two points may not be a concern to you, however, drive both cars and you will find that another difference will become apparent. The GS is a great car to drive, I'm not saying that the IS is a bad car, far from it, it's fantastic, it's just different. I preferred the GS and I think part of this was due to the engine. The 3ltr with 6 speed auto box is amazing, effortless, quiet & sophisticated, I fell for it straight away. Also the GS is a rare sight on our roads, people do look and admire, and you will feel great driving it. I chose silver with Ivory leather. The coupe like profile is something to behold, simply beautiful. Or you could buy an IS......... :D
  20. Do u still love it 2day in the snow Funny you should ask that! I switched the auto box to snow mode and a funny thing happened. I've a slight incline to my drive and when going up it, slowly, the car didn't stop! It seemed like the rear wheels griped, must have sensed a slipping wheel, and dug in moving me up the incline. Thing is the car kept moving, I had the brakes on hard, ASB kicked in and I put the hand brake on too. i stopped millimetres from a wall! This really supprised me, how does the 'snow mode' work? Does it sense a slide and add traction? It was probably doing what it should have been but in future i'll not use this feature!
  21. Hello! just a quick update. This car is FANTASTIC! I can't help but have a stupid grin on my face when I'm driving it, is this normal? I love it when people look at it, quite rare I suppose, like the guy at the fuel station staring at it while he filled his Passat up! It's so smooth & quiet, there are no squeaks from the dash as stated in the first post I wrote, they seemed to have disappeared, it's whisper quiet. It is simply wonderful and to top it off I took out a new insurance policy, going from an old Laguna group 9 ins to a group 16 ins has seen an increase of only £120, how does that work? I guess Lexus drivers don't crash as much as Renault drivers! Super car, love it.
  22. According to THIS LIST you should be OK. When I did a bulk transfer using my Sony it was a fiddle but I can't remember exactly how I did it. I'm sure it dropped the bluetooth connection like yours did. I have a feeling you have to have the car and phone not connected, set the car up to receive, then send using the handset. Malc Hello, I have just bought a 05 GS with bluetooth this is how I set my phone up, it could work for you too. Once you've made your bluetooth connection with the car go into your phone contacts, ( I have a nokia N96), mark all - send as business card - via bluetooth - the phone should then find the car - send card, done. Hope this helps.
  23. HI, Thanks for your comments guys! I don't want to walk away from this, amazing, car. I've spent an age looking for the right one and this, in my mind, is the best available for price, history, mileage- 22k! I have had a through check and it is only a squeak from the dash that's only apparent over bumps. The car isn't from Lexus but from a very reputable dealer in Sheffield. I shall look forward to having dealings with Gary & Chris! It sounds like it will make a nice change than dealing with Vauxhall and Renault. My first Lexus! Roll on Friday!
  24. Do you think that they would charge much to take a look and fix the problem with foam or felt?
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