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  1. Hi David Appreciate the advice. Now this makes perfect sense when one has an intermittent electrical issue. Dealers are only just about good for a service. Do you happen to have any pics of where exactly the corroded wire(s) was/were? Would not only be beneficial to me but perhaps others too. I have a sneaky feeling it will happen to me again. I'd rather be prepared. I'm a bit of a geek when it comes to electrics but the wiring system on these motors is confusing. Once again cheers
  2. Cheers Malc. Another side issue I had was the doors would not auto unlock (proximity sensor) when I placed my hand to pull the drivers door handle. AND the start button would not work unless I placed the key right up against the start button. Turns out this was a vehicle setting within the menu system. My son had messed with it the day before! But all is well now. Still loving the LS model 😍
  3. Now this is strange, i picked up the LS from the dealer's and low n behold the volume is back on?? I asked them what they did and they basically said "nothing, it just came back on" So for now the sound is back on after 2 full days of not working at all. Such a shame they 1st said I needed to replace the full radio for £8.6k and then it comes back on. Dealers are a waste of time imo. So "for now" I'm happy 😊
  4. Cheers Mark. I'm collecting it from the dealers this evening, They've serviced it. Ill try what you have suggested. I wonder where the amplifier on mine is located? Ill update you later 🙂
  5. I've had the car for just under a month. Radio, bluetooth, SAT nav etc were all working fine, the sound system was awesome, Mark Levison set up (standard). All of a sudden the volume just stopped working. I've tried "everything" but to no avail. Has anyone experienced this in a similar car? I can't find a solution anywhere, apart from someone mentioning an "Amplifier Change" but that was in a different model Lexus. Went to the dealers in London who basically said the whole unit needs replacing?! £8.6k!!!! This my 4th LS and I've never had any issues prior to this current one I have. So annoyed 😞 Any help is appreciated 🙂
  6. Squeaky brakes can be down to the following reasons 1/ rust on the edges of disc 2/ cheap or worn pads 3/ cheap discs 4/ metal dust trapped inbetween the disc and caliper Personally, I would clean my discs and remove all metal dust and copper grease up and refit. Should do the trick.
  7. Welcome to the Lexus forums LS600hl :)

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