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Posts posted by legendswraith

  1. post-9117-1227027177.jpg

    So the blue ones gone this is what i'm going to play with for a while. I did desperately want a supra but it was really hard to get 2 kids in the back and the missus in the front, so i went for an Aristo instead.

    Lots of goodies going onto this one it already has tein monoflex's, front brace, TRD chassis Braces, HKS intercooler,HKS SSQV bov, TRD LSD, 19" finelli firenza sport alloys and defi boost gauges.

    ITs going to get installed the blitz dual soln boost controller,blitz turbo timer, Walbro pump, Greddy emanage ultimate and hybrid steel turbos+injectors (summer).

    Hopefully after the emanage and boost controller set up i'll be running at 1.2bar with some nice dyno graphs, will push for more power in the summer with the hybrids and uprated injectors etc

  2. ..... The virtual tour works well on "full screen".

    There's a few sections to add yet, like the images from the club meets, a gallery of unusual cars and our sponsored track cars.

    All comments good or bad are welcomed :)

    Very slick tony like it. However the virtual tour does make you feel a bit seasick with the 360's and wobbles a bit like a head full of LSD (so i'm told). Other than that its good grabs your attention and keeps it.

    One thing though


    that needs a caption competition :D

  3. Hello all,

    I've only just joined the site and must say how very impressed I am. I'll be honest and say I know pretty much nothing about cars in general except that I love mine! So I'm sorry if I ask very basic questions.

    However, I have a problem and need some help:

    In the last year the contents of my car has been robbed twice. I don't know how they do it as there is no forced entry -its like some c**t has got a key fob to my car and helps himself in the middle of the night to whatever I leave in it!

    I have checked with Lexus and they have confirmed this is highly unlikely, -I have all three keys for the car. -Does anyone know how they get in, and more importantly what can I do to stop them? Does it work on frequency or something and have they got a special remote maybe?

    Also, when you press the lock button twice and lights flash five times what does that mean?

    I have a 1998 IS 200 by the way.

    Thank you for your help in advance!


    Its actually quite easy you can do it with a palm handheld and a piece of software that learns from having the control pointed at it. I used to put all my remotes onto the palm including the tv and the cars. If its someone doing that then its someone who hangs around or is local.

  4. Those cambers are deep aren't they, i assume your getting adjusters for the front as well...... Anyway how much did it cost?

    yes will be adjustment all round but the main thing is it now feels safe price was £200 and i was there for about 4 hours. Problem is now i've forgotten the name of the camber adjusters i was supposed to look at :tomato:

    He also mentioned you Tony said you had some interesting conversations lol i bet theres a protractor and a slide rule in there somewhere ;)

  5. Well the geometry is done and dusted and my god was it needed. The car no longer feels like its trying to kill me and its not a constant fight with the steering on a knifedge ( center of gravity called the rear set up a widowmaker )

    Spent 4 hours with Chris at CoG setting up the car and was well impressed, his knowledge and thoroughness in the evaluation and set up was superb and he was more than happy to talk me through the alterations and what i wanted to use the car for.

    I haven't really had the chance to try it out fully yet as i'm still a bit hesitant due to the handling prior to the geo and the fact the back alloys aren't the correct ones until i get a replacement, but the car is well planted now goes where its aimed and no longer fights me for direction.

    If you live in the midlands area i would recommend Center of Gravity without hesitation.

    the end results are attached the only caveat to it is i need to get some camber adjusters for the rear in the future as the adjustment was at max to dial out the camber



  6. The US was another market that got battered by imports offering better reliability. A real shame because some amazing cars came out of the US motor industry, especially the classics of the 60's and 70's. But when the imports came offering reliability, more efficient engines and better economy, they got hammered. Plus for some reason American car styling seemed to fail miserably past about 1975, the trash they threw out in the late 70's and 80's was unbelievable

    The best selling car in the USA has been the Toyota Camry for years, mad when you think how many cars of that class they make in the USA.

    What's always amazed me about the UK is that I could never understand how so many people bought French cars in preference to UK cars. OK German cars offer solid build quality (not necessarily reliability), Japanese cars offer reliability, but in the pecking order of car making countries, I would never say French were better than British!

    You seem to be under the illusion we still have a british car industry :P

    Problem is now all the british cars are owned by foreign companies there are very few left that are "all" british only one of note i can think of atm is morgan

  7. My remote key (single button type) has worn to the point that the button keeps coming away. The removable cover part is ok, its the part that seems to be fixed to the key blade that needs replacing

    I have a second key which is in mint condition and would like to transfer the case to my key.

    Alternatively, could I get this key reprogrammed to suit my car or will it only fit the ignition lock of the car it came from.

    Does anyone know if this can be done or has done it themselves?

    you should be able to transfer it keith as long as its the same fob type my mk1 key has the same problem they split around the button. The fix to it is to stop lifting the tailgate up with the key ;)

    Bit late i know but as they say better late than never

  8. Austin has been back for a while has somethinga touch quicker then a standard GS....... :whistling:

    just saw this alright keith how the devil are you. Still ahve the original GS atm but its being broken for parts (lots still there :whistling: ) and going due to it being battered around the car park by idiots and the arse falling out of the car market. Have a jz161 v300 aristo now which i'm plugging my cash into. Still sorry to see the old GS go though put alot of effort into that car and if it wasn't for the fact that it was cheaper to buy the aristo than upgrade the mk1 i would have kept the GS

  9. What would be your recommendations on tyres? Toyo T1R's?

    I think Tony now recommends the F1 Asymmetrics now that the GSD3's are discontinued (I will be getting some F1A's fitted on Saturday). The T1R's are still a good choice.

    Is that with me :huh:

    hot topic with me atm as i have to replace 4 tyres due to negative camber :tsktsk: i'm going for pirelli p0 corsas for a change normally i would opt for the toyo t1rs but found the corsas cheap and atm with getting the emanage, ebc, geo, turbo timer and the rolling road map spending £250 a corner wasn't an option.

    To answer the question though recommendation and price are what decides tyre purchase for me also previous experience with similar brand tyres

  10. Fines have been given out for this for many years, police just dont care normally. I know someone who was always let off as they just blamed the auto lights an didn't realise the fogs where connected to it. ;) Just a petty fine like the numberplates one I read recently, who's to say I cant be stopped every night an they say I had them on when I didn't if theres no proof.

    They certainly dont dazzle as much as many 4x4 or truck drivers lights so I find that excuse total non-sense, I don't use them when not needed due to fact I cant afford to get caught by a bored plod. So in theroy there fines are working ;) against me anyway lol..

    Never understood the neon rules, the lights are shining under the car, they are not hurting anyone.

    heard of this before it all comes down to whether or not it says in the manual "driving lights" i have a set of LED "driving lights" hard wired into the mains. I agree with everyone else on this the lights on higher wheelbased vehicles are much more dazzling than fogs etc, again its just another revenue generation exercise funded by the motorist and another statistic to add to the roster. If there was the policeman around i'd ask him if it counted towards detected crimes but i haven't seen him in ages

  11. For The Fallen

    With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,

    England mourns for her dead across the sea.

    Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,

    Fallen in the cause of the free.

    Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal

    Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres,

    There is music in the midst of desolation

    And a glory that shines upon our tears.

    They went with songs to the battle, they were young,

    Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.

    They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted;

    They fell with their faces to the foe.

    They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

    Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn.

    At the going down of the sun and in the morning

    We will remember them.

    They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;

    They sit no more at familiar tables of home;

    They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;

    They sleep beyond England's foam.

    But where our desires are and our hopes profound,

    Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,

    To the innermost heart of their own land they are known

    As the stars are known to the Night;

    As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,

    Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain;

    As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,

    To the end, to the end, they remain.

  12. Understood Mat.

    I have always held the firm belief that as a nation, we should support our Armed Services in whatever

    operation/conflict they bare involved in, completely regardless to our personal political position on the

    rights or wrongs of the operation/conflict. We should just wish our men & women godspeed on a safe return.

    I know it's an old chestnut, but bringing back National Service would open many of our younger citizens eyes.

    Great sentiments its just a shame that you are in the minority of people with them.

    I used to have great pride in my country, my service (RAF) and the principles/ethos of the armed forces. Unfortunately as those still in the mob will agree our forces have become more politicised amongst the upper ranks and to get to those upper ranks you need to be a political animal. Nevertheless as has been stated the reason of the poppy is to remember the sacrifices of those in conflicts and the courage and honour behind their actions.

    To all those in ops at the minute i sincerely hope they get home safe and soon

  13. What about Drury lane in Manchester is that too far away?

    Should be about £100.


    About 100 miles to WIM. Manchester must be about the same distance.

    its not the distance its the etime taken to get there and the fact i have no opportunity due to being absolutely maxed out with projects at work

    in an ideal world without a doubt it would be a trip to wim. Theres every chance when i get the opportunity i'll go get it double checked there anyhow

  14. Personally would make the trip to WIM but if you don't want to do the mileage there's a place called centre of gravity in atherstone

    thats handy as i live in tamworth cheers for that. I would prefer to go to tony bones but this is kinda an emergency i don't want to be putting more rubber on with this type of wear

    Whats the going rate for a 4 wheel alignment and adjust on all 4 wheels ?

  15. Personally would make the trip to WIM but if you don't want to do the mileage there's a place called centre of gravity in atherstone

    thats handy as i live in tamworth cheers for that. I would prefer to go to tony bones but this is kinda an emergency i don't want to be putting more rubber on with this type of wear

  16. Hi there

    We had this same problem when a front spring on our Sport broke, £275 for a pair of front springs!! Stupid if you ask me. Anyway a company called Envy Performance in Northumberland can get either RSR or H&R performance lowered springs for this car. The H&R items we fitted not only retained the original GS300 Sport ride hight but has transformed the ride and handling from being harsh and skippy to complient but firm. It handles better to boot.

    The RSR are £180 and the H&R are around £230, both prices are for a set of 4.

    Have fun


    Martin Foreman

    will the normal gs eibachs not fit onto the sport then?

  17. Desperately need the geometry sorting on the risto as the wear on the rears is awful to say the least, don't think its ever been corrected post coilovers and 19s. So i am looking for a good and reputable place to go in the birmingham/coventry area.

    Also to do a proper geo check do the wheels you intend to run need to be on the car as one of the rears blew today and the alloy buckled so do i need to wait post refurb.

  18. Haha you'll probaby have to pay extra :D What you done to yours now then mate?

    my original 147 is no more, its about to be sent to the car park in the sky i now have an v300 with a few odds and sods on it hks fmic, fujitsubu legalis zaust, coilovers all the good stuff but i'm going to uprate the turbo's soon so i wanted a piggyback to handle it when i got there. Its a process of gathering atm prior to the fit and i am trying not to miss anything

  19. Pete and the guys at Thor know a bit or two about these, after all I bought my Aristo off him :D

    If you're there see if the V8 Supra is about, that thing sounds lovely!!

    so if i mention your name will i get a discount or have to pay double?


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