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Posts posted by legendswraith

  1. What do you mean updates?

    All you need is the emanage and full harness, a MAP sensor and thats it.

    Though your right a wideband AFR is a good idea. I recommend the AEM one. (but any wideband with a linear 0-5v output.)

    Whats a good price? lol

    285 quid for the ultimate :D one of the reasons i am going for it is thor is about 25 min away from me so the mapping is not a problem. I assumed the knock sensor wasn't needed but wasn't a100% so i thought it best to enquire. Basically the emanage will go in soon to prep ready for a turbo upgrade, if i lay the foundations now it prevents swearing at the car later.

    TBH i was very tempted by the fcon v pro but i'm not going to go mad with it (yet) if it has to go that way in the future then i'll consider it then. I'm well aware its a piggyback but i have no need for anything more currently don't want to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut. As for the wideband the AEM one is is the one i am looking at

    I meant has there been any more news from the emanage install not if it had a firmware update etc lol

    Ah i c, well once he'd put the ignition on the right Voltage i beleive it was all ok.

    I assume 285 is for a brand new one?

    i got a secondhand one (only a month old though) for £75 lol now thats a bargain.

    Thor appear to be good, hope it all goes well.

    Yes its for a new one but £75 lol now thats a deal. I had read about the ignition voltage problems already and sent an email to Thor about it and they seem pretty clued up. As for other EMS/piggybacks its a question of cost this is a trial of sorts if i like what i get then i'll push more into it

  2. What do you mean updates?

    All you need is the emanage and full harness, a MAP sensor and thats it.

    Though your right a wideband AFR is a good idea. I recommend the AEM one. (but any wideband with a linear 0-5v output.)

    Whats a good price? lol

    285 quid for the ultimate :D one of the reasons i am going for it is thor is about 25 min away from me so the mapping is not a problem. I assumed the knock sensor wasn't needed but wasn't a100% so i thought it best to enquire. Basically the emanage will go in soon to prep ready for a turbo upgrade, if i lay the foundations now it prevents swearing at the car later.

    TBH i was very tempted by the fcon v pro but i'm not going to go mad with it (yet) if it has to go that way in the future then i'll consider it then. I'm well aware its a piggyback but i have no need for anything more currently don't want to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut. As for the wideband the AEM one is is the one i am looking at

    I meant has there been any more news from the emanage install not if it had a firmware update etc lol

  3. Hi Guys and gals

    I have a problem with my Gs 300 sport, I have noticed a "jolt" feeling through the steering wheel and the wheel moves slightly when the brakes are applied.

    It only happens while the car is moving forward and the brakes applied, if you reverse the car and apply the brakes this does not occur.

    It has just passed through the MOT which I thought would highlight this issue, but as he passed it I assumed the car is safe to drive?

    It feels like it is coming from the n/s front wheel, but I can not be sure of this.

    Anyone had this happen to their car? and what was the cure? :tomato:



    Sounds like a sticking caliper to me i had a similar problem on a normal jz147, i stripped and rebuilt the calipers and that cured it. As long as you take it steady it should be safe (if it is the caliper) but be wary in case it snatches. I have a spare caliper around somewhere but i am not sure which side

  4. Any updates on this as i've jsut got hold of an ultimate at a verrrrrrrrrrrry good price and i am curious as to what sensors to purchase in addition, whether it is for now or future use. I am assuming a good wideband is a good idea however not too sure about the map and knock sensors

  5. Sounds way over the top.

    if the engine isthe same as the mk1 then you have to take the throttle bodies off to get to the plugs. So you will be charged about an hour for that then the plugs and the cambelt. You are looking between 80-120 for the cambelt change, probably 35-40 for the plugs from the garage and the rest is the cost of the throttle body removal.

    I'd do the plugs myself if i were you it isnt hard and the ik16 plugs are cheap from the US eBay ;)

  6. Nuneaton road on way to Mancetter- about 4:30 today.

    Right behind cop van that appeared to be pulling certain people in.

    well mines the only silver one i've seen around that way and as its between my mums and tamworth where i live it was probably me. And its a aristo v300 not a GS teh blue mk1 is poorly

  7. well if its not rotten now then it won't get any worse. If its that bad just get some replacement nuts and bolts, i changed alot of mine for dome headed ones purely for looks. I'd only be really worried if the underside looked suspect.

    I assume you have given the underside a good jetwash

    Underside looks tip-top, so it is purely cosmetic as far as I can tell.

    Sources for replacements - dealer or internet for those?

    eBay look up chrome dome head nuts/bolts they arent that expensive and i'd bet on most being m6 m8 or m10 threads

    someone will know as i can guarantee you someone has counted them all :D

  8. n764265036_4456793_9590.jpg




    Yes, I'm feeling all smug about the car...

    However, I have noticed that the car has 'corrosion' on the calipers and inside the engine bar on the various nuts etc.

    Now, the car came from the Brighton area, and the previous owner lived in Shoreham-by-Sea.

    Should I be overly concerned about any corrosion type problems, baring in mind the car has spend time in a salty / wet environment?

    well if its not rotten now then it won't get any worse. If its that bad just get some replacement nuts and bolts, i changed alot of mine for dome headed ones purely for looks. I'd only be really worried if the underside looked suspect.

    I assume you have given the underside a good jetwash

  9. If you had purchased £1000 of Northern Rock stock one year ago, it would be worth £4.95 today.

    With HBOS, you would have £16.50 left of the original £1000

    With XL Leisure, you would have less than a fiver.

    And if you had purchased £1000 of Seguro Air Lines stock, you would have a measly 49p.

    However, if you had purchased £1000 worth of stella one year ago, drank the lot of it, then re-cycled the cans at an aluminium plant for a cash refund, you would have £21.40.

    And so, based on the above information, the best current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle......

    I like the way you think

  10. Bugger thats that plan out the window.

    lol jut throwing more fuel in won't help you need to get air fuel ratio up. Increasing injectors is handy when you are using forced induction as you throw alot more air in therefore require more fuel to keep the ratio constant and not lean out too much.

    What exactly are you looking for and what have you done already to your motor

  11. Easiest way around this is to report every small piece of damage you see to a road surface and get everyone doing it could be quite a campaign actually, i'm pretty sure as soon as they are aware then a stopwatch starts as to when the council/highways agency have to react.

    Anyway regardless of that as long as its reported if they then choose to ignore it if anyone then hits that pothole/bump/furrow then they are liable, and in this letigious society i'm pretty sure eventually they will figure it out that its cheaper to fix the roads.

    Also do not be fobbed off by the inspection thing if the work is bad there are standards as to how the work is done if its not up to standard then the company who carried it out is liable and if the council inspected it, then guess whos liable ;)

    ITs speed humps that get my goat more than pot holes though i've ground the bottom of the car on those more often than any problems with pot holes can. considering "The shape of speed control humps are strictly regulated. They must be between 50mm and 100mm high, at least 2.75m long and extend over the full width of the road" i haven't seen many legal ones either.

    So unless this control changes between local authorities then the first time you catch your bumper or anything else i'd put a claim in.

    I might even ring a few of the midlands councils to get their official line on it then tell them they have to rip every speed hump up or be liable for damage

  12. Aero industry is plummeting in the civil side cost of avtur and airport fees, boeing and airbus getting it soooooooooo wrong on their super liners and generally people cutting back on their spending, less holidays less flights less hours on the ECU (engine change unit) less overhauling.

    However my side which is military is doing great we are looking at expansion due to a few things.

    This is a 10 year cycle though and aero industry see it alot more than anyone else so we can kind of predict the downturns . Don't know what it is but there always seems to be something every decade that does for the economy, nevertheless people should really have seen this one coming and all the banks, goverments and estate agents have been hugely irresponsible in letting this occur.

    Personally i think there will be a 33-35% reduction in the house prices, i may get sneered at but then i predicted the credit crunch and got told it would never happen and i should go buy a house. In a way i want to be smug about it because i stand to gain alot should it really bottom out, but i have friends who bought houses at the peak and i can see them struggling which isn't so good. Think the best thing to do at the minute is hang in and take solace in the fact the wheel will turn again

  13. Had the same problem on my mk1 when i changed the plugs its usually that the caps on the leads havent seated right. The other thing that causes a strange idle is the vacuum tube o nthe top of the throttle body that sits under the strut brace (if you have one) the pies around this split very easily and the tube gets bent and distorted if thats got crushed in that will give an erratic idle

  14. Hey up fellas hows tricks, well its been a fairly busy 18 months my side which is why i've not been around the forums. Still some names around i recognise so anyone want to fill me in on what i've missed, the abridged version pls :D

    Well the lex is tired and tatty as well atm so will be getting sold or broken soon and i have replaced it with a V300 tt which is tons of fun. So there will be quite a few odds and ends going soonish ;)

  15. Well due to my father not paying attention when backing out the drive i need a new front bumper again :tsktsk:

    I am pretty sure that the bumper i have now is beyond economical repair for a bodyshop so i am going to tell them to get hold of a veilside KI front bumper as the prices are pretty much the same. The problem is i cant seem to find a supplier in the uk, at least not for the MK1 gs

    If any of the envy boys are around can you get hold of them

  16. I read the crucifix story in the mail today and had exactly the same response. The powers that be seem orientated towards positive discrimination these days and this is the main cause of all the frustration out there. Personally i couldn't care less if you are white, black, pink, green or purple but i do resent the fact that some minorities get preferential treatment because the authorities are scared they will be called racist or discriminatory.

    As contraversial as it may be i am a great believer in the fact that this is Britain it has its own laws and should not pander to anyone else, just as other countries have their own laws and you should obey them should you visit anywhere abroad. Would any other country have officials forcing people to remove the national flag in case it offended anyone :blink:

  17. Just a quick question please folks, I've bought a replacement bumper for my Aristo off eBay, it's come from a UK GS300, and I need to go and pick it up myself.

    Now, the thing is, can you fit a GS bumper inside the car, does anyone know?

    I don't have a tape measure handy so I can't physically measure up to check, so just wondered if anyone here has ever done this before?

    If not I'm going to need to get hold of a van to transport it down to the bodyshop here ready for painting!

    Thanks in advance :)

    no it doesn't fit not in a MK1 anyway i can prove it will fit in a peugeot 306 wih all the seats down though :D

  18. Okay here we go again

    Car starts brilliant cold or hot, pulls like a train, ticks over ace (you know something is coming don't you), even seems economical 31 mpg last weekend over 250 miles

    Now the symptons, I am driving along all lovely and tickling the throttle at any speed, i floor the throttle and it really hesitates as if its thinking about making its mind up, the engine gives a slight missfire, then the engine thinks yeah why not, and goes for it big time and whoosh away it goes, drives brill again

    If i am up and down the accelerator it never happens but then after cruising again same thing happens i go to accelerate and its really hesitant until it decides its time to go

    any clues anyone ?

    well if its going ok normally then i'd discount the fuel side of it which leaves air and spark.

    have you checked all your vacuum hoses are ok? specifically those around the throttle body if they get crushed or damaged they give you all kinds of weird and wonderful intermittent faults the main culprit is the one right on top of the throttle body on its own especially if you have a strut brace.

    I have a good contact for silicone vacuum hosing too ;)

    I'm still not convinced those leads are 100% either

  19. Excellent news! That's good value for the pins but the clips are expensive!

    I recommend when the pads are changed (or every couple of years) that the sliding pins are cleaned and re-greased. What tends to happen is water gets in causing rust. This then causes wear (leading to the noise) and also may seize the caliper which then warps the disc.

    Do you know the part number for the pins?

    i'll look out the receipt it will be on there will post them up if i find them

  20. It's common for the GS series II front brakes to wear and start to clunk. It's not dangerous but new calipers are needed if you want to get rid of the noise. That's assuming you don't have cheap, badly fitting pads or missing clips/shims.

    actually colin after i asked this question and you suggested the sliding pins i changed them and that got rid of the clunking noises. the pins are £7 each from your local toyota/lexus dealer and the clips are £50 for an axle set, anti rattle shims will set you back about £25

  21. :whistling:

    Any advice or tips on replacing the handbrake shoes & fitting kit on a GS300?

    Is this a DIY possible job without need for specialist tools on a Lexus? (I've done discs/pads before on a number of cars).

    Just had a quote for £221 from a brake centre - the shoes are around £42! Having done quite well with a disc & pad change for £200 (from Kwik Fit) this looks steep for just shoes despite the discs & pads needing to come off.

    Your advice very welcome.


    easy as you like mate. if you ever tried changing drum brakes you can do these.

    Do all the good stuff jack and chock car handbrake off etc.

    Remove caliper completely then throught the two threaded holes in the disc put two good sturdy M6 bolts and use them to press the disc off. This exposes the handbrake shoes which are just like drum brakes. Unhook and replace fitting is the reverse of removal as the legend goes.

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