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Posts posted by dark_is200

  1. Gates open at 8am

    Sign on starts at 9.30am

    Racing starts at 10.00am

    Racing closes 5.00pm

    Thinking of being there for about 9.30 - 10.00 - want to make sure I can sign up for the drag strip.

    Free rides to anyone brave enough.

    :withstupid: :iraqi-info-minister: :sick:

  2. Hiya guys, just like to say this is the best company i dealed with regrading Lexus mod parts....if you want to find out who they are, then..................

    JOIN GOLD.... :D  :D  :D

    the details is in Gold Forum... :D  :D  :D  :yahoo:  :yahoo:  :yahoo:

    sure, no problem...ill go join GOLD for the discount i cant reach! lol :D :lol:

    no need now that you're a platinum member

    sorry :offtopic:

  3. what about that guy who walkeed across the field and then in the middle of it just flopped to the floor and slept their all night.. no sheets, pillows... just the grass!


    dam spotted :lol:

    thought i recognised you from somewhere :yawn:

  4. i always drive with the traction control off - even in the wet. i've got into the habbit of pressing the trac off button everytime i get in the car. if you want to do something more permanent:

    Disabling TRAC by default (from, I don't agree with the knife bit - you don't need it but anyway:

    Use a knife to pry the TRAC switch out of the plastic panel.

    Once the TRAC button is removed use your finger to pull the three switch panel out. This will expose the bolts that hold the stereo head unit in.

    The TRAC switch has four conductors: two are used to power the internal light when the headlights are on, and the other two are triggered by the TRAC disable switch. This switch is a normally open switch. Buy a normally closed switch and swap that for the normally open switch.

    Note that the dash indicator lights may be slightly brighter than normal.

    Please note that this modification will default your TRAC to off when the car is started. The factory default is for TRAC to be on when the car is first started.

  5. should be warm enough to sleep on the ground lol :)

    nothing like the fresh air and peaceful surroundings...

    oops forgot about the other revellers at JAE, maybe a tent it will be :)

    If its' anything like last year you won't be able to sleep anywhere due to the noise from the club, cars and drunk people.

  6. Speaking for myself and am guessing other members of this forum who've posted we have the ability and sense touse tracks (eg Combe), live in Germany (Autobahn) or other locations with non-public roads


    I like the tilting number plate idea.... Very James Bond....

    If I plan on speeding I make sure it is in the safety of a track environment - or the M25 as its more commonly known!


  7. Hope the child is ok ,a lot harder to fix than a car .Am i the only parent on this site I can understand your anger towards motorbikes swerving in and out of traffic etc but it is stated that the girl went to hospital .Lets get our priorites right was she badly injured

    Children shouldn't be cycling in London, I wouldn't want to cycle in London and I'm an experienced mountain biker (5 years of 4 - 6 hours per day). Any parent that lets their child cycle in London is not being a responsible parent.

  8. cyclists and motorbikes :tsktsk: me off

    speak to the police and get the details then take the parents to small claims if they won't pay for the damage

    nearly had an accident with a motorbike yesterday, in the left hand lane, indicating left and just starting to turn when a bike starts to undertake me. i used to stop and let them past but i've given up now, if a bike wants to drive into the side of a turning car its up to them - they will end up having to pay for the damage since undertaking a turning car is a stupid thing to do!

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