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Everything posted by jac114

  1. its a shame you cant get evistas sport.. thats in buy and sell think he wants about 13k well worth a look..his ad craig
  2. 2d tv the matrix sketch where they entered windows had me cracking up.. craig
  3. yes i have and sad to say unless i was doing it wrong.. it was not as good!!! it might be o.k for reletively new seats but as mine are 10 yrs old and i dont think they were ever looked after b4 i got it ..the dirt was really imbedded.. craig
  4. I have been looking into this... Mid april i might be able to get my hands on veilside copy kits.. (from a company in the u.k) I am waiting for more info.. i did post a thread about this and they think it will be in the region of £700 i will post more when i have heard more from them.. craig
  5. there never has been a great amount of group buys for us as there are only a handfull of mk1's on here.. in saying that the recent mths there have been a few more join.. to sya we are out numbered by the IS owners is an understatement there are bits and pieces out there and it takes a bit of searching craig
  6. its not as white as it looks in the pic it still is a baige but it certainly gets out the in grained dirt.. i am impressed with it..
  7. about an hour to do one seat.. must get some more wipes only 25 in the packet i must have used at least 10 on that seat..
  8. and heres the whole seat... ***** my arms are knackered o.k why is j.e.e.z in the profanity
  9. well i say seats but i have just done my drivers seat... have tried many products b4 and they did not seem to work so today i got some leather cleaner and conditioner in a can (bag in a can system ) and some halfords own leather wipes (well impressed with these) anyway heres a pic of one strip in the middle done..
  10. I have just bought a set of halfords own £13 as mine were useless i noticed there previous owner had put on 2 21" blades for a moment i thought halfords had got it wrong so was glad to see they are suposed to be 21" and 19" craig
  11. hmmm yellow inside with outer red ring... sounds like ringworm... or it could be a case of blood poisoning.. need to get a doc out or get to one quick.. your bits might fall off.. (only joking) hope it clears up soon antihisamines are best .. have you eaten oysters by any chance craig
  12. I might upgrade to firefox 8 to see what its like.. how are you finding mozzila.. I think its much better that I.E it does not seem to cockup as much and certainly filters out all the crap popups.. I also like the tab system and toolbars with the built in download manager.. craig
  13. its o.k you are not as some might know i work for a builders merchant and a lady came up to the counter as without thought she said " My husband has sent me down to get as many screws as i can get for a fiver " with a slight pause from myself realizing her wording could have been i said " and are you looking for a short screw or a long one" she then got on the mobile and said "richard do you want a long screw or a short screw" he must have said something to her because next minute she went the brightest shade of red you can imagine and half the builders in the shop where saying that they wish they got phone calls like that.... poor woman did not know here to craig
  14. its o.k I have just sussed it.. and also worked out how to import them back into I.E should i need it.. craig
  15. sorry should have worded it better.. i am trying to save the bookmarks i have in Mozilla firebird.. but cant find a folder in windows where they are all kept.. I had a close call this morning with losing windows and have just managed to get it all back after the registry failed or became corrupted so i have just backed up everything else but cannot find the folders wher all the bookmarks are kept.. craig
  16. can anybody tell me how to back up my favourites in mozilla as i can not find a folder on th pc with them in,... cheers craig
  17. mines worse mate it would be mor like £50.. mine only does about 75miles to £15 worth of fuel.. mind you i only do short trips 2 mile to work and 2 miles back.. and if i do go further its mostly urban with a heavy craig
  18. its not how much it is to get its the 200 mile round trips worth of thats like me going to work and back 50 times lol /.... we shall see what happens..
  19. well i still might make it yet... i am holding out for something to come to me.. it might be a case of sat night i might say sod it lets
  20. steve... I cant make it on sunday much as i would love to i just cant afford it with the other half out of work.. lol i must be the only skint lexus owner... mind you i did find £25 to renew my gold membership...hehe
  21. lol.. i wish i was able to come to gaydon.. but alas wife with no job at mo means i cannot splash out on such luxury craig... but should be really good by JAE..LOL
  22. hope it will do.. would not scan very well craig ps i know nothing about electronics so not sure if this is what you meant..
  23. another angle... and now i know what it can cone up like i shall start doing some more.. i might also start taking of some of the corroded black painted brackets that hold some wires and bits and give them a nice respray... well goto get it looking better than it did at jae last year.. :D
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