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Everything posted by Rabbers

  1. Interesting observations about the trend to thinner but not necessarily weaker body metal. … I recall first noticing this about two decades ago with regard to the bonnet area of the IS200, which I found to have a tendency to give under slight pressure whereas the equivalent sections of a BMW328 I had at the same time stayed rigid. I was a little alarmed by the comparison even though I could feel the IS’s surface springing back to its original form readily enough. My impression has been that the relative flexibility of Lexus’ metal became even more noticeable in later cars like the IS250, IS300h and the RC. I must confess that I have always found the springiness of the RC’s bonnet slightly disturbing while consoling myself with the thought that design and material specifications must have been fully reconciled by the car’s engineers in order to meet official, as well as the house’s own, safety standards.
  2. I’m afraid I can’t help with the name of an alternative supplier to Lexus itself for a new bumper but, to judge by what appears to be the limited area of the damage, don’t you think a good body shop could do an acceptable filling and repainting job?
  3. Probably purchaseable as an accessory I would think.
  4. I’m not sure, Bernard, that we have all been too naive to understand what the Chinese have been doing these past few years. What we and our governments have lacked and continue to lack is the ability to organize an effective and united competitive response. To believe otherwise would be to accept, wrongly, that the Chinese are individually as well as collectively cleverer and more astute than we are.
  5. Interesting that you would want the car identified as AWD. Personally I wouldn’t care one way or the other and, perhaps I’m wrong, but I can’t imagine that many other owners would either. Did Lexus UK’s promotional literature illustrate an LBX with AWD badging (*see note below)? If it did I would think that your dealer would be obliged to provide you with the badge free of charge if you were to insist. (*note) I just had a quick look at some online brochures for Italy and France and couldn’t find any pictures of the LBX with an AWD badge. I test-drove an AWD in Italy some months ago (see my post above) but I honestly can’t remember if was thus badged. I suspect, however, that it wasn’t because, being badged as an Original Edition model, any further lettering would have struck me as a visual overload.
  6. Must admit I’m not well versed on the subject but are there high or low variants? 🤔
  7. Decades ago when potholes were rare on European roads, I used to travel frequently on business to "third world" countries where damage to tyres for which holes were largely to blame was accepted as a simple fact of life by the local motoring populations. On the relatively few occasions when I drove hire cars I managed, thankfully, never to get a flat, simply, I think, as the result of being highly circumspect as well as lucky. Certainly, I never acquired sufficient experience or developed the sort of skill - which would be useful on many European roads today - that enabled some local drivers, especially professional ones, to determine the size, depth and nature of potholes at a glance and then negotiate them accordingly. In this regard, there were - and no doubt still are - two directly conflicting schools of thought. Namely, you either accelerate on approaching a hole in the expectation of "flying" over it or, at worst, merely clipping its edge, or, alternatively, you slow down, sometimes almost to a standstill, and gently steer in and out of it. I suppose the decision depends on finding the right combination of self-confidence and rationality.
  8. Yes, I’m looking forward to switching back to my Conti SC7s next week after driving on winters since last October (as it turned out merely prudentially given the snowless and practically frost-free weather). I have become a firm Conti fan on the basis of the SC7s virtually faultless all-round performance on the RC300h compared to Dunlop SportMaxxes, Bridgestone Potenza 050s and Pirelli PZeros. The Contis are far superior to the Dunlops and Bridgestones in terms of grip, stability and quietness, though only marginally better than Pirellis in just about everything except ride comfort, for which they might be considered a little too firm. If I had to pick one outstanding feature of the Contis I would say it is their ability to transmit a feeling of precision at all speeds.
  9. The different ways in which rice is cooked in various culinary traditions could well be a useful subject for a PhD thesis. Suffice it to say, in the present context, that connoisseurs of risotto consider dishes like paella, pilafs, pulau/biryani and the like, in which the rice is left to take care of itself, to be barbaric. As regards MrsT’s observation, it could be said that her tendency in late career to use metaphors rather than direct statements to explain non-actions marked, alas, the beginning of the end of an otherwise glorious reign.
  10. Tut-tut, Len. Paella should never be stirred but, as any (pedantic) valenciano will tell you, merely shaken using the paellera’s side-handles.
  11. Not a question of right and wrong, but rather of gastronomic and cultural purity. VFR got it right in his first post about baked beans on toast (although, if I think about it, the connection with Heinz might well introduce an element of doubt as regards national identity).
  12. After reading this thread I concluded that Mrs Beeton must be turning in her grave. Whatever happened to good old traditional British fare?
  13. Don't know the place but it sounds nice - the sort of place, in fact, where you'd expect to see at least one Lexus in the car-park!
  14. Not entirely devoid of wisdom and good sense.
  15. I don’t know about Lexus’ older models but I believe the windscreen and side windows have a hydrophobic coating which might be negatively affected by the use of potent glass cleaning products.
  16. I test-drove an AWD LBX the other day and, although I tried to keep an open mind, I quickly came to the conclusion, fully aware that I was comparing apples and pears, that I wouldn't want to replace my ageing 2019 RC300h with one. The LBX is quiet and comfortable, pretty rather than handsome in appearance, fairly nippy in town traffic, very well appointed with an excellent infotainment system, and feels sturdy and firmly-planted - but it is not a car I would want to use for motorway drives of any great length even though I personally undertake these less frequently than I once did. I was offered a hefty discount off list-price for immediate delivery from stock of a top-spec Original Edition version, which, added to a generous trade-in valuation for my RC, was tempting. But not tempting enough. In short, I reckon the LBX would be an absolutely perfect second car for anybody wanting or able to afford one, but only if its main use is in and around large cities.
  17. I once had the same problem with a nail in one of the front tyres of an IS250, which was particularly upsetting because (a) it happened when I was more than 1500km from home, and (b) I had been planning to trade the car in for a new one and was therefore not enthusiastic about laying out money for a new tyre (or probably two). In the event I was lucky to find what turned out to be an honest workshop that put in a plug with the assurance that it would not only get me home but would last the life of the tyre, which had then done about 14000km. The first assurance proved demonstrably correct, though I admit to having being nagged by worry during the long drive home, albeit without any justification whatsoever seeing that I subsequently got another problem-free 7000km+ out of the tyre before taking delivery of the new car.
  18. Before setting out on long drives that include stretches of autobahn I add 0.2BAR to the recommended pressures. This follows the advice I got several decades ago from a trusted BMW mechanic, and it became a habit with every car I have had ever since. Supposedly one gets better high-speed fuel consumption (something to do with reduced surface attrition?), but if so, I must admit I have never been able to quantify it. On the subject of autobahn speeds, it should be borne in mind that speedometers overstate actual speeds by a significant amount. In my present RC300h I have calculated the overstatement to be as much as 10-11% with an average of 9% in my normal everyday driving mix. The car’s electronic limitation is 190kmh, although on occasional drives on the autobahn I have seen the speedometer touch 215kmh on fairly gentle downhill stretches and maintain readings of 205-210kmh for long stretches on the flat.
  19. I see what you mean. There are some quite potent premium cleaning/conditioning products out there, including Angelwax ones, and I find it best to go easy when first trying them.
  20. Sounds good, but I don’t quite understand the ”maybe too well” comment.
  21. That’s also what I would have thought but I suspect they were either too proud to ask for help or figured it would take too long for any colleagues to arrive.
  22. A neighbour of mine tells the story of how he was recently pulled over and breathalysed (with a negative result) by police who didn't believe he had been swerving in order to avoid potholes and the occasional loose kerbstone on a road near where we live. Driving back along the same stretch an hour later, and suppressing his instinct to honk and wave in recognition, he saw, to his joy and delight, the same two policemen replacing what looked like a burst tyre on their car.
  23. Personally I’ve never been in the market for an NX but, in general chats with my dealer and some of his sales people over the years, I have several times heard that owners have almost invariably been disappointed by the fuel consumption, so much so that the substantial improvement offered by the 350h has become the main element in the sales pitch to prospective repeat customers. It appears, however, that there continue to be less repeat customers for the NX than first-time ones.
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