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  1. Relax Malc, I meant MY car won't last another 20 years. That said the chances of me still being alive, let alone still driving at 81 are pretty slim too.
  2. It's one of the reasons why using refurbished struts may be a better bet. More recent "manufacture" and testing. That said, I suspect Toyota may have changed their suppliers over the years so those 2018 manufactured struts are almost certainly not made by the same company who made the original. I may soon need to replace one of the front air-struts on my LS430 as it is misting and starting to chatter over bumps and I won't be paying Lexus prices for OEM parts. The car is 20 years old and won't last another 20, so refurbished struts it is.
  3. I can't find it on AutoTrader. I guess Malc already bought it? 🤣 Are you going for the full set Malc? Mk1, Mk2, Mk3, & Mk4?
  4. Since the Israel/Iran fracas looked like kicking off there was a spike in Crude Oil prices. The profiteering b@stards at all of the petrol refineries and stations IMMEDIATELY raised their prices, even though it takes weeks for the oil itself to filter through the system. Then the "crisis" evaporated fairly quickly but of course the profiteering b@stards have yet to reduce the prices at the pump. Since we have an ineffective, spineless, pro-profiteering government I don't see any of that changing any time soon either.
  5. Better yet fit the Dayton Audio subwoofer. Sounds great and only cost £60. The Amp will probably be fine once you refoam the speakers. Replacing the entire audio system is a LOT of time, expense, and hassle and probably won't give you a better sounding system,but it's your choice. If I were to do that I'd probably go the Android route where it replaces the Nav screen and not bother with a CD player at all.
  6. People mostly drive too close because if you don't then someone just pulls out into the space in front of you and you still end up too close. I once decided to back off every time someone pulled out into my 2 second gap on the M25. I ended up getting undertaken by the car behind and badly cut up by him. Yes, he was an a*** but I can understand his frustration at me constantly braking and just letting anyone who wanted to pull out. Now I drive just close enough to prevent people from pulling out but I always look as far ahead as I can so I can drive smoother and not end up constantly braking. The 2 second rule works well on quieter stretches of motorway and dual carriageway, but once it gets busy it is useless, and yes not observing it does result in more accidents, but that changes nothing since we have decided not to increase the capacity of overloaded roads. As for the Avon bridge, in a car you are more at risk of going over that barrier than through it. To my knowledge there have been no instances of vehicles going through or over the crash barrier since it opened in 1974, so the risk is no higher than any other stretch of motorway. However, I fully understand the feeling of vulnerability.
  7. It is quite difficult to get the motors out and even when you do, they will sometimes turn when not fitted and not turn when fitted due to the friction/load of the mechanism. Unfortunately the motors get weak with age and need to be replaced. With all of the plastic off you can turn the shafts that the motors attach to by hand if you need to position your steering but it is fiddly and slow. I wouldn't waste money on motors from breakers as they may or may not work when under load (unless you get some kind of guarantee). New they are about £200 per motor.
  8. I've had the BlueMusic module for about 3 years now and the only problem I have had with it is that sometimes my phone just decides not to connect to the BlueMusic, so I have to go in to the phone and tell it to connect. Yes, yours looks like the 5+7 but I don't know of anyone else that has used the 5+7 Y-cable with the BlueMusic module. I believe you will need the 5+7 Y-cable and the 5+7 BlueMusic module or the 5+7 BlueMusic with HandsFree if you make/take calls when driving. Please do let us know if you get it working.
  9. I agree with Steve. If you see any voltage drop at all to the fuel pump, then there is something in the wiring between the battery and the fuel pump that is introducing resistance like a broken wire or a corroded connection or relay contact. The only exception to this would be a starter motor and that causes voltage drop because it draws a large current which means that the tiny resistance of the wires and the internal resistance of the battery have a large effect. Even then you should only see a drop of 2-3 volts when using the starter motor.
  10. There are gaps at either end where the footpath joins the bridge, but in the middle there is just the fence. Here is a Google Streetview from the footpath mid-bridge.,-2.692232,3a,75y,4.05h,67.89t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipMz1PHtxGdAms96-lNHyNRwoLzCiHUzJjhGkPM9!2e10!3e11!7i5760!8i2880?entry=ttu Driving in lanes 2/3 changes nothing w.r.t. chance of going off the side, except maybe in your head. 🤣 Those 4 bar crash barriers are pretty solid though. They will stop any car but a fully loaded HGV is going right through. 😱
  11. Well if you insist on driving rare-as-rocking-horse-poop cars, then you will end up with these parts dilemmas. 😁 I have similar problems with some parts for my GTR1000's. There are several radiators on Ebay for £200 and up and you can also get one shipped from the USA via RockAuto.
  12. Be aware that some early 2007 LS460s are ULEZ compliant but cannot use E10 petrol. 2008 onwards are fine with E10 as are all LS430s, but for some reason Lexus used E10 incompatible parts in the early lS460s. I like the LS460 but still prefer the LS430.
  13. Huh? The LS430 is ULEZ compliant. Yes, you will get slightly better fuel economy from the Hybrid but will it be enough to cover the difference in purchase price?
  14. You need an AGM battery with 85AH capacity, 800CCA, and the posts and polarity in the correct places. That may be a "Wet" battery or an EFB (Enhanced Flooded Battery, sort of half-way between wet & AGM) but AGM is strongly recommended for all Stop-Start engine systems even if yours doesn't use it for that, and AGM are generally better quality and more reliable batteries. That battery is 3½ years old (211017 is the manufacture date) so probably due for replacement anyways.
  15. You don't want to vault the fence on the northbound side 🤿 but I can't see any gap on the southbound side Google StreetView. There is a dark shadow on the satellite view but that is due to the low sun angle and the mesh fence. I've only ever broken down on a motorway twice. Once on a motorcycle in France(snapped throttle cable). Pushed it to a gap in the Armco and waited for the breakdown recovery van. Second time was in my Honda Legend in lane 3 of the A13 between the M25 and the A128 (fuel pump relay died). Luckily the traffic was slow so all I got was abuse from knobheads who seemed incapable of understanding that it was not deliberate. 🙄
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