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Phil xxkr

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Everything posted by Phil xxkr

  1. Thanks Al, and that's entirely the point, the very threat of long drawn out expensive action at no cost to the plaintiff has a tendency to focus the mind towards the least line of resistance 😎, having said that the statement from Lexus re previous damage is an important one and everyone should take note of this when considering purchasing any vehicle new or not.
  2. For the avoidance of doubt : "However, motor legal expenses cover isn’t just for accidents; it can also provide you with protection if you are charged with a motoring offence, or support you in any legal difficulties you face when you’re selling or buying a car."
  3. No doubt you have legal cover via your insurance try that.
  4. You are destroying what equity you have in the car when you get come to sell on if you don't hand back!
  5. If they don't then they won't have a career just a 48 month gap in their CV. It is my intent to write to my new MP outlining what I expect of her both now and in the future. I will suggest we all do similar, if Malcs 490k all do the same then it will be a very tangible sign of the groundswell of opinion. Bear in mind over 65s aren't just a single entity, they have family and friends with the message if they can do this to us in such a cold-hearted way what can do to you? Even if just 50% of pensioners can influence just 3 people? Let your MP do the mathematics.
  6. Hear Hear! An economically illiterate pillock on Talk radio said boomers take more out than they paid in. Well of course they did notwithstanding inflation the whole State Pension thing is an unfounded giant Ponzi scheme. When we worked we paid for the then pensioners and now it's the follow on generations to chip in and do their bit but clearly they don't wish to. If they only had an ounce of foresight they would see they are supporting the end of the SP as we know it.
  7. Why not just vote for Reform? They are more sympatico to the over 65's than any other party probably because they fully appreciate the countries history and who created it 😎
  8. Means testing of the State Pension will be a far more egregious attack on pensions. But just let's temper our vitriol for a moment. Right now most of the speculation is about October that involves retired people. But what if the whole doom and gloom is being deliberately built up such that come October it turns out to be nowhere near? Cheers all round? Bear in mind that the total annual government spend is around 1189 Billion🤯. Before the pay awards the so called "black hole" would be around 13 billion ie not far off 1%. One percent!!! All this nonsense over one percent yet Lucy Powell claims the economy will crash if the WFA is not withdrawn. Why is there no legal process to challenge these miscreants and hold them accountable for their outrageous claims? In every other area of life if I make claims about service or product I can be pursued through the courts for falsehoods, what's different?
  9. Correct! How many times have you heard "don't blame me I didn't vote for them" 😕
  10. If you have been voting for politicians who promise to give you goodies at someone else's expense, then you have no right to complain when they take your money and give it to someone else, including themselves.” ― Thomas Sowell
  11. Thanks Kevin but I don't subscribe to the social media - what's the essence?
  12. Nice idea but does anyone recall a single instance when this happened? It won't happen, it's in their DNA, historically Conservatives raise taxes when they have too, Labour when they can 😱
  13. Exactly so! Do you think smoke free will extend to wood burners and barbecues in the garden? 😱
  14. And it doesn't end! Labour denied plans to restrict outdoor smoking are an attack on pubs after dire warnings struggling hospitality businesses will go to the wall. Commons Leader Lucy Powell said the government wants to see a “smoke free country” as she dodged questions about the scale of the ban being planned.
  15. Exactly, but Mike B needs to be equally sure of what is described as a fault? For example the paint mis-match is this a fault? Unless it was sold as original paint indicating no scrapes involved. And I would definitely pay for a car history check before I approach the dealer.
  16. I hate to post this Malc but here is the latest from Cabinet member Lucy Powell, "The UK could have faced a run on the pound and an economic crash if Rachel Reeves had not axed winter fuel payments for millions of pensioners to fill a black hole in the public finances, Commons Leader Lucy Powell said." Even the wisest from Aristotle to Roger Scruton could not have comprehended a system whereby people like this have an overiding executive authority over the electorate. To say I despair doesn't come even close to the sense of foreboding I can't shake off. 🙁🙁🙁
  17. How did you pay for it? If you don't hold your nerve and return now for full restitution of monies paid you will forever be unhappy with the car until the day you get rid6🙁
  18. This is from the same Mark Stone a few days ago - There was an electric atmosphere inside the Chicago convention centre for Obama. Not Barack, but Michelle. She was the warm-up for her husband but as she proved at the 2016 Democratic Convention with her famous "when they go low, we go high" speech, she is the real orator, not him. The crowd of 20,000 hung on every one of word of her words. It was a speech of hope, of what could be under a president Kamala Harris. Not the darkness, the "smallness" as she sees it of Donald Trump. So I guess we know where he stands then👍
  19. At last a sane owners club member 🥳. I read that Two Tier Starmer has had removed Mrs T's picture from Downing Street. This has echoes of that other Marxist miscreant Barry Obama who removed Churchills bust from the Oval office! Which DJT promptly put back. 🥳🥳🥳
  20. For the avoidance of doubt ; Harris, a radical from California, has a history of far-left policies: Endorsed “some form of reparation ”Cosponsored legislation to protect illegal immigrants from deportation Backed Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All legislation Backed banning private health insurance Supported giving taxpayer-funded coverage to illegal immigrants Supported banning fracking Backed defunding the police Compared ICE to the KKK Wanted to ban plastic straws Defended banning offshore drilling Wanted to “undo” the Trump administration’s border security, taking 94 executive actions in the first 100 days of the Biden-Harris administration to rescind nealy every Trump-era measure Supported decriminalizing illegal border crossings Said she wouldn’t “treat” illegal aliens as “criminals” Called for “starting [ICE] from scratch” Argued that temporarily closing the border violated federal law Raised money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a far-left organization that pays to bail out of jail violent criminals, including accused murderers and rapists Supported Los Angeles’s cuts to their police department Called efforts to add more police to the streets “wrongheaded thinking” Championed the administration’s so-called “Bidenomics” as costs dramatically soared for American families Bragged about being a “leader” in the push to “get rid of the cash bail system in America.” Attributed to Wendell Husebo who is a political reporter with Breitbart News and a former RNC War Room Analyst. Sure sounds like the person we need - Oh wait maybe we now have 😭
  21. More like drop the dead donkey 😂
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