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Everything posted by GMB

  1. Sounds like Harry Brown. Quite a good film with Michael Caine as a retired "green beret?" who does not tolerate the local deadlegs.
  2. If you are with the RAC whatever you do - do not break down in France. They sub-contract the service to French shoulder shruggers and are absolutely useless. At least in our experience they were. They have already been on rip-off Britian for their rubbish lack of help. Avoid.
  3. I thought it was expensive as a lot of the stuff they pretend to do is obvious anyway. £500 would be a fair price? But they all charge according to what they think the customer/ mug can afford. Just be thankful you don't have a Porsche.
  4. Vina Ardanza or CVNE Imperial or CVNE Vina real - Reserva or Gran Reserva Pleeeeze!
  5. About the same as the isF although they had no idea about whether the diff oil needed changing or not.
  6. Takumi test sounds good but Ford have done better. New engineers have to be able to cross thread at least two spark plugs and a sump nut then bash at least two wing panels with a spanner then disappear up their own bottoms before they are allowed on the production line.
  7. I can see the next directors meeting now....... Hey Guys, sales are doing great, why bother about a few thefts it will only cost us money. Anyway they will probably buy another lexus and they will get paid by their insurance anyway. More champers anyone?
  8. They are just selfish - simple as that.
  9. Yes they do, the issue is that we have had the last 13 yrs of no real solutions, probably even counter measures against improving the situation. BTW I did not vote for them. In fact nobody voted for Rishi. But I get it, the world is more crowded, more competitive and more unpleasant. So why are some people being so bad. Answer: Because they can and they can also get away with it. We actually do pay, and quite a lot not just in tax. One of the issues is that the tax system is designed by "guess who" to penalise the ordinary man and woman. The richest can get away with easy tax avoidance - which is not illegal in most senses ( including Mrs Rishi ). My head is hurting now and may explode any minute Oh hang on Aaaaarrrgghhh! What a mess!
  10. Me too, except that most of my old rocker mates are dead. Some on their bikes and some not. As they say: there are old bikers and there are bold bikers but there are no old bold bikers.
  11. I must disagree. When people start acting badly they need to be pulled up about it. Ask any teacher. It has a lot to do with what the tories have done to this country. Cutting police , reducing social budgets - everyone knows, I do not need to list it. But they do not regulate or control the offenders. They don't even investigate or prosecute them. No watchdogs with teeth. No police to reprimand shoplifters and other illegal acts. It is 13 yrs of tory "do-nothing" that has allowed the notrights to get away with what they do. But at least the rich tory mates are doing OK in their leafy suburbs or offshore havens. Thanks Rishi.
  12. Yes, this country has gone to the dogs, no police, no-one cares, crimes not reported and son and so on...... It really is like the Wild west nowadays. Be careful you might just bump into a real nutter/ schizo/ druggie/ deadleg. Flippin heck, what does it say about this dump of a country. Thanks a bunch Rishi.
  13. I thought our IS seats got hot on full belt, one very cold morning I could have sworn that I could smell bacon cooking, it was so hot!
  14. As a footnote to my experiences I mentioned the incidents to my sons who both live in Manchester. Their reaction was; Yes we know, you have to be careful because a lot of them are on drugs. If it looks like a drug dealer - and BTW both incidents were black range rover and black BMW - and it smells like a drug dealer/addict and it acts like one, then it probably is on drugs or a dealer. I found in one case, that I do not want to talk about, a while ago that the Milenco sterring wheel lock is a handy tool. Just the sight of it in one's hand is a good deterrent.
  15. You have my sympathy. Manchester seems to have more than its fair share of aggressive idiots. We had to stay there for 2 weeks and there were at least 2 nasty incidents from drivers who seemed to enjoy confrontation. I don't understand why, I never understood why they do it because escalation can lead to all sorts of very unpleasant consequences. I just wish there were more ( yes more ) police about. My policy is to ignore them, not make eye contact, wait until they go away and hope that they do not damage anything, if you take them to court they their defence team will get your address and then God knows where that will lead. Believe me I KNOW. A lot of things are recorded nowadays so it pays to let them do the first aggressive act. Only then can you kill them. It is so sad and upsetting that we all have to live amongst this low life. Just be on guard and drive defensively.
  16. Yep, has happened to me on a few occasions. They are not "bad" people just stooopid! They will even do it while you are sitting in the car!!!!
  17. Mine's 12 yrs old this coming September and still drives like new. Nil spent on repairs ( apart from consumables and servicing over the lifetime ) believe it or not. I can't see any point in changing it to buy an expensive depreciating money pit that is easily stolen and full of unwanted gimmicks. Maybe I'm just old fashioned?🧌🐈‍⬛
  18. When I was there, visitor or not, you could be fined on the spot for having any device which revealed speed camera locations; Tom Tom, factory, GPS whatever. I think that may still apply
  19. Mesa red? Looks very nice but in shade looks maroon. The missus says it is pink!🤪
  20. it's about 19000 yards.
  21. Reminds me of a great film with Louis de Funes called cabbage soup. A pity you can't get subtitled versions. When the doctor asks him at a health check how much wine he drinks, he says about 5 Litres. Doc says well that's not too bad after all this is France and 5 Litres a week is not unusual. No, I mean 5 Litres a day. Louis and his pal make home made cabbage soup and sit in their garden every night eating the soup and drinking wine. They then proceed to produce a lot of wind ( like blazing saddles ) . A passing Martian spaceship picks up the noise and investigates..... It just gets better from then on.
  22. Stiffer than most cars that I have had but the IsF is even harder. They hit potholes and irregularities in the road pretty hard. The low profile tyres don't help, but then again they are sporty type cars esp the isF. the 200t just pretends to be sporty.
  23. Lovely smooth V6 but not a V8 and that is the icing on the cake.
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