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Everything posted by Boomer54

  1. Depends on the source of the news. Over the years I have found the Times to be a level above the rest in terms of research and reporting unburdened by someone's opinion threaded throughout.
  2. Or they might just be hiding the plate to stop scammers cloning his car details.
  3. That's about all I read. The online news in the main is noise not news informative. Indeed, I could probably reduce many of societies problems just by eliminating that noise.
  4. Another decent China article in the Business section of the Sunday Times today. Tries to be balanced, but I think some of those numbers might ask people to question their optimism regarding China's immediate economic future.
  5. Sometimes a joke just fits the times.
  6. What I meant was judging what happened centuries ago in todays context is just inappropriate to any logical reasoning. Hence, my reference to the 'cancel it' group. Whilst it sounds 'true' to say 'wrong is wrong' etc that isn't quite right within the context of this argument and it is a 'cancel it' way of looking at issues. I can say right now there were things happening when I was a child in the 1950's that would be not be sanctioned today, but at that time and within that society they were perfectly acceptable and indeed commonplace. The world moves on of course and today it is different, but that does not give anybody the right to stand in judgment on those people living in a different time. That is exactly what 'cancel it' do. In effect it imposes what we think today upon whole populations of people who believed differently at that time. Such a view takes no account for how society develops and learns over time. Genocide today occurs so often in countries where for whatever reason a common conscience has been/is suppressed and of course to a developed society it is beyond the pale.
  7. You don't need to be that worried. China has not rewritten any financial rules. People backing the wrong horse and getting wiped out has always been part of the risk of investment. For example, Argentina have been wiping out creditors on their govt debt for decades through devaluation and default...boom boom. China have been behind nearly 4 decades of global deflation, but that 's pretty much a thing of the past now. Their growth chart has been heading in the wrong direction for at least the last few years. Are there still opportunities in such a large economy, of course. Are they worth the risk given the political and economic disruption of the last few years? For some people they will always be worth the risk, but notably more than a few well respected money managers have pulled the plug. As I said earlier (your comment notwithstanding about so many people being clueless about Chinas economic future), I am better than 80 % confident that China faces decades of economic stagnation and deflation is the ultimate downside of nigh on 4 decades of above average growth. So many people underestimate the time frames for these issues to play out. For example, given the rocket like growth of US GDP post 1900 and the initial reaction that was the 1929 Wall Street crash who would have thought the US market would not regain it's former peak until nearly 1950 !! Yes 20 years plus of false recoveries and ironically WW2 probably helped that period to be shorter than it otherwise would have been. Japan following their boom were not so lucky and they have been struggling to escape deflation and stagnation for at least 3 decades plus. History does not need to exactly repeat itself , for these economic behavioural patterns to make themselves known.
  8. Ask Gary, think he looked at that one.
  9. Some parts of it more than others.
  10. There is a big danger here. If you wish to discuss, or condemn previous expansionist policy without considering the social development of the world at that time then you might as well join the 'cancel it mob'.
  11. Malc, markets just never go just one way. The expression for a resurgence in China is 'dead cat bounce' and they can be profitable for traders getting in and out quite quickly. For investors they just mean getting locked into value traps. Ironically, a la Japan of the 90's China's biggest problem looks like being deflation!
  12. It isn't zero sum. China expanding auto manufacture is probably one of the reasons Germany is really struggling to even get back to where they were pre pandemic. Strange thing is politically Europe seems still to be trying to have a better relationship with China.
  13. "Comfortably seats 4". Seller obviously never drove one.
  14. Am I in the presence of royalty? Are you related to Del?
  15. Picture of you setting off for Portugal I think?
  16. Go for it. I've got your back. I'll be sure to have some cash on me when I'm around Waitrose.😉
  17. I don't think anyone on here has actually viewed that London SC430. I can tell you it's been on sale since approx last summer. I can also tell you they keep shuffling it down £500. It started off much close to 14k which obviously means little given they have not been able to sell it.
  18. Cold ground, what kind of undersealing do you recommend?
  19. I do know exactly what you mean. Not been back to Biarritz since my Rugby touring days, but I recall it was quite 'special'.
  20. Yes ,but the £395pa adds another £19pa paying mthly and the £695 will have a similar premium. Hate to say it ,but the money being in your acct for longer will not add anywhere near enough interest to offset that.
  21. There is a moral here somewhere. If you have a whippet go to Asda, if you have a Red Setter go to Waitrose? I guess the bowls are a bit different as well. Delft for Waitrose and battered WW1 metal field kit for Asda.
  22. I am trying to tickle out the implied meaning. Is that a few years back you were wealthy, but life's tribulations sent you to Waitrose with a 3 legged dog and a bowl?
  23. You've picked a heck of a place . If you are driving the SC down there I have to admit to some jealousy. Was hoping to do something similar in late Spring, but it might not happen now.
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