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Everything posted by vinokirk

  1. How much BHP increase would this lot give: Prolex Induction Kit Prolex Performace Manifold Prolex Hi-Flow Cat Prolex Kazama Exhaust ---- Then ---- ECU Remap(if poss) Rolling Road Setup Dave??? :P
  2. im not saying YOU are beautiful by the way, im just sayin thats all i know in bengali....before you get the wrong idea about me!!! :D
  3. Im male!! yeah i was going for you're beautiful, but thats close enough innit!
  4. I did it, as i wanted the GTA soundtrack in mycar. But i have a totally new sound system, so its already got AUX in
  5. No takers then?!?! Im sure there must be some more folks fro or surrounding counties here!
  6. ama bangli jani na!! that about all the bengali i know!! oh ... tuni shundoor (that spelt right??)
  7. DC++ is amazing! Im sharing 300GB of stuff and can get on most hubs. Id definately say DC++ or what was that other one???? Bearshare i think its called
  8. yes yes!!!oh ***** i loved that!!!dont ask me y!
  9. u put your in your car yet adie?? i did it on the 3rd! it wrecked my need for speed disc tho :(
  10. Ok folks! Tryin to put together a meet in, date TBC, it'll be beggining of Jan sometime, around 6th or 7th...Meeting at ....Names please!(IS200) Deano 84 (IS200)
  11. Hey Deano, im 21 from lincoln, was thinkin about gettin a lincoln meet set up sometime! i know there are a coupl of other member in sleaford i think! I got in trouble with the police the other night for do-nutting in b+q car park! i said i thought it was private property! but he said no as long as the gates are open then its a public road!
  12. WHAT THE FACK!!!!I MISSED IT!!!***** whats goin on??? i was sure it was 16th december.noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  13. That car rules! Bonnet doesnt fit tho and the aerials are a bit much, and the graphics r crap, the fuel cap is a bit w4nk, but over all nice!
  14. So anyway to tell whether our cars have an LSD or not? Having bought a sport just to get an LSD, this news is quite gutting!
  15. I was wondering what people think is the best gps software out there?? A search for 'gps' brings up nothing! so im hoping this will make peoples lives a little bit easier!!
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