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Everything posted by tdiplc

  1. I'll go 1st: I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work Thomas Edison
  2. I agree with you upto a degree Oldun. The IHT only used to affect the very wealthy but now it affects (or will affect) almost everyone. I was born into poverty (by todays standards) in a tiny 1 bed flat on the banks of the Thames with no bathroom and only an outside loo. I am where I am through luck and hard work, so yes I am a lot better off than my ancestors but I think the main difference between now and then is firstly education and secondly a healthy scepticism of political motivation. I have no doublt that my grandparents would be proud to be bashed over the head by Tony Blair or the Queen, and would accept it without question. I wouldn't, and I do.
  3. There are 200,000 people leaving the UK every year to go to sunnier climes/ fairer environments. Guess what? The majority of these people are the wealth creators of UK PLC. I wonder why they're going Methinks I'll be on that list sooner or later too :)
  4. It it right and fair that after you have worked your nuts off to gain whatever assets you accumulate over your lifetime (bought with whatever was left over after you had paid tax) that you will also pay tax on the transfer of the assets or when you die? The argument that "they will get it out of you by some other means" does not wash with me. This country is absolutely bloated with public service workers (50ish% of the working population) with outrageous fringe benefits and pensions that I pay for every month (to the detriment of myself and my family). These guys are not incentivized to improve efficiency or cut costs but are encouraged to spend/waste their budgets to prevent a reduction in funds the following year. You got any views on these issues?
  5. If a film was to be made about your life, which actor would you choose to play you? I know who Mr Scarface would choose :winky:
  6. I am sorry to hear that. I wish you all the best in your chosen paths.
  7. HE POSITIVE SIDE OF LIFE: Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun every year. Birthdays are good for you; the more you have, the longer you live.
  8. Looking good mate B)
  9. I think thats sold pip :o yep sold and installed now :) no problem, would like to buy a new one and am in a postion to do so now depending on price, but wanted to know what the situation with the GB was??? and what prices TDI and PRO-LEX are offering them for on a one off purchase if there is no GB (ie the prices quted £2300 and £2400)?? The 2 others are not on LOC so no need to send any PM's Mr PLC :winky: That is VERY unprofessional Dave. I notice that you didn't respond to my previous request for details concerning your issues even after I asked for your thread to be unlocked. Why is that please?
  10. The reason we do that is because the majority of our work is "business to busniess" and overseas (who either don't pay or claim back the vat) Pip. It's probably something we should get out of the habit of :duh:
  11. What's your view on Capitalism and Capitalists? Is someone that owns a successful company an employment and wealth creator and tax contributor or a greedy manipulator (or somewhere in the middle)?
  12. There is another way. It is possible to use these issues to your advantage rather than disadvantage. Is your glass of JD half empty or half full :winky: ?
  13. What I would choose to live with based on real advantages (not rested Laurels or brand imaging) 1. New Range Rover (supercharged model). 2. Aston Martin DB9R 3. Classic cars are rubbish and will be scrapped by compulsion when I'm PM 4. Ferrari 360 (not F1) and the new Aston Martin V8 (I'm allowed this because I didn't choose a classic car) :P
  14. Congratulations Tony. I wish you all the best in this venture :D
  15. The only one I have any direct experience of was driven flat out consistently on the rev limiter in each gear with an exhaust sytem that was bent almost in half. I have only heard of 2 engines blowing - both had standard boost. One was seriously abused but I don't know about Chris Shipley's :) but wasnt the abuse mainly to the exhaust system ? and not directly caused by the supercharger im sure chris was just unfortunate engine failure, lexus warrantied the works so i guess it hads nothing to do with the supercharger Don't know for sure Barrie. It's probably fair to say that the engine would have been ok in the same circumstances if it wasn't supercharged. Maybe the best thing is to try and find out how many standard engines have blown. Persnonally I haven't seen any supercharged engines that have not blown without provocation, but there may be some out there.
  16. You guys obviously have no taste whatsoever :winky: What you should be drinking is; Beer - Leff Blonde Spirits - Jack Daniels
  17. Was wondering what you guys thought of the games. Half of me thinks that it's essential training for the Olympics, and the other thinks it's a pointless waste of resources. Does anyone even remember who won a Gold at the last Commonwealth games? Do you have any thoughts on this or are your thoughts even a waste of time?
  18. That's ok, no offence taken - and thanks for your sentiments :)
  19. Blimey. It would appear you have misunderstood me. I appologise. I have asked the same question of quite few people over the years who have been very active then disappear. I thought I was just being polite/concerned - sorry if I offended anyone
  20. I have only heard of 2 engines blowing - both had standard boost. One was seriously abused but I don't know about Chris Shipley's :)
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