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Posts posted by Shahpor

  1. 18 minutes ago, ColinBarber said:

    He hasn't made the corner because he had to take avoiding action. Max didn't leave room. Lewis was driving the racing line and would have had no issues making the corner without interference from Max.

    Lewis didn't really gain an advantage, he was leading into the corning and was leading after it - the fact that the gap was bigger was mainly down to Max taking the corner at the most inefficient way, because it was a lunge designed to push the other car off the circuit.

    Err, I really don't mean to be rude Colin, but I believe my previous post already answered this?

    The point was that, yes, he left the track to avoid hitting Max, but he then didn't make any attempt to return to the track as quickly as he could and just cut the corner instead.  We have seen plenty of examples of people needing to give places up for doing the same hence why the commentators mentioned it almost immediately.

    Also, as was mentioned numerous times during the Sky F1 broadcast, how did he not gain an advantage when they were side by side going into the corner and Lewis was ahead by over 1 sec after it?

    Surely if you had watched the race on Sky then you would have recalled that being said?  I didn't make the observation, I just happen to agree with it.

    • Like 2
  2. 35 minutes ago, VFR said:

    On balance yes compared to Max.

    Lewis didn’t try to make the corner ?, how anyone can come to that conclusion is beyond me as had he tried they would have collided which is why the block pass is used.

    He took the only course open to him other than crash, use the run off. Yes of course from your prospective he should have simply jumped on the brakes and then gone back a few places so if that is what you prefer to see then fine.

    It is well known & has been for some time that that is MV’s modus operandi but to many it is distasteful regardless of who is doing it.

    Without trying to get into an Internet slanging match, what I am referring to is the following:

    At this point you can see that Lewis hasn't made the corner, which is fair enough:


    However, what he should have done was steer left to try and still make the apex.  Instead, he did this:


    And gained an advantage.

    It is better described here where the last picture shows him steering right instead of left.  You can also see on this site that the majority polled voted that the stewards should have penalised him for it.

    As for Max's driving style, it is fair enough that not everyone agrees with it, and I do admit that it is definitely 'robust' at times, but it isn't against any rules and has been done before with success including from Lewis himself:

    • Like 2
  3. 18 hours ago, VFR said:

    In touring cars the block pass so loved by MV where you throw it up the inside & hope to either lean on the outside car to make the bend or force it off is not for open wheel racing.

    That is what he carried out on Hamilton on the first bend, either Hamilton braked to avoid the collision or ran off the track (as we saw) So if Hamilton gained an advantage good as it was MV who caused it the same as the last race where it actually penalised Hamilton.

    That distasteful team & driver now have what they wanted but history will always view it as so just like a couple of Schumachers titles.

    Lewis fan perhaps?

    2 British World Champions agreed with Martin Brundle that Max didn't do anything wrong and stayed within the white lines of the track, whereas Lewis didn't try to make the corner and simply cut it completely, hence gaining an advantage.

    As for how history will view this season in future, I believe it will go down as one of the best ever crowning a worthy champion with nothing distasteful about it.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  4. Verstappen won because he was in the right place at the right time.

    Also, as has already been stated, not allowing car to unlap themselves would be unprecedented move, so the only unusual element here was that not all the lapped cars were allowed to do so.

    However, I believe this was done because Michael Masi didn't want the championship decided behind the safety car, which would have been a shame.

    Let's put it this way:  If there had been sufficient time and all the lapped runners had been allowed to overtake, would the result have changed?  Highly unlikely.  So, in reality, it was the deployment of the Safety car that screwed Lewis in the end.

    In addition, people seemed to glossed over the fact that in the opinion of every one of the Sky Sport F1 pundits - and Martin Bundle in particular - Lewis gained an unfair advantage when he cut the corner on the first lap and he got away with it.  Also, there was Toto calling for no safety car despite it obvious need, which is not in the best interests of the marshals.

    What I am saying is that it was a cruel way for Lewis to lose, and you can't help but feel for him, but these things do come in swings and roundabouts and Verstappen didn't do anything wrong so is a worthy champion.

    Lastly, if the positions were reversed and it was Lewis that won, would the British media have made such a fuss?  No, they would have been congratulating Lewis and would have been very pleased with Masi's decision.

    • Like 5
  5. 13 hours ago, ColinBarber said:

    Well it obviously isn't nonsense because the stewards reviewed the data which proved it to be the case. Not sure Max tried to cause an accident, he probably wanted Lewis to brake heavily just as Max floored it to get away.

    But when you are given a place back you are meant to do so safely.

    Whilst the braking Max did before the collision was naughty, he did seem to genuinely try and give Lewis the place at first, but got frustrated when Lewis didn't overtake.

    And if you read Martin Brundle's column on the Sky Sports website, Lewis claims of confusion were equally unfathomable since, as pointed out, if Max had a technical issue and slowed down, he would have blasted past.  I think Lewis knew what Max was trying to do and didn't want to overtake, but he didn't admit as such.

    As for what will happen this weekend, I think Max will do what he has been, namely, he will place his car in a position where Lewis has to either let him through or they will crash.  Harsh but not illegal racing unless it is done off the track.  If that happens, then it reminds me of a certain Brazilian driver at the 1990 Japanese Grand Prix 🙂

    • Like 1
  6. 17 hours ago, First_Lexus said:

    Sad news that Sir Frank Williams has passed this afternoon.

    When I was growing up the Williams team was right up there with Ferrari, McLaren and Renault - that was the era that really got me hooked. 


    Yep, I recall the FW14B doing its thing on the track.  Very much an iconic car.

    • Like 2
  7. Lexus Reading only charge the £15 as an insurance waiver against the excess, which would otherwise be £1000.  As such, I was told it was optional and the car itself was free.

    Also, as others have said, if your car is in for warranty work then the £15 isn't charge as the warranty company will pick up the tab.

    • Like 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Vlady said:

    Quick update from the garage - the car is repairable! I am so glad! She needs a new bonnet, headlamp, bumper and front left wing and may be other small things under the bonnet.

    The garage have done a wheel alignment and it is all good, means the body had not been deformed!

    Now, lets wait and see what insurance will say wrt to whose fault the accident was.

    Excellent news Vlad, glad to hear it 👍

    Now, apart from the insurance wrangles, the only thing left to do is to make sure they do a good job on the repair! Having had personal experience of several badly done insurance repairs, all I can say is look very closely when it is done and don't take anything for granted.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 12 hours ago, paulrnx said:

    I have a feeling that this year’s championship will end up in the courts. Whichever way it goes.

    I certainly hope not.

    Off track antics aside, it has been brilliant watching the two of them battling it out.

    My missus ask me in the car today who I thought would win the title, and for the first time in a long time, I told her I genuinely had no idea!

    • Like 1
  10. 23 hours ago, First_Lexus said:

    On a different subject, may I offer politicians as a hardy perennial to moan about.

    I’m sure there are a few that go into the system genuinely wanting to make a difference, but most of them are only after personal glorification and/or power. It doesn’t matter on which side of the political fence they sit - Labour, Conservative, Nationalist, Liberal - none of them really want the best for the whole nation. They want the best for the people most likely to vote for them, or at least they claim to based on some vague ideology or policy direction.

    Very few of them want to think long-term because that doesn’t benefit them and their chances of getting re-elected. Most people don’t care about the political system or the Government. They simply want a job that pays a decent wage, good quality housing, enough to eat and a decent education and future for their children. The problem is we’re too often told by politicians that we can all have it all. We can’t. There will always be winners and losers.  


    I will always Like a post that contains Yes Minister or Yes Prime Minister since they are my favourite TV series, but it is a rather sad state of affairs that they are still so accurate after all this time.  Does this mean we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes again and again?

  11. Unfortunately, these things aren't uncommon.

    When I had my 100k service done at a main dealer, I specifically enquired as to whether the air filter would be replaced and was told yes.  Check it when I got home and it hadn't been done.  Called them up and they said to bring it back and they would fit it FOC even thought it was supposed to be chargeable (which I was ok with if they had told me at the time).

    Friend of mine took his IS300h to a different main dealer for a service that included a brake fluid change.  He was suspicious, so he marked all the bleed nipples on the calipers beforehand, and sure enough, they were untouched when he got the car back.  It looks like they may have just sucked some of the fluid out of the reservoir instead.  They also charged him for a full tube of grease that they used to lubricate the hinges, so he wanted to know where the rest was so he could keep it. 

  12. 23 hours ago, Steve said:

    Heres a continuous daily thread for members who like to have a moan about stupid things in life... Keep it going!!

    Today I'll mainly be moaning about Bike Lanes

    See that councils have got a government grant to start narrowing roads for bigger bike lanes. Here in Bournemouth the BCP council have been tearing up the main roads and installing massive bikes lanes. Now it's great that for the safety of cyclists, but when the cyclist refuse to use them and still ride on the road.

    Picture before it was completed, nightmare for trucks.


    Screen Shot 2021-11-11 at 09.16.39.png


    Have something to moan about, moann about it here. Keep it going!

    They did something similar near Stanmore in London.  Turned a dual carriageway into a single lane on an already very busy road.

    No surprise that large queues started to form which caused issues on the surrounding roads.  They then did a tally and discovered a whole 17 cyclists using their lane per day on average compared to the thousands of cars.

    Thankfully common sense finally prevailed and after only a few months, the cycle lane was removed.  Not before costing the taxpayer roughly £30,000 though 🙄

    • Like 1
  13. 10 hours ago, diarmaid said:

    It was a great car. Best looking car I ever had - and I’ve had a lot. Mine was a 2018 car - the 2.2 diesel. The engine was ok but not great. The V6 suits it much better. It has all the equipment you could ask for and rides very well although not the quietest car.  There was a rattle from the sunroof which was very common. I’m sure Kia have sorted it by now. Other than that you couldn’t fault it.  

    Thanks for the feedback. 👍

    As Tony says below, only the V6 is now available, which is what my electric blue one will be when it arrives.

    I have to admit, the sunroof rattle has got me a little worried.  I have read of quite a few owners that have experienced it and it is apparently quite the loud rattle.  Some have even sold their cars since they could no long put up with the noise!  They also says that the dealers cannot fix it, despite numerous attempts to do so.

    6 hours ago, Tonyw said:

    They only sell the V6 now, the 2.0 and diesel have been dropped, and with a price of over £40k it fell outside my shortlist unfortunately. I would have been very tempted by the 2.0 GT line S model is still around

    The increase in price for the facelift is somewhat annoying as it pushes it into the higher road tax bracket.  Although there are still deals to be had which put mine into the late £30k's total cost.

    • Confused 1
  14. 15 hours ago, Craig2795 said:

    Hello all! 

    Thought I should give my initial thoughts on the GS after my first 1000 miles.

    I couldn't be happier with it!

    The ride in Standard/Eco mode takes bumps and imperfections very nicely. I can describe it as floaty but in the most positive way. In Sport + it becomes much more planted and body roll is almost non existent but the car lends itself more to calm whafty driving not tearing up back roads. 

    With that said, the power is impressive. I had an IS300H prior to this car and the GS makes it feel like a milk float. The extra power also makes the car easier to drive efficiently (or so I tell my girlfriend), getting up to speed promptly and allowing the car to sit in charge or eco helps to maintain very impressive mpgs considering the size of the engine.  

    the interior is impressive. Black leather, dark wood and lots of soft touch ??leather on the doors, dashboard and centre console makes the car a very comfortable place to be. The infotainment system is easy to use and actually not very distracting when driving at night considering it's size. My previous car had the Mark Levinson stereo and it is still exceptional.

    Heres a couple of pictures(mostly for @Shahpor ) taken today after the car had a valet.

    Hi Craig,

    Thanks very much for the update.

    Wow, it looks cleaner than it ever did in my ownership 🙂

    So glad that you are happy with it, although it is still strange to see it being used by someone else!

    I do miss it a lot but I am happy to see it being looked after so well.

    More updates (and pictures) are always welcome 🙂


    • Like 3
  15. 9 minutes ago, wharfhouse said:

    The T&Cs of the the new 10 Year Plus Extended Warranty follow the same clauses as the old extended warranty virtually clause for clause rather than the format of Relax, other than the new exclusion of the multimedia system. Agree that it's strange this new extended warranty isn't on the Lexus website but when I spoke to Jemca there was no hesitation over it so they were well informed. 

    Well that really is a good deal then!

    Strange that the coverage of the 10+ year cars is superior to the newer ones, even if you are paying for it.

    If I still had my GS, I will certainly be on the phone to Lexus Reading to buy one.

    Thanks for the info.

    • Like 2
  16. On 10/22/2021 at 10:47 AM, -Error- said:

    I remember few years back attending an F1 weekend and the most fun to watch were the GP2 cars whilst they still raced with the Mecachrome V8's, even they have now been replaced with muffled V6s. Although I'm all for sustainability and pushing the Eco agenda within motorsport I do wonder if they will do something in 2025 to bring back the one thing that's missing in the current F1 cars - the noise. 

    I remember going to a couple of testing sessions at Silverstone (they were even free back then!).

    The last was with the current hybrid engines and you could happily stand around and listen to them go past without much drama.

    However, I also went when they were still using the v8's and the difference is incomparable.  The sound that you could hear long before seeing the actual car, which would turn into almost white noise as it passed along with the feeling in your chest from the waves was something else.

    Although, it must be said that it isn't only that they are hybrid that makes them quite but the RPM they use now as well.  Current engines that rev to roughly 13000rpm are never going to sound as good as ones that were tuned to 18000rpm (or 20000rpm for a short time).

    It is a shame they have lost the sound and I have my doubts that the new engines being proposed will do much to help.

    • Like 1
  17. Well, this is good news, thanks for the info Phil 👍

    Apart from the multi media not being covered, are the terms the same as Relax now or do they mimic the old Extended warranty?

    It is also strange that I still can't find any mention of this product anywhere else.

    Either way, it is nice to see that not only does Lexus have faith in its older products, but it has actually extended their coverage further!


  18. Haven't missed a race for a very long time 🙂

    This season is certainly an improvement, but I can't help but think that Mercedes still has the edge over Red Bull.

    I'm just hoping that next seasons' cars level the playing field a bit more and make overtaking easier.

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