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Everything posted by Moleman

  1. So folks can I remind you of this recent post on another forum: ‘tribalism.’ I’m not sure exactly when this happened, but so many people seem to want to identify with a particular group and defend the views and actions of that group sometimes without reason. I was always taught that, in any debate, the real solution was often somewhere in the middle of the two opposing views. These days, I fear too many people simply believe their view is ‘right’ and every other view is ‘wrong.’ Thus, almost everything becomes tribal. Why take every comment as if it is a personal attack! It is not that unreasonable to consider that all road users pay a fair allocation of the costs for providing that facility, why should that not include cyclists? I would not suggest that cyclists should pay £500 a year (I feel sure Malcolm was slightly tongue in cheek) but are some of you suggesting that an increasing larger group of road users who are being provided with ever increasing facilities should never be expected to pay for the use of those facilities? That seems to me unreasonable, of course it is only my point of view, but surely we should be able to openly discuss the possibility?
  2. Why would that be Phillip? It is just as much a valid opinion and view, as "When I am on my bike my car is on the drive so if I am to be charged for riding a bike I might as well use the car thereby creating more congestion which no doubt will give people like you something else to complain about😂".
  3. Never had mine fog up but it does get very dirty very quickly in bad weather (rain and such). Often have to clean it.
  4. Not a UX but my CT has dropped from around 65 to around 55 during this recent cold weather. Do not feel it is E10 related because the drop happened more recently.
  5. Excellent moan and becoming more true every day, even see it on this forum. 😩
  6. It could be read both ways, so not clear enough to assume. The Hybrid warranty talks about one year of 10K miles each year. So that could mean if you do more than 10K miles you would need to have a health check earlier than one year to maintain the warranty. Of course if you are doing more than 10K miles each year and stick to the service requirements then it would be renewed at each service. Of course you would then reach 150K miles before 15 years, so would the warranty stop at 150K miles or carry on till 15 years? Confused or not! 🤔
  7. So as the CT needs to be serviced every 10k miles or yearly (whatever comes first) to get the hybrid warranty, that would appear to limit you to 150K miles in total, even if not mentioned. Am I missing something?
  8. Just in case!!! Does your destination page when setting a destination offer two pages? Full post code option is on the second page. 🙂
  9. Lexus currently offer 15 year or 150K miles warranty if checked every year.
  10. Are you sure about the Sat Nav? Mine takes full post code! Currently getting 55+ to the gallon (usual for winter), see 60+ over the summer. We have very different experiences of the same car.
  11. Yes I did this when I brought my current car. I made an offer first before going to view. The offer was accepted (at the time £1k less than the asking price - those were the days) subject to my viewing. The car was on the other side of the Country. Travelled to view loved the car and purchased and drove away that day. That was a long day.
  12. Doog, you are as I stated fully entitled to your opinion and views. Have a pleasant day my friend. 😁
  13. Wise words Malcolm, perhaps if one particular user chose to take a step back and look at their posts; they may see that taking a less “two wheels good – four wheels bad“, preaching approach to everyone on the forum, would probably be more productive. Respect to anyone with a lifelong passion and interest in any issue (I have my own subjects close to my heart), but sometimes we also must accept that others may not only have a different view or opinion to us, but that they may also be correct whatever we believe. Perhaps we should move on from the rights and wrongs of cycle use in the UK? 😊
  14. Spot on. Rights without responsibility.
  15. Education has for a long time now been about targets, exam results and tables. Children suffer as a result.
  16. And nothing seems to have changed since then!
  17. Hi Malcolm (PGL), Just a thought but I did notice when I first got the car a wind noise pass my right ear, when the fan was running at a higher speed. It was annoying until I realised turning the fan down or switching to ECO stopped the noise. Now I do not notice it. Just a thought. Sorry no-one seems to have an answer for you.
  18. Excellent response, balanced noting the responsibility of all road users whatever mode of transport. Thank you 😁.
  19. What system do you have? On mine post code input is on page two of the destination options. Hope that helps.
  20. Thanks for putting me straight. You still seem to have problem. What do you learn about others experience's? You have no idea about my life so "Until you've been in 'my world' I guess you fail to understand where I'm really coming from." As stated "An idiot is an idiot whatever mode of transport." Have a pleasant day.
  21. That's what happens when you give one user total control. Chaos. Most of those cyclists are clearly a danger to themselves.
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