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Everything posted by Ally

  1. i got one today aswell for the Stoke-on-Trent branch. Do you think it might be exclusively all the branches.
  2. sorry chaps, but i can't make this now. Have a good one and take plenty of pics. Hopefully i'll see you all at the next one. :D
  3. BEER/WINE MATHEMATICS This is pretty neat how it works out. This is cool beer/wine maths!!!!!!! DON'T CHEAT BY SCROLLING DOWN FIRST! It takes less than a minute....... Work this out as you read. Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out! This is not one of those waste of time things, it's fun. 1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have a pint or a glass or two of wine. (try for more than once) 2. Multiply this number by 2 (Just to be honest) 3 Add 5. (for Sunday) 4. Multiply it by 50 I'll wait while you get the calculator................ 5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1755. If you haven't, add 1754 6. Now subtract the four-digit year that you were born. You should have a three-digit number The first digit of this was your original number (i.e., how many times you want to have a pint week). The next two numbers are ....... YOUR AGE! ~ (Oh YES, it IS!!!!! ) THIS IS THE ONLY YEAR IT WILL EVER WORK, SO SPREAD IT AROUND WHILE IT LASTS.
  4. this is what i am worried about. The :tsktsk: got my keys through the letterbox. On the police letter it says 'Burgulary in Dwelling' so i am hoping i am ok. I am in the middle of the claim just now, so i should know in the next couple of days.
  5. i need to get another car first. Hopefully a black is200 sport. I still have my eyelids that were waiting for a good day to put on the one that was nicked, so i'll be doing that first. After that probably another TRD grille.
  6. i'll be up for it if i am Lexxed up again........
  7. Happy Birthday. All the best. :D
  8. hopefully i'll still be along for this one. I will either be in a mazda mx5 :) or a Maestro diesel .
  9. Can I ask about the Gap insurance. I understand it makes up the difference between what you owe on the car and what the insurance company gives you, is this right? ← Wayne, I think there are 2 types of GAP insurance. When i got the car i bought it outright, so the GAP insurance will make up the difference to the price i bought the car for (this includes the trade in for my last car aswell). I don't know about the one if you are paying in installments, but it should be the same.
  10. Thanks for all the replies guys - i'm starting to cheer up a bit now. If the insurance money is the full whack, i need to make a big decision - buy another Lex and still have scum trying to take it, or do i buy a brand new boring dull crappy car. Will have a couple of weeks to make up my mind. Of course i wouldn't want to leave LOC :D
  11. i was thinking that this morning. I have changed back to UK now.
  12. I am in Congleton, which is about 10 miles north of you. Be careful.
  13. just been in touch with the insurance company. They reckon if everything is ok it will take up to 20 days to complete it. My complimentary hire care is only for 14.
  14. Luckily nobody was hurt. We were just lucky they got away with one car and not two. Just hope the insurance goes well. I am just waiting for a phone call from the Stolen car advisor. Will need to wait and see what happens.
  15. Folks, Had my car stolen from my drive at 0245 this morning. The wife was woken up with a rattling noise from the hall. When we went to look there was a bamboo cane through the letter box on to the shelf we have above the radiator where we kept all the keys etc. Shouted at them then the guy scarpered. They must have already gotten my keys as my car was driven off straight away and the 2nd guy was getting in the passenger side. Phoned the police straight away and they came out about half an hour later. They reckoned if we hadn't caught them in the act, they could of had the wife's mx5 as well. Also there are a few BMWs and Mercs in the street, so he reckoned they were after the Lexus in particular. Doing all the insurance stuff now. Luckily i took out the GAP insurance when i bought the car. I think everyone need to be extra vigilant after what has happened to Scarface and other members recently, as it seems to be the car to steal at the moment. Also, don't leave your keys near your front door. I didn't think it would be possible as the shelf is a lot higher than the letter box. But these :tsktsk: will do anything it seems. Absolutely gutted
  16. Thanks Colin. If it is going to be a hassle i might just give it a miss.
  17. Does anyone know if the GS boot spoiler would easily fit onto the IS? I've seen a couple of photos of this done on and it looks quite good. I'm just not sure if the lengths would be the same, which might make it a pain in the neck. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Ally
  18. The jury is still out for me. Will need to see it in the flesh.
  19. i am at work just now and can't accesss the live link Is it the same as the pics from Care magazine? I know i could wait 20 mins but.......
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