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Everything posted by Tony-Bones

  1. Very true, I have an on car balancer and not used it for five years or so, from new it was only used three or four times.. cars have moved on, the need to balance "drums" drive shafts and centre caps has died, now if there is distress within balance the "plate" should be sufficient, still its somwhat sad people like Adrian suffer from this misunderstanding every day...
  2. Ah right, sorry I actually meant for when they use a dye rather than a plate, don't even think I've seen the bigger places like Elite use a studded plate when balancing. Been having bit of a read on your website mate, a lot of good info on there :) ← Thanks: and its all "free" even if i write personal geometry set-up after mods :D back to that balance issue: To be true i dont know of any other centre that uses studed plates? reason.... todays cars are ( most ) times so well built that this form of correction is not needed, untill it is.. so now the customer goes from piller to post trying to resolve the problem, most times the plate will deliver after that its "on car" balance, anyone heard of that?
  3. Yes the "inner" spigot must fit snug, if the wheel is after market then a locating ring may be needed, the reason for this is, the wheel centre and the hub have a clinical fit, if not as the wheel nuts are tightend this fit will off-set the wheel and allow it to become lose, the balance area uses the outer hole of the wheel which in most cases is not "clinical" in design so is subject to error, were as the "stud" setting methode is exacting.
  4. I heard its the new TARDIS!! :P ← Apparently the car is so big its got its own post code :D
  5. just been reading your banner :D i didn't think anyone could drive the "Monster" and live is it true that if you put your right foot down you can go back in time i heard that when the "Monster" moves i changes the "weather"
  6. Looks and reads like one hell of a good day :D i'm "gutted" i couldn't be there seems there was one or two "offs" :shutit: anything i can mend :D
  7. Can i come :D the kids will be good
  8. seems its just you and me here in LOC? tell me all about your childhood :D ← as far as i'm concerned i'm still in it. Not ready to grow up just yet! ← you know my mum said i was a "war baby" because whenever somone looked in the pram they said "Warrrr" wonder why
  9. My wife is a nurse, and i have two kids to look after when she is at work? she can change her shift but its impossible on a B/H. next meet "i will" be there ( need a lift )
  10. seems its just you and me here in LOC? tell me all about your childhood :D
  11. Where is everyone it seems todays meet has gone well :D i think i will walk the dog now.. then theres the grass to cut ( wonder how the meets going ) i'v got the spuds to peel ( like to meet Bazza ) still got the cat to feed... come to think of it i "WISH" i was there
  12. Drury seems your best bet, make sure you mention LOC and WIM when you book the car in. I put Drury to test with Anees and established a price structure for LOC in the Mids, to date Drury has been exceptional, if you have any mods and need to have the geometry written let me know.
  13. I've said that b4 as well. "Geometry guru" would be a nice heading. :D ← :P
  14. well i dont know? this "drift" area and geometry is very new, i could "pratt" on all day about this and that but the end result is down to the driver "you". SXOC in my oppionion have watched to many "jap" dvd's, all my theory is measured on effect not "chat" seemingly SXOC found this hard to swollow, the "base" set-up in WIM is only a theoretical start for those who want to give drift a go, my ancore was the fact that DA and some members of SXOC wanted my set-up? also Julian invited me for a "chat" but we missed our meet! thing is Matt there is no "actual" set-up as you well know but there are geometrical laws that "some" dont know!
  15. The physics of wheel balance is a "stand alone" topic but the method of correction needs to be open to explantation, there is a massive misunderstanding in the tyre industry about the way the wheel is mounted on the balancer this is: 99.9% use the wheels centre hole as a location for the "dye" that holds the wheel on the balancer, this centre "hole" is not always central and infact is only "cosmetic" so if used as a guide for balance the readings will be "fictitious" so will the results. The actual way to mount the wheel is on a "studed" plate, this " plate has five studs that you bolt the wheel to this mimics the way the wheel is mounted on the car and the readings are "exact", AD77 today was a perfect example, once on the plate one front wheel was measured over 70gm out of balance! reason for this "gray" area is any tyre company will need a 3 stud plate 4 stud plate 5 stud plate 6 stud plete and they cost £400 each.
  16. Yeh found it! search wheels-inmotion in drifting discusion topic "shoes on lets dance" make of it what you will. like i said i found the whole area hostile and retracted away, good bad i dont know!
  17. That reply far exeeds any forum, a problem, a customer, a result, LOC for me is home. an area where things that cost £sssss can be addressed easely, just dont ask me anything about your "turbo"
  18. Thanks for that reply, there was nothing to correct other than the osf "toe" seemingly when the car was in the body shop there was an "event" but overall smart car no wear... :D ← Yes, sorry Tony should have explained things a little better. ← You did just fine :D
  19. Thanks for that reply, there was nothing to correct other than the osf "toe" seemingly when the car was in the body shop there was an "event" but overall smart car no wear... :D
  20. Doodlebug: that report reads ok albeit somwhat "messy" all thats been adjusted os the f/ r toe. rear camber : ok rear toe : ok front camber : a bit uneven but wont wear the tyres, so ok castor : ok kpi : this angle cannot be moved unless the camber is adjusted, yours was not so how did the readings go from before after nsf 8deg 25' nsf 8deg 32' osf 10deg 48' osf 9deg 59' the after figures are: ok :D i only hope that the same mistake has happend to 2ddesign car, and the opperator has :tsktsk: up.
  21. Tony - :) I must be in the wrong job , just kidding Tony ;) ← yeh, maybe i'v been explaining things to well
  22. "Just" done a long reply and my :tsktsk: locked up :tsktsk: comp. That report does not make sence, the car should pull left, and right ? but we have a problem it reads the you have a castor of 5deg and 6deg 30' and a kpi of 8deg and 13deg 20', i can adjust these but indirectly useing the camber but your camber reads fine! i feel the opperator has made a "mistake" but then why do you have the wear.... if all reads true then the osf must of had an impact can you confirm this?
  23. Hi Tony Yes there was wear on the front tyre, are you saying it is dangerous to drive as I'm off tomorrow on a 250 mile round trip ← eek i am suffering from inner tyre wear on the passengeer side front wheel i was just hoping somewhere was out of ali8gnment but this sounds something like my problem too ← probably not :D most times "camber" is the criminal, 2ddesign is on his 3rd set of tyres in 31K.
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