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Everything posted by Tony-Bones

  1. facts first: what pattern is the tyre 8000 or 9000, where is the noise front or rear, do the tyres show a "heel and toe" wear pattern.
  2. But had to happen? geometricaly! whats the best set-up? we know the "japs" think they have a hold within "drift" geometry set-up. But the theoretical set-up is open to debate, "what do you think".....
  3. "Never" would i think that Mr 75 is of more concern than all those who have lost their jobs the "Human" factor evolvels in different areas, and with different levels of passion, "ANYONE" that has lost their job would be on top of my list i dont deny that but that topic was not the "job" losses but the buyer, i feel "very" sad for those who have lost their jobs. maybe the support for Mr 75 could keep things alive untill somone takes charge? BTW "did" you work for Rover? ← No didn't work for rover but where i went to school there was a feeder for people to leave education and go there for jobs so i know a few people who worked there and the motor industry in the midlands supplies a hell of alot of jobs ← Now i can understand "why" you read so passionate for the workers, i dont feel anyone wants to "belittle" the worries that the workers from rover now must have and i wish this on no one! the fact is we, you and a dog named sue must keep the rover situation in veiw. Tell me this the "feeder" within education, your school, where did you go...?
  4. "Never" would i think that Mr 75 is of more concern than all those who have lost their jobs the "Human" factor evolvels in different areas, and with different levels of passion, "ANYONE" that has lost their job would be on top of my list i dont deny that but that topic was not the "job" losses but the buyer, i feel "very" sad for those who have lost their jobs. maybe the support for Mr 75 could keep things alive untill somone takes charge? BTW "did" you work for Rover?
  5. When LOC first used me i had to write a new geometry set-up for the IS200/300 based on the "same" repetative tyre wear problem, this ment that a two stage program was needed. 1: theoretical initial set-up 2: "prove" and customize after 2000 miles to date the "prove" has been spot on. One thing i feel i must explain wheels-inmotion. is "not" a company just a web address, i Tony Bones works within fast fit and is "demanding" they become geometry aware. the whole area of WIM is "damming" of fast fit but STS have followed my awarenes and supported it. Scorpion i feel can read bull**** from a distance, so his :D means alot, it's all hand on heart guys i make nothing from you, STS gets a bit, i am just happy with the :D
  6. Errrm, you do pay taxes don't you? What about the tax paying silent victims? ← "Ah" but Mr 75 like us all has payed his "tax", it all seems to me that the only thing we make in the UK is people "redundant", the only thing we "export" are soldiers and the biggest thing we "inport" are immigrants.
  7. Reads about right, the aspect ratio of a 225/ 55= 123.75 a 255/ 40= 102+ the 1" extra from the wheel do you need the "exact" r/p/mile?
  8. Why! with all the information out there is that so... great for loc since it shows true control in this area, but top three veiws how does this happen...
  9. I agree to the "max" but the point of the thread is "us"!!!! the hard worker who has saved up the money to buy a dream car, Lexus, Rover whatever, the Goverments "save the worker" plan is all good and well but what about Mr 75 with the pull to the left! He= "us" is the silent victim...
  10. That was the customers point, the geometry cost cannot be re-claimed so they refused to do it! hence the distresed email and this thread, i cannot reply "down road second turn on left and "push" it seems that the best support for mr 75 is best of luck, but the whole situation is "pants" for everyone! Good news is after all our "anger". the pull with his new 75 should be nothing more than "tyre drift" not geometry! "one down" 25000 to go, watch this space.
  11. From what i know they claim "bust" now all the cars are part of the assetes and belong to the bank..i think?
  12. Yeh i know, this afternoon i had a meeting with the companys head of developments to discuss how STS are going to support "me", and i gave todays examples. Of all the cars i have done for LOC only three have i let down, but that is three to many. it would seem that this area is going to be addressed, lower longer ramp £5000 and the wheel clamps £1100, Simon will also be there if i can set-up the geometry "free health" check day. wheels-inmotions (my) vision is unique to our industry and is still in the "development" stage, and not quite there yet. thing is if wheels-inmotion was a "stand alone" company i could'nt support the price structure, but within STS i can.... ← lets hope all goes well then....... Looks like the bumper will have to be removed :duh: ← "OH" yes, the ramp run-up is in metres not miles.....
  13. I would not blame anyone with a new rover for getting rid of in that way ,i would feel very bitter ← Nor me, how must they feel, Monday polish, tuesday push into canal, wednsday lose £2000 on the insurance, thursday kick the neighboures cat into orbit, friday with the insurance pay out put a deposit on a Lex, saturday feeling better!
  14. Yeh i know, this afternoon i had a meeting with the companys head of developments to discuss how STS are going to support "me", and i gave todays examples. Of all the cars i have done for LOC only three have i let down, but that is three to many. it would seem that this area is going to be addressed, lower longer ramp £5000 and the wheel clamps £1100, Simon will also be there if i can set-up the geometry "free health" check day. wheels-inmotions (my) vision is unique to our industry and is still in the "development" stage, and not quite there yet. thing is if wheels-inmotion was a "stand alone" company i could'nt support the price structure, but within STS i can....
  15. Then its true the "human" factor once again falls onto the "common" man, hard earned money, trust then the middle finger! well i feel so sorry for a lot of people out there, this will cost us all!.. maybe now the new fullycomp Rovers will be a target for theives and end up in the Canal...dont you think.
  16. i just wanted to say thanks for "avoiding" how i was'nt able to complete todays work on your car.
  17. I had a very sad "truma" email for help today by an owner of a brand new 75 with a bad pull to the left, the whole email read as somone in real "distress" and without support by the dealers, he was told that all warranty work is now "void"!!! "Surely" this cant be! can it.... how do i reply with the bad news? how would you feel if it was your "Lex", ROVER "aka" the leach has a real human factor to answer to, dont you think....
  18. Thanks Scorpion, but what Ukazn has left out from his post is the fact he did come to me today and........ the car is to low! seemingly my barrier is -35mil + 18" wheels. i did prempt this may happen so in advance the best i could do for Ukazn is to write the new set-up for "who ever" to set. ( sorry Ukazn )
  19. Errrrr Fargo, do i just download it ,and does all the rest ?? ← Scarface is your man! here on LOC he will direct you and the LOC team will help, i speak from experiance.....
  20. For sure. When i got the bike the instructions gave sound advice on how to stay safe 1: In the event of a car pulling out in front of you, the "T" bone process is as follows: soil underwear, "solid" preffered, open eyes wide, extend chin and offer teeth as a "crumple zone" 2: Manufactures of 4x4 vehicles recognize the motor bike is a "lesser" life and offer support in the event of a accident, this offer is as follows.. "Thank you" for extending you chin and useing our "bull bar", once under the front wheels please read our job offer just under the drivers seat: It reads "mud flap" wanted, must be flexible and willing to travel.
  21. Welcome to the team..."We are family" feel free to "hum".....
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