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Everything posted by Tony-Bones

  1. Hi Tony Yes there was wear on the front tyre, are you saying it is dangerous to drive as I'm off tomorrow on a 250 mile round trip ← its ok to drive "sorry" if worrid you to that extent... i need to ask a few questions 1: have you have the car from new 2: does it pull to the left 3: which front tyre i wearing
  2. hope your sitting down : "something" is bent. When you had that geometry done was it because the front tyres were wearing?
  3. Yes, the "heat shield" on the under body is standerd spec "globle" but the shield on the cat "protecting" against grass fire is US code, here the after market cats come without the "fire shield" point is since a "cat" is for life why is it here in the UK do so many fail, as you read i have my own idea, and its all "thermal"
  4. But it was the front bumper that caught the speed hump........... not the rear ! ← Bumper today, "cat" tomorrow thing is Ahmet you are now a member of the "avoid the hump" club? and the puddle and the pot hole and the kerb and the, well you will find all in time but for now, keep that "cat" out of the water. lets talk "thermal" shock :shutit:
  5. Dont forget chaps, you are the ones paying for this beit me Paul or whoever, this sevice is somthing that has been denied for a long time. Thanks to LOC this area is at last addressed with the control and pricing that makes companys sit-up and give results, good for us all i think!
  6. All i can say about Drury is they seem spot on! i dont own geometry but i do feel that "trust" is somthing i can export, Drury welcome LOC with a price structure that i set, to date they have been experts.
  7. Did you find out why the "cat" went? or did you just replace it at a cost of £lots.? if you found out why, what was it!!!!
  8. Do i ? - why does lowering my car have any effect on what this thread will be about .......... ? ← Well the "trigger" for this topic was your post yesterday about the car "catching" the speed bumps, my reply was "watch" out for that cat! "Why" in my trade we change many cats and fail cats on the MOT this leads me to my question! 1: the cat has to work at very high temperature 2: our climate does not support the cat 3: many cats that i change show no signs of truma, so why is the ceramic loose within the casing 4: why, here in the UK do we "now" use a metal catalyst converter I think that here in the UK "thermal" shock or lets say a rapid contration of the outer casing is why so many cats fail, now you have lowerd the car your cat is a "target" for the puddle, and "thermal" shock.
  9. If i'm right about "thermal" shock then you need to follow this thread...!
  10. We all know about "cat"alyst converters in the uk, but has anyone here had one fail, and do you know "why", seemingly here in the UK the "ceramic" cat is now replaced with a "metal".... There seems to be many reasons why the "cat" could fail, management this lambder that? but i think tha main reason is "thermal shock" what do you think....
  11. Welcome to LOC : 05 if i pay can i watch you polish 05, if only i went to collage :D "good" for you! "welcome again"
  12. Sorry Ahmet "every" down has a down side... watch out for that "cat"
  13. Thanks pete, Twas an evening to remember! let me reflect.... spring board fitted :D superman suit on :D ten more minutes on LOC :mat: quick check in the "how to" manual :P then off too bed only to find Ms doc asleep, oh well theres allways next year
  14. Ahmet you just allowed a beautiful car to look "better", the scale of drop and the IS300 natural geometry recovery was "spot on" thanks to you we now can see how much the geometry "settles" from the initial recovery and the "stock" set-up. What is the main difference between the "before and after" that you noticed? i know it's early days but could you give a: Its better "because" Its worse "because" Oh and thanks for the pic i look like i'm sucking a lemon, lol, was you working under cover!
  15. "where" have you been.....! be quick "putting on suit" not seen you here for a while " fitting spring board" :D speak tomorrow :tsktsk:
  16. In this order Tony 1. 3. and then 2 :D Forget 4! . ← 1: felt :D 3: reads as 2: the "plank" of wood and the superman suit seems a lote of work think i will stay online......
  17. WOW!! This has been the most rewarding six months of my life! WIM was built to "warn" people about alignment, never did i think we would have this relationship between LOC and WIM. Its so ironic that "today" i had a meet with my AM regarding my needs for the geom machine, and today they have agreed "new ramp and new clamps" now i can cover all "Bazza" i owe you this one.... anyhoo "wife looking all :D shall i 1: have another beer 2: fit spring a board on top of wardrobe 3: stay online an complain about the back, oh, the pain..... 4: suggest she just "blows" my wages... sorry bit rude, maybe. :P now i'm an "old" boy i think it will be.................. "tell" you tomorrow :)
  18. You have lost me with the "link" in SXOC, yes i have been in there, and yes my geom set-up caused much debate, and i felt that the arguments between the geo and SXOC was a wast of time, how can anyone debate any topic without a reasonable understanding of the geometry for drift and "dispute" any theory without validating any argument, to be true i pulled there pants down and the whole area became hostile so i just left the forum...if you want to view any content from SXOC the time line would be about Nov 04? ← thanks yep thats what i was refering 2.... "....Mat you have read some of my "theory" shown in SXOC..." i will go see if i can find you know what the Topic Title was, and what name are you registered over there you know where you posted the topic on the site, i have just been all through the "Drift" section back as far as October ← yeh, i think the topic was set-up "tell me yours".. blindly i thought we could all compare geometry set-up and drifing and have a happy chat, but all they wanted to do was to "bleed" my theory and argue the facts, thats ok by me assuming that the information has some form of development, it did'nt, when i stood my ground and disproved some members it became hostile so i retracted from the forum, i dont need to have some pratt argue that a pebble on the track will move the "toe" .5mm too the left so all theory is redundent.
  19. "Pressure" Eddie it's all down to pressure :D best thing is.... its not down to geometry. now you can relax.
  20. You have lost me with the "link" in SXOC, yes i have been in there, and yes my geom set-up caused much debate, and i felt that the arguments between the geo and SXOC was a wast of time, how can anyone debate any topic without a reasonable understanding of the geometry for drift and "dispute" any theory without validating any argument, to be true i pulled there pants down and the whole area became hostile so i just left the forum...if you want to view any content from SXOC the time line would be about Nov 04?
  21. You are Welcome. the "fine tune" tread depths as promist are out mid in nsf 4.35 7.62 4.32 nsr 4.54 7.23 4.22 osf 4.34 7.63 4.14 osr 4.76 7.23 4.66 tyre pressure now is the only issue up to 35psi is the way forward, geometry seems to be job done....
  22. That would be an experiance for us both! the area i found missunderstood with the castor angle is the effect of it to the "TOOT" my study proved "positive castor and its axis can "dismiss" rack ratio at a rate that compliments drift, thing is like you maybe when i read all the information shown in the forums, it's not what they say it's what they dont say, camber this, camber that.....we all know but the hidden areas like castor falls silent, those are the ones that capture me, i'm sure Mat you have read some of my "theory" shown in SXOC, and seen the "cut downs" from the members and i know they all no :tsktsk: all other than the basics, apply three dimentinal geometrical geometry on paper and explain it then i would be impressed, my main target within the drift geometry set-up is "castor" and very much in debate rear "toe"...
  23. That will be interesting, i think you know that through NSOX and WIM and Drift academy i had the chance to write a "theoretical" set-up based on the basic needs of the drift, 50% of the theory caused much debate ( good ) application of geometry is theorectical since cowards like me dont drift!, something that has caused much argument UK USA is the need for "castor" for the drift car, seemingly this angle is very missunderstood, i think a good understanding of this angle would be a "massive" benifit......what do you think?
  24. Seems my last post was ment for you what size and model of tyre do you have....the SP Sport 270 is not complete in definition.
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