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Everything posted by Boomer54

  1. The term isn't what people mainly associate it with. I quote; Badly or hastily built with materials of poor quality. The term is mid 19th century, and is sometimes said to be from the name of a firm of builders in Liverpool, or to allude to the walls of Jericho, which fell down at the sound of Joshua's trumpets. From: jerry-built in The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable »
  2. "Had the new screen fitted yesterday, a date chosen to coincide with my latest hospital visit." Sound planning ! Be where they can resuscitate you in case the bill is bigger than expected.
  3. Lexigirl day out at Wyredale Park and Lake. With brunch at The Barn at Scorton. Extremely beautiful place.
  4. Pills only once a day. Lucky you.
  5. "First thing to check was the suspected timing belt. This had been replaced 12,000 miles ago. sure enough it was 3 teeth astray. ". Please forgive my technical ignorance but does that mean the belt was not fitted correctly to begin with, or is it something that can happen over time?
  6. Mate we can't get them as far as Rwanda so Mars is a none starter. We should be talking to the Danes about using the Faroe islands ,much more accessable, but as Scott says' "the sun ain't going to shine anymore" for them. Better still use the Falkland islands then let Argentina have them back in a few years time! We've done it again EV values to ?
  7. Well, as I miss my planet I will spend 70k on a ticket to MARS. Sorry David we still don't have any spiders.
  8. The only thing I took away from Paris was the desire never again to drive a RHD car on the peripherique ! 4 and even 5 lanes of traffic and if you need to change lanes quickly when you see your turnoff coming up then good luck with that. Having said which the Italians on their 2 wheeled death machines can create even more havoc with just one lane.
  9. You don't get it because there is a dichotomy running through your first sentence. That is, yes restaurants seem to be teeming, but actually they are in fact teeming with those 45yr NI payers which leads to a conclusion that perhaps their purchasing power is doing very well indeed. Not that there will not be some who are indeed struggling to get that week in Benidorm, but like always they are not very descriptive of the entire picture. In truth I cannot remember the last govt that seems to have any sense of a wide appeal that they were in fact doing a good job. Perhaps the answer is to curtail their job severely, but regardless of Camermoron bleating about delivering smaller govt all those years ago we still have ever greater encroachment from them. EV might be simply left to market forces just like the original fossil fuel cars were. People who can afford them buy them. Those that cannot drive somethingelse and in the fullness of time if EV really are a good idea they will do to Fossil fuel cars what they did to trains and horses etc. Govt interference is seldom a good idea.
  10. Now you're just showing off 😄
  11. In todays money a 6 figure car ! All for less than 5 figures ! The wife would like it a lot more if you threw her and a case in the car, dropped that hood and followed the sun for a few days. You'll be looking at the same blue sky as me this morning and places like Grange etc are just outside you back door.
  12. Very good looking example of the SC. and having had an extensive look over it (thank you Neil), I would be of the opinion it is worth every penny .
  13. I keep up to date with this thread just to remind myself how lucky I was.
  14. I bet those 'yoofs' are really just sensitive souls who would never be up for a scumble on Saturday nights. Anyway who am I to talk having been ejected from entertainment establishments at least 3 times in my memory in my 'yoof' of course. We won' t count the times not in my memory, but counted through ripped shirts etc. Innocent bystander syndrome of course.(sic).
  15. Actually I might have ben at the methylated stuff. Would explain a lot.
  16. I got coerced into this. A hot water cylinder had a small leak damaging the ceiling below. I cut it all back, but in doing so uncovered a section of wall I had scumbled and stencilled 20 plus years ago. The wife went 'ooh I like, do it again'. In fairness I enjoy doing that stuff. Over the years I have marbled, colour washed , ragged, stippled, dragged on everything from ceilings ,walls, to furniture. Had thought I might be done with all that ,but apparently not. Thought just buying a scumble might save me making my own although it's not that hard. Bit of boiled linseed oil, add white spirit and the artists oil colour of choice and away you go. I will say this stuff is mega durable although the oil content can lead to colour change over the years. Well, now you know more about scumble than you wanted , or needed to.
  17. Just bought a little trailer to hook up to my SC 430. Coffin goes on the trailer and the SC is the hearse pulling it. Still looking for a cemetery that will do the extra large plot so it can be driven straight down into the hole and buried with me. Think I understand what the Pharoahs were trying to do ! 😉
  18. "that will not fleece ordinary working people " Come on, I didn't take you for a believer in Nirvana ! However, if you ever find such a place be sure to let me know.
  19. Thanks Neil, that's helpful. I love driving the SC 430 and as you say it is more than quick enough. My question only arose ,because of the difference in handling that I noticed between the SC 430 and the XK. I don't need more horse power/ speed. It is more a feeling of tightness and precision on the road. The XK feels notably more 'glued' to the road and by comparison the SC just that bit more 'floaty'. Hence, I thought perhaps that strut might add something extra in that regard.
  20. So I go into the decorating shop and ask 'where do you have your scumble?'. Behind the counter bemused looks all round and 'what's that?'. A decorator being served looks over and says' you won't find that here ,there's no call for it anymore'. I leave and go the next decorating shop that's been there decades and rinse repeat. Head hung low the 'dinsoaur' leaves to look online. Thank you Amazon (who else?), it really wasn't that hard. I guess if you don't want bog standard white emulsion these days then you are an endangered species.
  21. Cusco Strut Brace. Does anyone have any experience of and view on the effect the brace has on handling? That is,, is there any specific benefit ,or does it just look 'nice' under the bonnet?
  22. Winter stew using a Cote De Rhone with a cheesy muffin top.
  23. On second thoughts it could have just been a Primitive Primitivo as not the best example I have drunk.
  24. Homemade Olive breadsticks; Chicken & Chorizo Pasta bake; I'll Caffè Latte with Mulberry Frangiapan; Primitive wine. Just the usual snack.
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