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Alarm activated by weather

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For only  5 minutes duration yesterday afternoon we had concentrated hail with a strong wind. The 'stones' were not really large, possibly 3 or 4mm.  Almost immediately this activated the alarm on my car but none of the several makes of my neighbours cars were affected.  The alarm was activated once previously under similar weather conditions on another day.  I unset the alarm with my remote and neighbors stopped staring out of their windows.  But it would have been more embarrassing if it had happened at night or while we were not at home.  Of course, like my insurers, I want to have the protection the alarm provides but avoid activation in similar circumstances.  Has anybody else suffered this problem or know whether sensitivity can be reduced by me or Lexus.  Thank you.

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Mine has gone off several times in the last week, I think because I ended up with a fly or wasp in there.

The sensor can be turned off if you think there's a risk of it happening, but I think it has to be done manually each time you leave the car (unless there's something buried in a setting).

Whenever it happens I am always mindful that it might be a sign of the 12v Battery being on the way out. I know mine isn't as good as it should be, and I did have the alarm go off when the Battery was the failing on an LS in the past.

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I had a supposed insect activate the alarm on a different car a long time ago. I fumigated the car and that solved the problem but this has happened on my Lexus only upon the onset of hail and gusting wind.  If there is no easy answer, I will have a word with Lexus and in need an alarm specialist.

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Spoke with Lexus Cheltenham today who confirmed they can reduce the sensitivity of the alarm and have in fact done so to help prevent activation caused by severe weather.  So I will have that done on my next visit and hope it doesn't happen very often meanwhile.

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