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Height Adjustment Measurements For 2Nd Generation Rx300 Air Suspension

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As a result of a broken (and DIY-repaired) sensor connector rod, my RX is sitting a little high on one side at the rear. This is as a result of a shortened connector rod. I have a 15mm spacer on order to correct this but that's not all... I have also had some work done at a non-Lexus dealer which has left the front end (maybe) a little higher than it was previously (or it could be my imagination).

This has left me with little confidence that ANY of the heights are correct so I would like to re-calibrate all of them. I have read a few accounts of people doing this successfully and the procedure is as follows:

1) Set tyre pressures correctly

2) Park vehicle on level ground

3) Set the height Hi, wait until light stops flashing

4) Set the height N, wait until light stops flashing

5) Measure height of each corner & adjust the sensor connector arm as required to bring each corner to the correct height

6) Repeat 3-5 until correct

All I'm missing is the correct value for the height (and where it is measured to).

I know it's a long shot but I thought I'd ask here to see if anyone has this information (maybe someone who has access to Lexus technical manuals or someone who has done it themselves).

Fingers crossed X

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Hmm. I just thought about it and a shorter connector rod should make the car ride lower, not higher. So perhaps it was MUCH higher before the rod broke and is now only a LITTLE higher???

I guess I'll not need the spacer after all.

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Seems to me that the centre of the wheel hub to the highest point on the wheel arch might be a suitable measurement. Readings are currently 45cm, 47cm, 47cm, 48cm clockwise from FNS so the front is (slightly) worse than the back

If anyone has a 2nd Gen RX300 with air suspension, I'd appreciate it if you could take this measurement and post it here.



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Just checked my wheels, the height varies from 45cm to 47cm with the car on level ground and has been idle overnight. Although there is a difference between the heights it is not apparent when viewing the vehicle either from the side or rear. I currently have the Easy Access mode switch enabled and the height select switch set to N. Hope this is of some help.

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Thanks for the reply - very helpful. However, I just want to check something - is the 45-47cm whilt it is in the 'hunkered down' easy-access position? If so, then mine seems to be a little low if it's about the same on the N setting...

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Interesting. I was thinking of something. You describe the adjustment of the sensor connector arm to bring the car to correct height. Does this mean one can actually modify the height a bit a little lower than the factory settings by adjusting all sensor connectors properly?

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I guess it is possible but I'm not sure it would be a good idea. The car is set up at the appropriate height for aerodynamics and handling. Messing with this could adversely affect one or the other (or both).

There's a few cm range on the adjustment but you would probably only get 1-2cm adjustment all round until one of the rods hits its limit.

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Well..principally i agree with you. One should maybe not tamper with nature. But as you know the car already lowers automatically on the highway for better aerodynamics/handling so my thought was to decrease the overall height say with1 cm. That means the normal height level with be closer to the lowest. This should then only improve the handling. And I cant remember when I last used the top level height.. Only an idea. If I'm actually going to do it, that's another story :-)

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