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Fuel Gauge Stuck On Full

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I got into the car yesterday and started her up to see a reassuring full tank of petrol, I went off for a drive back from the shops until it dawned on me. 'I filled up on Friday and have done 110 miles since then. The fuel gauge was going down to nearly three quarters used, but now it's saying she's nearly full. My wife doesn't drive and my neighbours don't have any keys.

, my guess is that the sensor has possibly gone. Are they easy to check and replace?


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It seems odd, as the needle in the gauge had moved down over the 110 miles, but then went back up to full. As I have done another 20 miles, the needle has now moved down, but only the usual distance for 20 miles. I'm worried that when I get to the tank being empty, the gauge is still going to say I have 60 more miles than I actually do. But I've got it booked into Lexus Cardiff and it will be checked on Friday. The car is running fine, so this is just an annoying issue.

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Ahh now this happened to me a few months ago and I put up a post about it.

Basically I parked up with just under half a tank of petrol on the gauge. Got back in the car and when I started it the gauge shot up to 3/4 full.

I drove the car as if it had 3/4 of a tank and i didnt run out and the gauge seemed fine from then on. Never did explain it but it happened to Noby76 as well.... The petrol fairies must've visited you as well Stuart! :)

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Hehehe. Petrol fairies. I'll keep my eye on it, maybe it will level itself out and I know how far I can usually go without running out, so that's cool. But Lexus will have a look at it on Friday.

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I just put a tenner in mine this morning and the needle hasnt moved a inch :unsure:

The more i put in the less time it takes to sort its self out, im wondering if its more a sticky needle on mine, either way im not fussed tbh

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477 miles / 65.10 litres = 7.33 miles per litre x £10 (£10 / £1.329 = 7.52 litres ((7.33 MPL x 7.52 litres)) = 55.12 miles.

In theory, if you can drive like me, then £10 should be able to get you 50 miles down the road . . . . . . .

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477 miles / 65.10 litres = 7.33 miles per litre x £10 (£10 / £1.329 = 7.52 litres ((7.33 MPL x 7.52 litres)) = 55.12 miles.

In theory, if you can drive like me, then £10 should be able to get you 50 miles down the road . . . . . . .

Or, splash out, put £20 in, and you'll be able to get back again :whistling:

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