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Dr Evil

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Everything posted by Dr Evil

  1. So it looks like I am going to have to come and sort your sorry *ss*s out then. :P Mind you, I've never been go karting before, so I'm not sure how much of an asset I'll be
  2. I have read here sometimes about that viewing window for the air-con unit and how you're not supposed to see any bubbles, so I thought today I would have a look. But I didn't know what I was supposed to see! ( this reflects my technical nous btw) :duh: While the engine is off, the chamber is empty. When the engine and air-con are on, it briefly filled with what appeared to be a milky coloured fluid, then emptied again. Is this normal? or is the air-con kaputt? Can any of you technical gurus help me out? Cheers,
  3. Just to bump this up! And to suggest that rather than meeting at the gate to the park, we meet instead at the Pembroke lodge car park inside the park. Its only a couple minutes down from the Star and Garter gate towards the Ham and Kingston gates, on the left hand side if you're coming up from the south, or obviously the right if you're going the other way! I think it would be easier that way. See you there Tues. 7-7.30!!!! :D :D :D
  4. I'm with Mitch here - go for a Bond style folding grill with twin front facing machine guns! :iraqi-info-minister: Knight Rider LEDs would be way cool too though! :duh: :P
  5. That is looking very special indeed! Great work!
  6. Richmond Park closes at 8 something nowadays, so that shouldn't be a problem. Fargo reckons we should be there early, so I guess the earlier the better. I've not driven round that way in rush hour for a while. Any idea how long it'll take?
  7. Depends on what route you're planning. How 'bout Richmond Park, then crossing the river at Kew to join the NCR at the Chiswick roundabout? I'm open to any other suggestions though. If someone has an Ace route for avoiding the traffic that'd be swell!
  8. :D :D :D Meeeee too! Any plans for a convoy up from South London? :P
  9. 'Genuine' Rorschach ink blot tests are very discredited (in the UK and most of Europe anyway) due to the problem of not being able to score them properly and objectively. The Americans still do them sometimes, because they like them, and they are good in Film and TV shows. I've haven't seen one used in nearly a decade now.
  10. Its all part of being an evil genius!!! :winky:
  11. That doesn't seem possible. Are you sure you've got your routings right? (assuming you're going from Purley)
  12. Those pictures in the link look super dodgy
  13. You could have a Ben-Hur style chariot race, and slice each other up!!! :D :o :D
  14. Is the overall impression then that this is an 'uncool' film? Shame, as I really enjoyed the first one and was looking forward to more of the same.
  15. Cheers, I think I understand.?!? BTW I still can't do 'nesting' despite Ryan's and Asam's help. :iraqi-info-minister: I just doesn't come out right for me, like this : Can someone explain it do a dunce like me?
  16. How 'bout synchromesh? I've never been able to get my head round that. :duh: (I've never been able to get my head round renal medicine either, but not sure you could help there!)
  17. I plan on trying to make it. It will be nice to catch up again Bazza.
  18. :D Hello there Miss is! Welcome!! I' thought I'd best stick up for the Granite while evryone is bigging theirs up!
  19. Now that I'm back from work, and over my shock; I think its a good idea. It sounds like hard work to be sure, but it seems there's a real gap in the market. And you get some YTS yoofs (if they still exist) and pay them minimum wage to do all the really hard work. I think :duh:
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