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Everything posted by mudzs

  1. Happy Birthday to you both
  2. been watrching it on a friday ,best programme on tv at the moment .would like to see Manfredo win it but think jesse will .what is sugar rays secret that bloke aint aged a bit
  3. hurt his hand and used it as an excuse not to fight again .yet another sportsman who earned millions doing what he enjoyed that was awarded the mbe :yack:
  4. Have to agree a little ,but then i always thought ruggers was for the upper crust. :D
  5. its a print error, its because the cars top speed is 209 mph .flash little git anyway hope they throw the book at him .
  6. is that the correct mileage ,seems low for the year
  7. fitted mine between the seats in the back by removing the air vents ,that left a nice hole for it to sit in .never use the vents in the back or the ciggy lighter so will not miss them .also got the power from the ciggy lighter .
  8. did mine a few weeks back took about an hour ,good socket set and a decent lever to ease the pistons back in to make room for the new ones ,dont forget to take of the brake fluid cap and place an old towel or cloth around it incase it overflows ,also when finished pump the brakes before setting of and take it easy for a while to let the new pads bed in .
  9. thought about that neil but i will not go in the back of my car ,could collect it in the van but would take a bout two weeks as it still runs on steam its that old
  10. thanks for the replies ,seems parcel force want around £60 which makes it a exspensive seat ,bloke i want to buy it from is about as helpfull as a handbrake on a canoe ,will not post it from his end and wants me to arrange pick up and delivery so i might give it a miss
  11. i need to get a twin passenger seat for my van from Ilkley west yorkshire but the bloke selling it wants me to arrange picking it up etc .anyone suggest a good courier company or the cheapest way to get it to kent as i realy dont know were to start .thanks in advance for any suggestions
  12. can your wife not give you full custody but still keep the same arangement that you have now with the children .good luck and next time the RAF send you of to fight for this country tell em to stick it
  13. followed them to the rule matt,but the amount of moisture left in the car was excessive .i thought it would mist out of the can but it came out like wd40 would ,coated everything
  14. just used an aircon cleaner that you set of in the car and it has covered the whole interiour with water type liquid .it was the carplan one .i thought it was a smoke type of thing not water based ,has made a right mess of the seats dash etc .did i get a duff can or do they all do this
  15. thats for the mk1 i think he is after the mk2 book
  16. might just need adjusting as it has independent rear brakes for the footbrake so they should not realy wear out ,as for the light could just be a sticky switch
  17. Just orderd them and have saved over £100 on two tyres .If your thinking of getting tyres check them out as this is a great deal .
  18. i am ordering mine tomorrow and have had pirreli s for the last 30k .will be putting toyos on this time as the pirrelis were far to skittish in the wet and pulling away in the wet was a joke ,no grip at all .
  19. good garage to .bought a audi from him a few years back .that convertible looks the biz
  20. thtas funny . do you reckon this one is fake
  21. Not sure if i am right here but maybe the slits are to get more cold airflow onto the front discs to cool them down ,being an auto they will get hotter than the manual version. so i would check it out with your dealer first or you might suffer serious brake fade just when you dont want it
  22. do they realy earn that much .i could join up and stop all my family talking to me in one go ,now theres an idea .seriously though your pad looks great .
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