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Everything posted by mudzs

  1. I bought a set for mine for £12.00(£6 each)unnamed from local car spares only to find the offset on the pins was slightly out and they did not fit without a struggle .i will be buying the phillips ones next to aviod the hassle even though they did the job
  2. I am getting old ,aint heard of any of them and am to embaressed to list mine :D
  3. Yep i like it to but i bet it don,t look like that when put into production.
  4. sounds like the starter but get the battery checked just incase .also check terminals on battery and starter connection to see if they are loose or dirty.Not sure on fitting or cost but some places will repair them as a cheaper alternative .
  5. you could take the key switch apart ,never done it but must be able to do it as getting in the boot would be impossable from the inside as tank in way ,
  6. Alright you ,ve put me of ,i'll buy them a rubiks cube instead that will keep em quiet
  7. Explain to him in full what you have done before you give him your keys .good luck and they do take tips if you know what i mean :winky:
  8. probaly depend on the aa bloke involved some go out of there way to help and others have a tow it attitude.had a cambelt come of as one of the top pullys came undone on a mk1 supra once aa bloke took 3 hours stripping it down putting it back together and doing the timeing again at the side of the a30 in the dark ,top bloke.give em a call and cross your fingers you never know
  9. Taking the cam cover of is easy enough ,the allen key can not go any further down ,i would have thought the aa would do this as it is only a short job and once cover of allen key would be very easy to see.
  10. Have you tried tightening bolts that hold on rear lights as mine were very loose when i changed a bulb .My radio do,s the same thing, don,t know why it always stops on the same station it started after doin a complete loop
  11. I agree colin that is why that system seemed good as the screens are not in the headrests and can be removed if need be when parking in places that are risky .
  12. Done all that when i was younger plus i would like to see my children grow up, there is far to many alvin stardust lookalikes in there shiny new leathers who have gone to see there maker far to early.As for improve my driving ,one accident in 17 years of driving, and yep you guessed it motor bike came down the inside as i was indicating to turn left into my yard he hit my transit so hard he wrote it off then smashed straight into a lamp post.full police investigation ,motorbike rider found to blame apparently he had hit 70mph in a 30 mph zone so by the time i had checked my mirror once he was not in sight and when i started to turn he was on top of me .thankfully he only had cuts and bruises etc but scared the crap out of himself and me into the bargain .
  13. i will remember that next time i come up behind a slow bike in the fast lane . :P .
  14. Not on the motorway ,i get loads do it to me they straddle the white line between lanes and go through the middle ,the amount of times i go to move over and they just come through .and yes i do indicate to move over .
  15. Is that so the bike can decide wether to overtake on the inside or outside :D
  16. the audi v6 is a great car and a lot quicker than the is, but for looks the is200 is miles ahead .
  17. Just do it properly i lost a good freind due to motorbikes and he was a good rider .A lot of middle aged men are jumping back on bikes and becomming barry sheene overnight they are a different kettle of fish to what they were years ago .As for the loud pipe we don,t need the noise to see you comming , your light on full beam does that .
  18. As a biker - I can assure you that as a group we are picked on way more than car owners. We make up a very small % of road users. So low in fact that the the road transport lot consider bikes as a recreational use not a mode of transport and this means that they can put up miles of cable as opposed to armco on motorways/dual carriageways - this stuff simply slices and dices riders who are unfortunate to hit it. Despite evidence showing that low sun in winter is blinding we are banned from using dark visors, despite the fact that you will often see police motorcyclists riding with them. Why - because the powers that be think we are incapable of switching visors at night :duh: Road surfaces get worse and worse, they are doing nothing to stop people spilling diesel all over the roads - lethal if you are on 2 wheels. They also don't bother punishing drivers who come up with the "Sorry mate, didn't see you" line and kill riders but will send to prison bikers caught speeding on motorways - even though car drivers have been clocked at higher speeds they do not go to prison. All good points ,never thought of the cable armco and bikes you would think they would ban it.still think they get away with the camera though .I must admit my biggest gripe with bikes is the noise they make ,i live on a busy road and of a night some of the bikes make the windows shake not to mention waking my little girls .A bloke up the rd runs out with a shovel sometimes to get a certain biker who insists on doing silly speeds at 2 in the morning ,he aint got him yet but we live in hope .
  19. Alternator .is the charge light on the dashboard going out when it idles.or could it be something to do with the turbo timer as it was working fine before you installed that
  20. Well i'm sure that's very good news.... But.... All the latest equipment in the world won't help if talentless clowns are using it Classic :D i could not have put it better myself .
  21. Is that two screens Besty the only problem is when i sell the car the headrest for the mk1 are harder to get hold of so would end up flogging kit with car and i would rather take it from car to car.How did you hide wires down back of seat are they inside seat
  22. Lexus tonbridge wells and canterbury - motorline
  23. can Any one give advice on this system see it on ebay and am thinking of buying two sets .thanks :)
  24. I agree with you and have discussed it on many occassion ,no one seems to have the answer it seems that if you have a bike the only way of being caught is if they can identify you or your bike .
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