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    lS300h F-Sport
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  1. This is a used Boot liner/protector still in good condition.. (Please bear in mind that it has been in use so has the wear and tear you would expect) Message me if interested.
  2. Ordered my new Volvo today. Lexus offered a competitive price for the IS, and being the same Franchise group probably helped. I hope you guys enjoy your cars as you should do. Thanks for the help in the past. See you for now David.
  3. I'd be changing it for another make of car. I don't see why I should put up with a car that couldn't carry anything in the boot without getting wet. Try convince your Missus that carring her clothes in the boot runs a risk of getting water damaged I would never consider keepping a car where the basic functionality fails, without it being able to be rectified. This is not the 70's it shouldn't be so. David
  4. I have an annoying leak, or probably should call it overspill in the boot of my IS. This happens due to the dished boot lid jettisoning the water onto the back screen, then joining forces with the water there and overflowing into the drivers side hinge. While this is not gallons, it still would cause damage to items affected by moisture. Material/electrical items etc. My dealership said their staff have noticed it to, but they can't do anything about it. I'm not to happy with that from car costing this amount, and am considering returning it, and going to another manufacturer. I'll get some photos up.
  5. Rc is a nice looking car, but impratical when parking in bays. As if someone parks anywhere near you, you'd need to be a contortionist to get in. Due to the large and thick doors, yes the IS are thick, but not so big. Even if you can get in the passenger side, you'd be pretty agile to get over tthe center console :) David.
  6. Thats the way we do the shower cubicle funny enough, and it works a treat. Micro fibre with damp cloth, and Glass cloth it dry.
  7. I rest it on the accelerator pedal. I feel the pedal can take the weight of my foot without affecting the speed, so I can relax my right foot nicely. David.
  8. Yes, I've seen a 4 mpg increase lately. I'm very happy with the economy even when it was lower. David.
  9. Of course the sides are important, for safe viewing. But I like to know what is around all the time. Which is basically what for me, buying a car with them would take away. Plus you may as go the whole hog, and convert it to a van, if the rear view mirror is superfluous to you. David.
  10. Those dealership are fine, but not local to all. I'd never buy from a dealership I couldn't easily get to for a face to face. No-one anywhere got close to the deal I got from my nearest dealership, by 1k. Although deals are constantly changing, and not always advertised. If they need to shift a certain model that month, to fill quota's, and you walk in, or Carwow(or other like styled site) them. You can just get plain lucky. David.
  11. I test drove a New car for my Son a few years back. It had tinted (legal levels) rear quarter, and rear screen. The day I was testing it, was grey and overcast, and raining steadily. Now I found it very difficult to spot cars leaving and joining the lane behind me, irrespective of whether they had any lights on or not. Probably exasperated by the tinting on the internal mirror. From that day I vowed never to own one like it, as I'd found it very dangerous in my view. Others may not, but for me it is not an option I'd ever consider. David.
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