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Everything posted by Malc1

  1. Chris Barber of jazz fame ? saw him and his jazzmen playing one lunchtime outside St.Paul's area in the City many moons back Malc
  2. Oh my you’re brilliant young man garrulous never A bit quirky maybe but you’re entitled I’ll still be zooming around in my Ls400 at your age another 15 years and maybe 150k miles ...... to 390 k ....... not even run-in .......... my mental exercise( my business ) is augmented by swimming a few times a week for a half hour ( 20 slow lengths I’m afraid ) just swimming contemplating life and my next travel adventure somewhere weird hopefully ...... let’s just make sure this covid etc crap is “ gone “ eh Youngster in mind and spirit at 87 ...... good on ‘ya well done 👍 Malc
  3. £1.68.9 a ltr ! not quite so good now the E10 is down to 150.9 in Southend C'mon, I'm just a short pipeline away on Sheppey .................... Tescos here just today dropped E10 to 1.58.9 their E5 is usually 8p per ltr more I'll run me own personal pipe feed across the estuary and try not to blow up the SS Montgomery.... BANG !!! Malc
  4. I’m with EON think they absorbed NPower who I was with forever ...... they’re always assuring me I’m on the cheapest tariff ( none fixed right now ) so I’m just going with the flow and paying the monthly assessed fees im thinking prices will settle sometime soon Just as soon as Putin pops off the scene or BP whatever brings some useful Uk available stuff on stream ......... wrap up well eh ! more draught excluder around the house Make sure your lofts insulated ........ and “close that bloody door “ 😄 I might get the open fire logs stocked up too ....... where’s the matches ? Candles too ....... hahahaha Malc
  5. when I was phoning round about my insurances for both cars I did understand that keeping the cars on the highway / parked on the road outside, was a benefit in reducing the premiums Malc
  6. I'd like to understand why there's this ever increasing Daily Charge too .. wot's all that about then ? They can increase that willy nilly no doubt Malc
  7. Then we’ll never now know how little less it might have been with the Alarm intact ..... if any difference at all 🤔 insurers have a preponderance to simply charge extra for whatever they can ........ enhanced risk or nay ! Malc
  8. or maybe .... just confirm to the insurers ( if you need to that is ) that the car comes with it's standard manufactured system ----- and unaltered if they ask And leave it at that maybe ... you don't have to go into the ins and outs of functionality . you're no expert on that score and insurers wouldn't expect you to be I'm sure Might help with your conscience and the insurers Qs Malc
  9. My indy told me the part numbers to order Ordered on-line and paid what they asked ............... advertised cost price plus carriage . can't remember the next move but I know i had to pay both the Vat AND the Import Duty and a tiny couple of squid for some advice or other from Royal Mail ....... maybe that was the time I paid all those " extra fees " ... by card of course .............. someone official will tell you exactly how much you have to pay .... to unlock the delivery to you from some bonded warehouse i guess in the UK the catalogue price might well have been just 50% of the finished landed and delivery price which in itself was about 50% of the Lexus UK price .. and all OEM provided that's what you have actually ordered They do sell other stuff too I found the whole process seamless and very efficient and i got exactly what I ordered and paid for so 10/10 stars Good luck with whatever you decide Malc
  10. sorry I meant the filter being clean-uppable ! Malc
  11. I think I was reading that these sump gaskets are non-sacrificial ..... in that they are simply cleaned off and re-used This may not apply to all models tho' of course ! Malc
  12. Michael hi ... YES ............ I have used them over several years and always with brilliant outcomes with OEM products . often with Toyota stamped on them too ... good delivery times too Their price + carriage + vat + import duty + a small advice fee from say Royal Mail and the products often work out at 50% or less of UK Lexus / Toyota price I've bought UCAs at say £2/250 all-up when the Lexus price is @ £5/600 I think they supply from both the USA and the UAE Rockauto also are well thought of too Malc
  13. simply a cartel ... the Govt relaxed the law on that during the crisis ... now ended ... so guess they haven't banned price rigging again yet ........... if I had shares in these supermarket crooks I'd off load them ..... must check out my pension fund eh ! Malc
  14. my indy would never change the oil completely ...... the only effort he would " allow " was a partial drain and refill and that was a few years back and all was then and is still well with my gearbox ( I believe ) and I could not then, nor now, appreciate any perceptible changes in operational "feeling" and I think I read somewhere that on the Ls400 box it's done at 130k miles ? Maybe it's an old wives tale about complete draining, flushing and re-filling BUT I do remember somewhere on here, way back, about replacing the filter too, ensuring that all and any crud is also removed .............. why there should be any of that in there I don't know BUT the job for complete 100% is to also change . or at least clean .... that filter too .......... I was reading Good luck ! Malc
  15. my ancient Ls400 always gives me another 100 miles when the orange " empty'ish" light shows . the needle does actually drop right to the bottom when I'm running her on orange for any length of time ... I try not to, it's a bit fearsome worrying about breaking down for lack of spending a few bob on petrol .....tank holds 80.1 ltrs they tell me Malc
  16. so how on earth does this crooked business Tesco justify 14p a ltr more expensive on Sheppey Kent we're just a couple of miles from Essex too across the Thames estuary ........ say Southend Us motorists sure are being ripped off by our dear supermarkets selling petrol re-enforces my thoughts to only shop at Aldi and Lidl as they never rip us off with fuel, coz they simply don't sell the stuff Malc
  17. Spot Oil today about US$ 88 /90 so fuel could be more expensive a tad with the £££ falling like a stone these days E10 at Morrisons Sittingbourne Kent at 159.7p ( my E5 at 7p more ) is the best yet for Morrisons, .........especially as the local store in Sheppey is 5p dearer .... blo/ody crooks ........ cartel with Tesco and BP garage at 164.9p Malc
  18. I'm still none the wiser .... maybe ask the Mod on here for some input ! Steve2006 . he's got decades of experience with your age car Malc
  19. sadly my old and ancient laptop I'm having to use these past days ( hence I've temporarily lost my 7.4k record here in my other Malc name ) doesn't want to open these piccys, never mind YES, get another old fashioned garage to check it out ... hope you get more considered skills working for you then Good luck Malc
  20. excuse my ignorance but what is PPF'd ? My bro-in-law some years back had a brand new Lexus, sleek and useless rear seat combo BUT in that red and black and it did look absolutely superb too Well done Malc
  21. did they actually remove the engine and put it on their bench to test whatever ? seems a little extreme ........... and heaven knows why they couldn't provide a sensible answer to your problem, especially as she has been driving superbly I'd imagine for the past 15 years Guess all they needed was an old fashioned mechanic with those skills sets to fix older non-complex cars Wish you well whatever . your problem seems mystifying and never reported before on this forum to my knowledge Malc
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