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Everything posted by Malc1

  1. I've been using a Halfords T Cut product .. £6.99 a pack and it works ok on the Honda plastic headlights ... not perfect but ok and will need doing annually I think ...... cleans up much of the dimmness There's a more expensive T Cut headlight restorer product too available at Halfords Malc my 95 headlights are glass btw
  2. oh dear, doesn't want to save the car and change the radiator as THE NECESSARY precaution to ensure safe longevity ! Cest le Vie . we have done all we can Malc
  3. ostrich I ate occasionally when I toured South Africa for a month, again about 1982'ish . delicious I found Malc
  4. Ian, welcome to the forum . there's lots of thoughts here about the Ls430 and the Ls460 and differences etc IMHO you're nuts to even think about changing your tiny mileage briiliantly looked after ( I'm assuming ) Ls430 She'll last another 100k miles minimum....... BUT no doubt the Ls460 is a fine fine car and you'd be well pleased with the change, apart from maybe the bills that might come with it .... lap of the gods stuff that You have a very fine low mileage Ls430 so I'd say " stick with it " . if you want Good luck with your decision making From a long time Ls400 owner and fan and can't see the point in changing cars for the sake of it guy ! Malc
  5. Well, I guess it belongs to the Falklands ...... the citizens are British nationals and sovereignty of this British territory ensues that's possibly the real reason we decided to turf out those invaders 40 years ago ...... and also the “ people” wanted to stay British ...... the sheep too no doubt I’ll take my share sometime maybe ...... not sure I’ll go live there but I’d love to make a flying visit ........ no visa required I presume ....... I’m excited ........ maybe one has to get there via Argentina tho’ Oh what a beautiful country Argentina is 👍 im off ........ but I guess I’ll need an off-roader Malc ....... oh to dream eh !
  6. only had cheval the once, in about 1982 or so when I took all 4 of my ( very young then ) kids on a holiday park tour of France .... quite enjoyed it but never been offered it since ....... I'll pass on more, even the Poirot frites Malc
  7. DON'T BELIEVE I've seen any yet whereas prior years there have been plenty around by now ........... must be the economy eh ! Malc
  8. But would you rather have my V8 Ls400 or maybe 285 of the above 😂 Malc
  9. I think an opportunity to ONLY buy British and to enable those happy gun toting loonies freedom to help us all by “taking out” some of these senior political numpties looking at the dear Queens funeral, Camilla et al were in cars with the windows down Did you notice ? That worried me tbh .......... even if those beautiful cars ( German Bentley ? Jaguar and Range Rover .... Tata ) are armour plated she just needed some fresh air I guess or the electric windows malfunctioned 🤔 Malc
  10. but what I don't need are the bills that would go with it 😂 Malc
  11. and the schedule is occasionally lacking in necessary detail .................. .................... where your indy would probably, without a second breath actually service the calipers, greasing them etc which no Main Dealer would do .... as that's excepted from the schedule Main Dealers are OK when you have to have them but a ( usually ) expensive option when you don't Malc
  12. we have bundles of effectively UK owned and free oil reserves just off the Falklands which our guys went to war over and several hundred died sadly So. we do have this abundance of oil reserves so let's just set BP etc onto the case and bring it home eh ! It's not renewables but so what ! what on earth does it matter when it's all gone in about the year 2522 then we can go for the Brazil oil reserves just up the road which are just about as much as the world has actually ever used or is likely to use over these next few hundred years I really don't get this foreboding on using oil and gas non renewables ........ dig up all those rare minerals instead to make EVs stuff .. what's the conceptual differences please .... It's beyond me to comprehend obviously. what the Green Brigade understands Simply dig for all this abundant and free oil and gas and burn it cleanly . that's the key Put money and research into developing effective Clean Burn .. and save the planet that way and allow me to run my V8 4 ltr limo for ever ........ please Malc
  13. and you'll still be in the market for your next new car .... I'll only be 100 and still driving my Ls400 eh ! Malc
  14. R hi .... Not fit for purpose ........ comes to mind and if this is a quite recent purchase then you might have the option to just cancel the deal, do a Chargeback if you paid any of the cost by a bank card The Dealer did NOT deliver the Goods fully ... good grounds for a Chargeback in my mind Maybe this might focus their attitude a little more usefully towards your needs if this is an avenue you could pursue Malc
  15. filling both my cars on the same day is 1 x £10 X about 26 😅 nor indeed for ancient terraces of houses like mine maybe ........ BUT let's remember it's only us silly dopes in the UK and the EU and some of the USA that have fallen for all this political and Green CRAP about saving the planet we need to go EV .............. the REST of the WORLD hasn't succumbed to the dumb down rubbish being spouted Malc
  16. and significantly out of pocket when the effective EV " white goods " need servicing or simply replacing with a built in life, like a fridge or a washing machine of say ... 5 years and then simply recycled .... it's not going to be a car but simply a general household item with built in obsolesence ...... don't you think ?? Malc
  17. sorry but I've never heard of the Throttle Position Sensor nor of one ever being checked out either My 95 car has covered 240k miles and half of that with me over 11 years .............. so advise us please ...... ..... who told you the TPS needed changing and more importantly what did they actually do ? I've a feeling this might be some cause of your unusual troubles Malc
  18. I think getting a replacement glass headlight will be like finding a needle in a haystack ............. If the glass looks intact then it's hopefully something quite simple to sort out Good luck Malc
  19. Methinks Stockbroker Belt and Liz removing the upper limit on said Bankers Bonuses might have summat to do with why your Surrey fuel prices are tardy in coming down 😂 But I do recall when Peckham was in Surrey . going back a while now tho' and even in me youth I wondered how on earth Peckham could equate to a rich and £££ rewarding Surrey lifestyle .... BUT nowadays a common simple 3 bed terrace house in the heart of Peckham is £1millon + ..... how times change eh ! YEP, your Surrey petrol deserves to be expensive compared to us poor mortals outside of your Stockbroker Belt 😇 Malc
  20. have you got a tiny crack appearing in the front of the glass I wonder . which a clear sealant might sort out ? Or is it condensation from the inside maybe ? Malc
  21. when my windscreen was changed many moons back the price new was maybe £200 a pair and the screen insurers blew a fuse I believe ............. 😂 oh dear how sad Malc
  22. so is the only Rust Fail the OS/R outer sill ? . get that fixed and your mechanic to sort the remainder " easy " Fails and you're " good to go " for another year Malc
  23. chill .... de-stress ............. just run her every time you can, not just for long trips ............ ignore the Advisories and just get on with " living " ............... until the next MOT / Service is due when you can address any pertinent issues Best wishes with your health . it's a bugger but you will overcome it all 🙏 Malc
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