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Everything posted by Lmafudd

  1. What I did with my Lexus today..... Took it to the dealer I bought it from to analyse an annoying squeak. Only happens when coming off a reasonable journey then slowing down to a crawl. Not consistent and not predictable so I expected the usual 'Sorry but we can't replicate' line, which of course I received! No Coffee, machine was out-of-service, no biscuit and although I asked their agent to let service know that I didn't want my car washing, they do this first (why?) but is was washed and polished the night before! Anyway, at home and after watching 'Dash Cam Cops' or such like I remembered that I had followed a lorry spewing grain/dust/sand all over the road and thought I would download the file from my own dash cam. Sadly the vid wasn't that interesting but the one of my car being Dirven by a Lewis Hamilton wanabe at speeds three times over the speed limit (20mph zone near work units) was very interesting indeed. I also like the part where he slams the brakes on and comes to a stop and says "I can't hear F**k all" - needless to say I know where my next service will definitely not be going!
  2. Interesting but I've never experienced this on the other 4 hybrids I've owned and I the squeal stops when the brakes are pressed hard (probably because the car stops almost instantly). It's going to the dealer on June 7th so we will see. Thanks for answering.
  3. I'm certain it's the run-flats. I have the same moan. The UX is generally a very quiet car but when one hits the 'surface dressed' areas the rumbling thunder is horrendous. I've decided to try Goodyear Eagles. Most people that have commented have said that they improved their noise issues.
  4. Thanks for answering Colin. Only had the car for a short while and I am an extremely light braker but I'll give the vigorous braking a go. I haven't had any brake shoes/pads replaced in the last 20 odd years (5 or 6 vehicles) so I suppose that indicates how gentle my braking is. My last Lexus still had over 50% pads at 43000 miles!
  5. Has anyone experienced a sound similar to a brake squeal but with no pressure on the pedal? I suspect it's regenerative braking that causes it but it's infrequent and I can't pin it down exactly. It's very loud and usually occurs when the car has been on a reasonable run.
  6. Didn't your Lexus app show where it is? Or have they managed to beat that too?
  7. Apologies if this is covered but there's a lot to read here. If you agree a purchase and agree a trade-in price for your old car is that value guaranteed? My Old NX appeared ro drop from 21k to just under 18k in the last twelve months I owned it and I am interested to know who bears the burden?
  8. Controversial maybe but what's the point of a review if anyone can be bribed to change it for the better?
  9. Eco solvent print onto spot-on Vinyl. The dotty adhesive allows the air to pass through so no bubbles. They may be better wrapped further over the edge. Trial and error! If anyone wants the PDF I am happy to supply. Most high street copier places print Vinyl these days.
  10. Couldn't find any so I made my own #doesthejob!
  11. I'm very pleased with the audio in my UX and listen to all kinds of stuff from radio to rock. If only Android Auto would play the actual song I ask for I may listen to more music!!!
  12. I am a regular car washer and always have been. Whilst I haven't cleaned as many cars as a dealer of course I can say that the UX is no worse than any other. Black plastic trim can always be a bit dodgy especially if one like to polish a vehicle but since I have discovered Meguiar's Ultimate Black Plastic & Trim Restorer I haven't looked back! Meguiar's stuff all seems pretty reliable and this polish really does bring most plastic trim back to a near new look. It can't deal with bad interior scratches, (how the hell do they occur) but I find if I fill-in the marks with a sharpie or permanent marker then polish with the Ultimate Black restorer they are almost invisible.
  13. World-wide shortage of Chips apparently, that's why I've just planted my own spuds!
  14. If it has Auto Parking Mirrors then go with the F Sport. If not then go for comfort. That's my opinion - my wife said that I am allowed to have one!
  15. Does anyone out there use a Music Streaming Service with their Android Auto connection? That sounds a bit " well, d'uuh, yes" but I mean one that actually plays the requested track through 'Hey Google'? If I ask for Cranberries Dream - I get U2 - for example! Amazon Music doesn't work well and before I commit to another streamer I thought it worth asking the knowledgeable folk on here!
  16. Not on my 22 plate but it's not a lofty Takumi.
  17. Has anyone found any type of anti-scuff door plates for the UX? Preferably in the UK? Even black rubber ones will be sufficient as long as they fit okay. I can find loads on Ali-Express etc. but nothing yet on a UK site. Thanks in advance ...
  18. A law that should exist here or at least one that states 'If you have an off-road parking space then it must be used'. Far too many houses have an empty drive but cars parked on pavements in our area. And another thing...(I'm really starting-up now), why are there so many vans and commercial vehicles on private housing developments? I'm wiling to bet that they have a covenant in their deeds but who cares about that? And why build a five bed house with two parking spaces? Obvious what's going to happen when the little darlings reach 17! And on and on and on.... I do have a great respect for the Japanese though, apart from WWII of course! Maybe I shouldn't mention the war! Great place to buy low mileage imports from. RHD to start with and well cared for. I had a Mitsubishi FTO when I was younger. Fantastic car imho.
  19. If the darned things were permanently powered, or until one opened the Driver's door, then this would bother me a lot less!
  20. I had a new C-HR for 5 months. Latest infotainment system was excellent and the voice control really worked, unlike my UX that keeps saying "Pardon"!*(see note below). Fuel economy was almost as good as my wife's Yaris - on a warm day but below 6 or 7 degrees then I expected a 25% drop. Heater never warmed up in that bitterly cold spell we went through and I think this was a result of the extreme engine efficiency. I had a GR sport and it literally had everything you can think of except a power tailgate but in the time I had it I never even tried the Park assist and the Lane Assist was darned annoying. It seemed to be built okay although there were a few rattles. The ride was very hard but it was a 'sport' model. The C-HR is a really good crossover vehicle and with the right paint colour they look really impressive. Certainly eye-catching. *Have fitted a Android Auto dongle in the UX and 'Hey Google' works flawlessly. Although Google maps functions well I still use the Lexus Nav as I like the Next Turn Notification in the main panel (behind the steering wheel) and of course this doesn't show with Google Maps.
  21. Watch this (1min 20 secs in). There is literally nothing new these days!
  22. Reading back I fear I have denigrated the C-HR. I shouldn't really - it's just that it didn't suit me. It was comfortable and quiet and constantly returned 60+mpg. Yes the rear cabin is 'gloomy' but was sufficiently spacious for two adults and the boot is/was bigger than the UX by a significant margin. I just think it was a younger person's car and I just didn't feel at ease. Personal taste really.
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