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Everything posted by Lmafudd

  1. I stand to be corrected but Wireless Android Auto is not and will not be built into any Toyota/Lexus sold in Europe. Toyota Customer Services informed me of this a few months ago. My Dongle works flawlessly and I never use the in-built nav now.
  2. I find the UX a bit of a paradox. Technically it's 'small-ish' car rather than a small car. In fact as cars have generally increased in size over the years, then comparing the UX to cars of old it actually feels quite large. Some people on here have made denigrating comments, accidental or not, regarding the build and finish of the UX but in reality they are put together better than most comparable sized cars I find, as you would expect for the premium price charged by the dealers. One thing I have noted and this may be a good reference as to Lexus quality is that quite a few commenters drive very old, or 'ancient', (in my opinion), vehicles and will have no idea of the technical advances made in the 10, 15 or 20 years they have been driving their old Lexus. Maybe these people would be better trying a newer car before denouncing them as 'plasticy' - or whatever they call them. All-in-all I am happy with the UX, yes it's not as roomy as the NX I owned but it feels good to drive, never feels cramped, looks good outside and in and returns 40% more mpg than the NX did so why would I compalin?
  3. Nfera ru1 225/50 r19. I just went with the recommendation from the Lexus dealer. I had Nexen on my NX and never had any issues. Looking them up on good old Google they appear to be more Summer than Winter tyres. Thank goodness for Global Warming!
  4. Apologies but I can't find the previous thread to continue the noisy run flat saga but after a couple of false dawns I have now had the Bridgestones removed and had the Nexens fitted as recommended by Lexus Leicester. So far it's all good. Most of my motoring is 'tootling' these days, short runs for school, shops etc. So mostly on crap surface dressed roads. These are awfully noisy when car has runflats I assure you but much better with the ordinary type I now have. Of course I realise that with only the can of juice to reinflate a flat I may come a cropper but that's what the RAC membership is there for!
  5. All this Imperative Climate stuff and it's "the same wife (more or less)" part that has me intrigued!
  6. It would be nice to know where the errors are occurring. Dealer or factory? I recall when it was said that every Lexus had a named team leader and that they could trace every step of production. I guess if that did ever exist then it doesn't now. Quality control everywhere has gone AWOL since covid it would appear.
  7. My UX connects as soon as I pull onto the drive but for why I know not. I thought it was for software updates etc.
  8. I briefly owned a Toyota CHR from new last year and the salesman told me it was wireless AA. Obviously it wasn't and I took this up with Toyota UK who stated that they will 'Most probably never support wireless AA'. Like many others I purchased a dongle for my UX. It as performed faultlessly and has the benefit of not cooking the phone battery - constantly. I bought this one: and now it's even cheaper than I paid and I thought it was a bargain then!
  9. If the NX seats are as good as they used to be then there will be no issue Gary. Only equaled by Volvo seats of old in my opinion. Interesting route for me to consider for the drive back from Cornwall next time. I do enjoy a nice 50mph through motorway roadworks though, as mentioned!
  10. I like the '+' version. More information available (see image) but whether any of these apps are really useful I can't say. Handy when they tell that a door is open but that isn't a consistent feature.
  11. Were you on the M5 between 11:00 and 15:00 Bezzer? We were probably on the Northbound in the other queue! I must say that I really enjoy a 50mph restriction, it always seems so civilised after the madness of the 70+ dash! Good luck with the holiday and I hope that your other half doesn't struggle too much with her back. It can be a misery that may not be improved by hotel beds I fear.
  12. I've just driven 317 miles to Cornwall for the first time in my UX. Downward journey I shared driving and had no issues but homeward trip was all me as my wife picked-up a Cornish cough and I didn't fancy the lovely M5 queues with all that coughing over my dash! Sadly my lower lumbar area is really painful today and I think it is down to the lack of lumbar support in this car. This is the first car I have owned (for many years) without a support in the chair. I will attempt to buy some kind of cushion should I drive that far again but to be honest I may not do so. Other than the chair the car was faultless. The Radar Cruise makes traffic queues a breeze and temperature comfort is easy to achieve. Averaged around 55mpg. Having the front tyres changed this week in the hope of reducing the tyre noise from the run flats so that should make things even better.
  13. On the bright side you will enjoy not seeing the dirty marks that are almost inevitable with the paler linings, mine had the technicians palm print after they replaced an alarm sensor. My UX has a black liner and I think it gives a cozy feel to the interior. I'm surprised the dealer hasn't offered any consolations. Free first service would have been my starting point.
  14. I'd advise using this. Meguiar's black plastic restorer. Works like a charm. Don't over polish it. Wipe it on and just leave it. Comes up like new!
  15. The A30 to ancient languages in a few easy steps, where else would you get this in a car forum!😁
  16. Maybe right. Fosse Way, Watling Street, Athirtyum. Sounds possible to me!
  17. Today I'll mainly be moaning about the A30 through Cornwall. We've been visiting the South West for over forty years and I cannot recall a time when the A30 wasn't being 'improved'. Anyone know when the widening scheme started? Second moan, the M5. Northbound yesterday was solid for over 10 miles! I'm really looking forward to the journey back! On the good side, the Radar Cruise is fantastic for queues and the MPG averaged 55 so I'm very happy with that.
  18. Okay, wee bit of a faux pas at my local dealer and they ordered more Bridgestone instead of the Hancooks as requested and discussed. They now suggest that I actually change to a non run-flat tyre with a can of 'Puncture Juice' if I want optimum comfort and quietness. I am subsequently cogitating!
  19. Hi Justin. It can be quite a lively forum and a very useful resource. I've discovered many and various things from reading these messages giving me information I didn't even know that I needed! I hope that moving from SA hasn't been too much of a shock. Our weather is so much hotter here you know!
  20. I have moaned on here before that the UX is particularly tyre noisy. I am having Hancooks fitted tomorrow to see if I can improve this tiring (joke) situation! I will report back tomorrow.
  21. Actually we're more likely to be severely reduced by a proper virus and not just a beefed-up common cold like Covid. There are just too many humans on this planet and as there doesn't appear to be a handy planet for us to jump to then our over crowding will have a disastrous effect on everything. Its nature's way. Nature doesn't really care of course as whatever develops after us will just be another step in the day to day life of the universe.
  22. I spent several hundred pounds having some sort of fancy coating on my current car and it is pants! They said wash the car, dry off and go. That's fine if you want a crap looking dull finish that shows every branch scratch, trolley scuff and fly remnant. I'm back to my old ways. Hose down, wash with warm water and car shampoo, hose off, leather and dry. Finally a good coat of Auto Glym resin polish and she looks great. Sometimes she can look this good for even more than an hour!
  23. That could help me prove my theory Steppy. I'll give it a go.
  24. Update on the 'squeak/squeal'. Dealer could find no issues and generally I haven't heard the noise - much' until yesterday. I drove through our village and heads were turning as the squeal was loud and persistent. Today none at all! When it occurred yesterday I did not have to touch the brake pedal and the noise was evident although never under acceleration. I am thinking it's the regenerative system that's at fault. It's booked in with our local Lexus garage on Friday when I will ask them to investigate, again.
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