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Everything posted by Barry14UK

  1. John, Sensible use of a horn is something most of us try do I am sure, as well as anticipate potential hazards. Also, there are times when it is illegal to use a horn as you will be aware. Furthermore, drivers of hybrid vehicles will know that at times they proceed in a silent way and will be inaudible to pedestrians and to road users. So with respect, your suggestions do not adequately address the vulnerability of oblivious pedestrians and how they can be made more aware. This is seen as a problem sometimes beyond the control of drivers, so the obvious answer is some sort of sound being emitted by silent vehicles, although you make no mention of this. In fact there are already requirements for lorries backing up to have bleepers and they are also used on fork lift trucks for example. In view of this, I think it was perfectly reasonable and pertinent to add the final sentence to my previous post to which you seem to have taken exception. Now found this -
  2. I take it you have checked all respective connectors are not corroded and are making good contact, also that battery is holding it's charge. What happens when headlights are turned on, do these die quickly?
  3. There was a time when some cars had what was termed Town and Country horns. These came as standard on several Fiat 130's I had in the nineteen seventies. They comprised the normal type of horn and twin air horns powered by a compressor with a flip over switch for changing from one to the other. You could also buy air horns from accessory factors, some even having several trumpets that played part of a tune when activated, the first few notes of Colonel Bogey was one I recall but I think these may have been banned and the Twin air horns dropped out of fashion. However. as intimated in my previous post, I don't think horns (of whatever type) are the answer ,
  4. The import of the first sentence is obvious and the second correct. As regards the third, some people step into the road without giving any indication they might do so. (They do this even with cars that can be heard, so more likely to do this with cars they don't hear coming). You surely wouldn't want to drive everywhere on the horn as they do in some countries! In any event, unless you are driving at walking pace in town, if anybody steps out immediately in front of you you will hit them. (I have done speed/reaction/stopping/distance tests with Police and have nearly 60 years driving experience with cars, motor cycles and bicycles). There are times and places in London where due to congestion progression at near walking pace is the norm but imagine doing this continually with nothing in front of you in case a pedestrian stepped stepped out, the honking would be from the build up of traffic behind you with the possibility of dangerous overtaking through frustration. Also, there are plenty of drivers out there in the real world whose reactions are not as sharp as the best. If it was as simple as you say, the fitting of audible warning to compensate for lack of engine noise would not be under consideration would it?
  5. It's not only ducks, many people don't hear or become aware of noiseless vehicles, often because they are preoccupied by their phones, (experienced it first hand), are hard of hearing or for various other reasons. There was some talk about making it a requirement that all 'silent' vehicles should emit some form of sound as a warning to reduce risk to others. I don't know how much progress has been made on this because it would clearly require wide agreement. However, I don't see this stopping the advance of vehicles without a conventional combustion engine. The aforementioned apart, going to a race meeting would lose a lot of it's impact to watch noiseless vehicles racing round a track and what about all the chainsaws and agricultural equipment powered by petrol/diesel of a size currently powered by petrol/diesel but these are other issues for consideration.
  6. Thank you for the info. Mesa Red becomes my first choice for next Lexus.
  7. The Mesa red does look nice and I was sorry it was not available for the 3rd Gen RX (although reintroduced - or very similar red on 4th Gen) Interested to learn how well red stands up to ageing on Lexus cars as red compares badly for fading on many other brands of car.
  8. Thank you for confirming 'it's just the way it is' on the 3rd Gen. You tend to notice little things and sometimes think,'Can that be right?".
  9. I usually keep mine in EV mode with the fuel consumption showing in the small window. When I enable cruise control the MPG still shows in this widow but when I set the lever by pulling down, the panel goes blank. The MPG only shows up again when I brake or unset the cruise control. Is this normal or a fault does anyone know?
  10. Thank you for this. I note that this kit is for up to 2008. Is there any news now or expected shortly about a kit for later RX models you may be aware of?
  11. I can understand there are a number of reasons why people wish to change some/all of their speakers, particularly if they spend a lot of time in their car listening to music and the type of music means a non standard speaker gives the listener better results. (Of course one could spend enormous amounts of money upgrading car speakers and indeed amps and systems) I don't listen to such an amount of music in my car as to justify changes to the ML one installed. However, I faced the same situation in my property and it was a bit of a compromise finding a system that would be good for the sort of music I enjoy but also be reasonable if not quite so good for playing DVD's over the TV in surround sound particularly for action movies. (Ideally, one would have two separate systems.)
  12. Maybe just my bad luck! A long time ago whilst living in Surrey, I had the alarm on my Opal Monza activate at night but the cause was readily identified as the light coming on under the hatch. From memory, I think there was a switch on one of the hatch struts that moved position, so easily sorted. There was another couple of times when I had unexplained activations on my 5 series BMW, also at my previous Surrey address rather than down here in Devon. I enlisted the help of BMW but nothing could be found and it was suggested that a spider may have been responsible but I never saw one and it only happened on one further occasion. I do believe that there is some seconds after an alarm has set for it to become active. This would explain why anybody or animal left in the car would not trigger the alarm if it was unset within a matter of a few seconds of being set. As stated earlier, I will try to simulate with pressure washer the blast of water that I believe may have been responsible for my two alarms and discuss with Lexus whether the system can be made less sensitive. I don't think it was attributable to a low battery as the car hasn't been used or alarm activated since the two false alarms (I say with crossed fingers) and I usually do a 20 mile run at least once a week plus occasional longer journey which keeps service battery sufficiently well charged. However, I guess this could be a possibility in some cases. I know on my BMW I removed the battery to charge and store it for a period and in due course the alarm started anyway. Apparently, there is a source of stored power which if it drops below a certain level will active the alarm and by removing the battery this had happened. I had to reinstall the battery in the car and connect to charger with the alarm sounding all the time until the reserve power source was topped up and all was quiet. I am not sure if the RX works the same way in this respect.
  13. Thanks for thought Malc, Nothing inside car that wasn't secure except an umbrella, which I have now secured. I can only think that the sudden gust of wind accompanied by almost a wall of rain projected at the car may have triggered one of the several types of sensor I believe to be fitted to this model. (I don't wish to suggest where these might be for security reasons, although I may call in at Lexus Exeter Branch when I down that way early next month to discuss further). I might subject the car in alarmed mode to a blast of water from different angles by my Karcher pressure hose to see if this will activate the alarm..
  14. Thanks John, Not possible to park other way as this would obstruct brick side walled path off drive leading to front door of property. Already had to polish out two marks left by (possibly postman's sack or another's) as it is.
  15. Hi Folks, Yesterday evening my car alarm activated. I switched it off and reset. The same thing happened this morning. On both occasions this coincided with a particularly sudden and heavy gust of wind when my car was parked on my drive (too much stuff in garage to get it in there). This has not happened before yet the car would have been subjected to high winds that are quite typical in Devon at this time of the year. Before I was able to reach the remote the alarm stopped and I unset and reset it. Had I not touched it would the sounder activated again after an interval? Has anybody else had this problem and/or know can the alarm be made less sensitive? I don't want to leave the alarm unset for very long or to upset neighbours with false alarms. Appreciate any answers on this.
  16. Regardless of the moral/legal aspect, the wide adoption of this practice would lead to an increase in the cost of warranty for all.
  17. Always worth seeking replacement from Lexus or some goodwill towards replacement. The crack is likely to be due to shrinkage of the material under the external covering. Once exposed to sunlight the process increases. I know there was a firm who filled and made good or alternatively you could buy the materials an do the job yourself. (It could have been in a Magazine such as Practical Motorist.) You might be able to research this but it would only be worth doing if the rest of the dash shows no signs of cracking. Another option would be a second hand dash bought after careful examination.
  18. I urge everybody affected to report to Police, the more that do means more work albeit perhaps only paper work for them to deal with and more reason to be proactive in catching these scumbags.
  19. I wonder if number plate of the A4 was noted, although may have been false or car stolen. Really needs a dedicated Police squad with 'bait' cars under scrutiny to catch these thieves. This would take Police resources at the outset but if it stops or greatly reduces the crime and need for subsequent Police time after the thefts, surely worthwhile.
  20. could be a coincidence about the broken rod and another sensor.and that you have two separate problems. The best system seems to be Techstream to which I believe access can be bought for a fixed period. The alternative is to buy a Chinese alternative and the necessary cable unless of course you have LEXUS check it out..
  21. Well done in fighting your corner and getting a satisfactory result. A lesson there.
  22. Ha ha, yes comes of using spell check! Will try a different word I am more familiar with, 'Optician' (The Devil is in the detail (or spelling).
  23. Thank you for your experience so far. I am sure members will be interested in this and your further thoughts in due course. Another aspect you might care to comment on is how you feel you new chariot rides compared to your previous one. As regards reading the HUD, I find this difficult with my polarized sun glasses. These were custom made for me with the darkest tint permitted for driving (according to my Occultist) and as a temporary measure I have resorted to an off the peg pair of lighter tint before getting replacement customized one that are less strongly tinted. Correction. For 'Occultist' substitute 'Optician' - can't get away with anything on this forum!
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