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Everything posted by GMB

  1. No, you can only buy whippets from registered dog breeders. And there is not much meat on them, but they stew down quite nicely and make a good gravy.
  2. If you just change the position of the figures then I would buy one: Lexus RZ 450e 71.4kWh Takumi Auto 4WD 5dr 2023 (23 reg) 58,880 miles £2,850 Sorry - only kidding!😉
  3. Pie barms are for the posh folk. Wigan kebabs are for eating after 16 pints on a Friday night followed by a technicolour yawn up a back street. I hear that in some of the rougher areas ( and I do not mean Bolton ) they eat deep fried meat pies on a barm / bap / flour cake or whatever it is called in some places. I heard recently that some people up North can still afford to buy and eat meat! Our chippy still serves "scraps" and pea water to the pensioners! Used to be free at one time. Fish chips and peas with scraps 1 shilling and 6 pence please. That's seven and a half pence if you got O-level maths.😇
  4. Ee bah gum, no, we use donkey stones up 'ere. Don't even dare ask what they are. Clue - Grandma used to use them to clean the front doorstep and they are not from anywhere near a donkey's back end. Finish off drying the car with a good clean whippet skin followed by a Wigan kebab for dinner - that is three pies on a stick.
  5. Barry and Malc I could not agree more. I still have the motorbike ( and the historic broken bones to prove it ) and the fast car and still enjoy them while I still can. However driving pleasure is nothing compared to what it once was. As you imply; our driving experience is being controlled and ruined by all the restrictions. It's all about safe careful drivers and not so much about limits. The last time I went out on the bike for a quick spin in sunny weather I did not get out of second gear and just sat in queues at traffic lights and even stuck in a queue because some idiot refused to pass a bolshy lycra lout hogging the road. I went home after 20 minutes of frustration and had a good moan at the Mrs about the joys of motoring today. Even our country roads have more 50mph average speed cameras. Having been out of the UK for many years, on my return I noticed that the standard of driving has reduced dramatically, the roads are badly congested, the potholes are omni-present. The cameras are everywhere. The lunatics are running the asylum. - Nurse!!!!🤕
  6. I wanted one a few years back but could not afford one and I remember all the fuss when they were first launched. But, three years ago, I was fortunate enough to find a nice Isf 2012 which has proved - up to now - 100% reliable. Sad news is that it is going SORN until next spring due to massive increases in insurance plus the usual road/robber tax £695 and expensive annual service. Thanks for asking.🥲
  7. I think it must be an age thing. I love the v8 experience. Many many years ago I just liked to race around and go fast. A few (56 since passing the tests) years and a few bans, speeding fines, write-offs, car repairs, etc later I now appreciate the finer aspects of real cars of character. It is almost impossible to even do the traffic light grand prix anymore as you will draw the attention of the dashcam snitches. ( I have a dashcam too🤨). Now I enjoy the "drama" and feel of a fast v8 and very occasionally give it some stick, keeping an eye out for the cameras and occasional plod hiding behind a dustbin. I feel lucky to have finally got one. - I did have a 1976 rover P6 v8 but that was about 160BHP and not very quick compared to today but it still sounded great. It rotted to death🤯
  8. Michelin pilot sports tyres are the correct choice, but a bit over the top for a non-sporty car. They wear out quicker but grip like hell. They do not squeal on corners they just grip. If you have the budget don't compromise.
  9. Sorry guys you just don't get it do you? Fast acceleration is nice but in an electric box it is one dimensional boring. What about the whole experience - the sound and feel of the V8. The character. The change through the gears. The good feeling from being able to control the car correctly. The isF compared to the electric box is like fine Opera compared to Showaddywaddy. I don't want a clinical, soulless, car. I want the theatre and the experience of a real car with real character. I love my isF but I think I love my motorbike just as well - I would have said more but I don't want to upset the isF- . Now ( motorcycling) that is a real feeling of satisfaction when you get it right. God forbid you get it wrong!🏍️😱
  10. I remember getting my statements from L&G basically / approximately saying - great news -your pension pot has increased by £10K this year! Bad news - the annuity that it will buy is £200 per year less. What a disappointment. Lots of companies nowadays just trying to extract more money from us mugs. All you can do is not to do business with them in the first place. Nurse get me heminevrin and vallium asap please!🐑
  11. Agreed. Llafranc - (check it out) or even Tossa de Mar or inland a bit, Pals is nice- lovely places. Easy access vis Gerona airport too. Great roads and value for money food and drink. Lovely!☺️
  12. Portugal is a good choice. France is not. We lived in France for 20 years and the taxation/intrusion/bureaucracy/ spying on the public is way over the top. Portugal offered good tax relief but that is sadly finished. It is also a civilised country with generally peaceful habitants and beautiful countryside. The first thing that I noticed on returning to the UK was the smell of pollution and the severe overcrowding both on the roads and pedestrian life. Crowding makes people angry and there are certainly a lot of angry people out there in the UK. See you on the silver coast Linas.
  13. And so it goes..... We all bleat on about how badly done to we all are. What can we do about it? Nothing. The dictators and tyrants run the world, even in our own country. Our next proposed government will not commit to a decision - " We don't know the budget, so go figure - triple lock - don't know, don't care say labour.. What can we do? The only answer is to live outside the system. Do not declare income, do not pay tax. But this is now impossible as we are all monitored to the n th degree. Basically we are all up the creek without a paddle.. 1984 anyone? We just wait and see who hits the N button first. I think this dawned on me in 1964 and has not improved since. Kennedy was right. Please remind me not to make comments after drinking burgundy ( bourgogne to our amis français )
  14. I quite fancy going to live here - looks nice. Now all I need is my new matter teleporter/transporter and a wormhole. Beam me up Scotty. Kepler-62 e is a Super-Earth exoplanet that orbits in the inner habitable zone of its star, Kepler-62 (which is slightly smaller and cooler than our sun). This exoplanet which is believed to be a water world lies just about 1,200 light years away from us in the constellation Lyra making it one of the most potentially habitable planets. It completes one orbit every 122 days and is 1.6 times larger than Earth.
  15. Very good point. Nature always corrects unbalanced systems usually using disease, as you infer. The difference is that I was talking about extinction not reduction/correction. Some unlucky few will survive the virus and develop immunity but at what cost?
  16. I tried to read all the interesting comments in this thread and they are all worthy of consideration. The elephant in the room is that we will actually extinguish ourselves well before natural forces take place. The end of the world for us stupid humans will be due to the nuclear winter following the nuclear strikes started by ( choose any one of the following in no particular order 😞 USA - Russia - China - North Korea - Iran ( soon ) . Sorry if I missed anyone. Have a nice day and cheer up🙂
  17. I noticed the same thing, mostly in winter when the tyres were cold and especially on a cold wet surface. It also depended on the road surface type. Block brick driveways etc. The tyres (sort of ) skip a bit, like a little slip or sideways motion. It is normal I believe. Tyres are Michelin pilot 4 sports.
  18. V power is generally about 10p a litre more expensive than tesco momentum 99 octane around here. One particular garage chain monopoly are still asking 169p per litre - I go elsewhere. I notice absolutely no difference in performance between the two; in the isF the 200t and the harley 114 cu in. BUT, having worked for shell research in the 70's I know the amount of study that goes into the composition of this fuel and those extras are very important for the benefit and lifespan of your engine. So, begrudgingly I pay up, about £5 extra per fill-up. BTW, shell rewards at £1 per ten fills is a derisory benefit. Using 10 litres of momentum saves you £1. I just wish all the shell concessionnaire garages would play fair and not try to rip us off.😬
  19. Well I thought I was stupid until I read all these rants on this thread. I got threatened with a ban here just for calling insurance companies bar stewards. In my many years of life experience I have come to the conclusion that it is best to ignore the idiots and not get angry because it only upsets you and does you no good. if that does not work for you just stab them.
  20. There's a few "dark forces" knocking about with USB sticks. I have not tried this on the lexus but sometimes, if it is available, it is best to format the USB stick from the lexus menu and not from windows -if this option is on the menu. Don't even ask why. I had a sony 64GB usb stick intended for recording films from the TV. Absolutely nothing would get it to work on the TV - not even recognised. But on the PC = no probs. Put a different usb stick in the telly, formatted it on the telly and bingo! Works a treat. One thing worth trying is to try it on a different lexus, maybe a friendly dealer will let you give it a go?
  21. you could think of fat 32 and ntfs as preparing a blank sheet of paper for writing on by drawing lines on it to accept the words in their correct format ( data in this case ). File allocation table - 32 bit- speaks for itself really. NTFS is new technology file system which was developed as a professional ( as opposed to home computing ) networking compatible way of formatting disks for the now redundant windows NT. NT is the base system on which all the new windows operating systems are based on, and even that sits on a DOS structure. We still use DOS to brute force systems into doing as they are told!😡 Nurse! get me meds quick!
  22. FAT 32 is an ancient disk formatting standard developed by Microsoft for windows MS DOS. ( NTFS is the current one ) MP3 is a compressed file format. Chalk and cheese really. I found the best way to get music onto a USB stick for use in the car was to rip all the stuff to media player from the CD or wherever. Next update everything ( automatic ). Next RIP it to the - pre-formatted Fat 32 - USB stick and choose the MP3 option within media player itself. Worked for me.😉
  23. The car looks lovely and should be good for many more years🥰. A specialist bodywork garage owner told me that Lexus are notorious for "soft" paint, likewise with some other Japanese companies. I do not know why this is so. My IsF 11yrs old has quite a few stone chips but absolutely no rust patches. I recently cleaned inside the wheel arches ( I was bored at the time ) and amazingly, under the dust and dirt, the paintwork inside was like new! The only area which I may refurbish is the laquer flaking off the wheels on the inside of the rims, probably £50-£70 per wheel? At one time most cars rotted away in the wheel arches after about 4 yrs on salty UK roads, especially Vauxhall, Fords and Minis. The list goes on.
  24. Thanks kindly for the sympathy Derek. Yes, you have to be careful of Kidney damage so I just suffer it. One side effect is that not being able to put a shoe on and with the swelling and pain too, I cannot ride the motorbike because I cannot change gear😥 All those ripoff insurance payments and it is stuck in the garage!☹️
  25. Now I get a telling off for calling Insurance companies bad names. Lets just say I don't trust Insurance companies. They are a load of "not nice persons". Happy?😷 Sorry about the naughty word regarding insurance companies. After two weeks of severe gout and just had a couple of beers I can get a bit grumpy. The gout is relenting a bit now - thanks for asking🤒
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