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Everything posted by Tony-Bones

  1. Check in the clubs knowledge base..... I'm sure it's in there.
  2. Upgrade the ARB's then see if you need braces.
  3. I'm pleased to be proved wrong, i thought the club title would be changed to.... Lada Owners Club I'm really sorry for those who have felt the pain of strangulation this government has injected into anything above a skateboard's hp but the fight must continue!!
  4. It's worrying to see members selling the beloved Lexus for other marques and even more sad to see members selling their possessions to keep their dream car. We all know why this is happening but when i watched "Mad Max" all those years ago i never thought it was a premonition from the director. For those who have succumb "chin up", for those still battling "Vote Gord", we will get through this recession one way or another. Sorry.... Off box now.
  5. Total front Toe= 6' toe in or positve.
  6. so careful i wont be fiting them as a full set. probally just sell them on ebay and buy a proper set as advised above A wise move..... Otherwise it's nothing more than a can-O-worms.
  7. I fail to see how you will balance the coil and damper ratios front and rear..... You need to be very cautious.
  8. Thanks for the kind words Mole....I must say the pleasure was all mine, that's one fine example of a Lexus you have there and the color is Archenermy do a fine job indeed but does he talk or what .... I mean you had squatters rights by the end of the day
  9. Here's a good place to buy
  10. A fixed drop is just that "fixed" and normally fitted to the original dampers. Coilovers are height adjustable to your hearts content, some can also adjust the coils preload and the damper ratio is normally also adjustable. Point to remember is that every time the height is changed the Geometry needs resetting.
  11. My word this is scary to hear on the phone..... What's the odds on that anyway? I'm pleased she is ok.... give the wife a Brandy (bottle) to help calm her down.
  12. wim will be there for the first time next year so we can both be newbies. Everyone in LOC is friendly so you had no worries there.... Cheers for the stickers handout, i owe you a pint for that..... As for Wozza, well he's Wozza, without him we wouldn't have a standard to look up to, i've never met a more genuine fella hand on heart.
  13. iv shrunk it but still duno if im in trouble Glad u like it :) I'm sure the mods will be tolerant :)
  14. wim will be there for the first time next year so we can both be newbies.
  15. Looks like everyone had a cracking time.... thanks for sharing the images :)
  16. Ooops "busted"..... well it looked good while it lasted 2D :)
  17. Huge topic.... Actual changes at the tyres contact patch is negligible, changes in the tyres aspect ratio to accommodate rolling ratios are an issue namely the sidewalls compliance. Add to this the internal rigidity (pressure) you open a whole can-O-worms. The size of the contact patch, rigidity, pressure, Geometry, suspension calculates if the car will over/ under steer and that's just the tip of tyre saturation technology. Mat is correct in what he says "manipulate the pressure", this is a controllable field you can address but be wise and do this in small increments.
  18. Oh so it's not just me that's missing out..... more the fool me for not planning things better :duh: So i wonder who will receive the LOC wraith this year?.... best to date was Adio? who's car was mysteriously wrapped in cling film..... "properly wrapped", those images kept me going for weeks
  19. Sorry i couldn't resist it :D .... seems like the whole country's going...... apart from me
  20. I'm pleased to read the team looked after you today Jim..... Sorry i wasn't there but as the boy's probably explained i'm looking after my Ill mother at the moment.
  21. Your talking "progressive traits" and thrust limits. Taking FWD to the Yaw limit it will under steer, RWD over-steer, this is hardly a surprise either way. The saturation point is beyond everyday driving and the IS has superb tolerance despite the known chassis issues... Tyre wear is one issue but handling is another.... The IS is a roll model regarding steady state handling globally in my opinion.
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