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Everything posted by Boomer54

  1. Interesting link.. Netherlands: cyclist road fatalities 2022 | Statista Not surprising having watched it in action for just one day.
  2. So you got a free sun tan and you still want a cheap car...some people are just never satisfied! 😉
  3. Having just returned from Rotterdam I would describe it as an unholy mess. If there is order amongst the chaos of traffic I couldn't spot it. If the bikes don't get you the cars might and if they miss you the trams won't. On the surface of it I am not sure that their modus operandi really works for anyone. Would love to know their data on hospital admissions.
  4. Just a few days after picking up my new Bmw (spit) Tourer I nudged out of my driveway. Just the bumper then the bonnet very slowly as the hedge causes line of vision issues except pedestrians are easy to see through the bottom of the hedge. Wallop ! Paperboy zooming along the pavement on his bike hit the front light and catapulted over the bonnet onto the pavement beyond. My heart was literally in my mouth, adrenaline rush, trembling fingers and all of that stuff. Anyway, put it in neutral and jumped out to see the damage. Fortunately, the car was barely touched with just the headlight cracked. No idea about the paperboy, but I assume he was alright as he wasn't there when I got back later in the day. 😉 OK, fess up, wife jumped out and sorted him out much better than I could with her best hospital bedside manner. On balance that was probably better than me hauling him up for a tongue lashing.
  5. At 1.30 sec the person who came up with wing mirrors as a lot to answer for. Yes, very appealing and the car isn't bad.
  6. I hear if you have a disability sticker you can do 30mph. Is this discrimination? 😀
  7. Carrying on the topic of design for the SC430. I note that the design team ended up on the Cote d'Azure. There is something very fitting about that. I have spent quite a few summers on that coastline and appreciate imparticular the stunning traverse into Monte Carlo by car that should not be missed. I think the SC 430, hood dropped, making that tour along Le Grande Corniche could almost have been in the designers mind. A scene from a Bond movie would not be amiss. The scenery makes up for the excesses of pretentiousness to be found in that area.
  8. I did say 'get stuck in' and I think I did considerable damage on our collective behalf. I wouldn't have been offended at customs if they had asked did I want to declare an expanding waistline. 😀 The toughest decision was do i start at the top left and work the shelf left to right, or should I go vertical. Oh the dilemma !
  9. Look guys its capital protection UNTIL you see the gates opening. You no longer think you are immortal. Then, however you are free to really be free. You don't have to plan , or worry about events 10 yes ahead. You can just live for the day and anything you can do to make that day a good one. Written from the Pride Of Rotterdam quayside. On the outside of a great sirloin steak and bottle of merlot. Now off to to the dance floor for some Northern Soul. Guys if you dream it and can do it then get stuck in.
  10. When I was looking up the car and it's history I wondered what came afterwards and there appeared to be nothing to see. However, I wondered after a little more looking around was the LC500 the eventual descendant? I have to say I really like what they have done with the leatherwork and cockpit in that car. Externally, it's a little too aggressive looking for my personal taste being a lover not a fighter 😀 Anyone know if that is the lineage ? I note it is still a V8 !
  11. Yes, with me, I was doing fine, but then the Methotrexate got me ! Switching from that to Amgevita seems to have done something different. As it happens I really don't have any vanity to speak of so I don't really care that much although it probably helped that I dispensed with most mirrors in the house.
  12. Mine is just manual lift and actually I find it quite 'heavy' at first before it rises smoothly. Everything is WD40 so I think that is just the way it is.
  13. I feel an interesting project coming on ! At the next annual meet we will take my world famous patented hair guage and find out if all the other members when taken together can summon the amount of hair that you have ! I am green with envy as the sun bounces off the top of my head dazzling motorists for 5 miles around. As the cover phot shows I was almost black up top for most of my life. Then one day past my 50th birthday I found out it's true. it's all downhill after 50. I was surprised it meant downhill all in one day ! The gray do over arrived virtually fully fitted and as been with me ever since. That is, until very recently. Literally couple of weeks ago I started turning blond. Googling it there is some data suggesting that Amgevita might do that and I started on this stuff earlier this year which seems to fit with the timeline. Actually I can take the joke of 'blonde' if it also makes it start to grow thicker. You probably don't have to slap factor 50 on your head to drop your hood in the summer. Oy, the indignity of it.
  14. Hmm, would you say Gray hair turning blonde falls into that category ,or should I just lead with hope that 'blondes do have more fun'?
  15. Don't know if he will still have them, but Stew ( Localhero on here) had a spare set until a month ago at least. May be he might want to sell them given that he's sold the SC430 they used to be on.
  16. First time with the SC in a spupermarket carpark. I parked so far away from everyone I was barely in the same county. Head on a 360 degree swivelstick en route to the door doublechecking if any evildoers were remotely looking to park next to me. I have of course heard of parental anxiety ,but I never thought I would have it just by owning what is afterall a fairly old car. I am sure it will wear off in 10 years or so.
  17. Sorted. Operator error, polite speak for idiot behind the wheel. Can confirm if your aerial goes up when it should not, then your first look to resolve is the TA (traffic announcement) button.
  18. OOh ! Will have alook at that.
  19. I have lifted the carpets and I cannot find them. Should I just wait for nightfall and let them do their stuff?
  20. As we know the aerial on the SC430 extends and retracts if you select radio. We also know audio starts up in whatever function it was on when last used. I really do not listen to radio so other than testing out FM/AM behaved as they should when I bought a month ago it has not been used since. At that time the aerial worked correctly. Upon last closing the CD changer was in operation so that should have been what opened up today. Instead the radio came on and the aerial went up. When I shutdown the radio by selecting CD the audio was fine ,BUT the aerial did not retract. I repeated this operation several times with the same result. The aerial now extends when the CD comes on and only retracts when the audio off button is pushed. This has not been the case prior to today so it appears I have a glitch to resolve. parsing through the manual I see no fault finding advice. Anyone here have any advice where to start with this issue? It is obviously not a huge problem as it does not interfere with my use of the CD, but I generally like things to work as they should so I am looking to sort it out.
  21. I think that is the conclusion that I drew. If probably well over half the people driving are blissfully aware of why plates are a different colour then the rule can hardly be achieving it's aim.
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