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I tend to abide by the rule in life that if you can't say something nice about people, say nothing. Which is why I referred to a false start with a member without giving detail. But since I have just been called "abusive", and this being the internet, no-one knows the caracters concerned, I feel the need to set the record straight.

1. On March 5th, just after bringing my car back from Ireland, I wrote (post #27) that I was away with work for 10 days and would update when I got back. That trip was to India.

2. In my correspondence with Bilmac, discussing how to conclude the sale I wrote on Feb 20th: "I have to go to India on the 6th, so otherwise it would have to wait til late March."

3. My vendor did not "allow himself to be bullied" as Bilmac so charmingly puts it. He was about to start a new job 3,000 miles from Ireland and was delighted to conclude the sale as his car had not attracted any enquiries in Ireland until my interest. He did present the car for export inspection and calculated his entitlements from the state. In fact he was a pleasure to deal with.

4. Below is the full text of my email to Bilmac

I didn't reply last night because I was so angry, and that is never great for writing emails. However I am no happier this morning.

"The error was pointed out", you say. But you didn't call or write to me and apologise for an error - you just presented me with a demand for more money without any explanation. That is rude and dishonest.

But it wasn't an error, in any case. When you put the car for sale on the forum you said 4,000 euro was "just about half what the car stands me". When i read that I went through what you had spent as follows: car 5,000 euro, service 800 euro, tyres 800 euro, wrap 1400 euro = total 8,000 euro. So even though the wrap has no value to me, as I would rather be able to see the paintwork, I could see how you calculated you had spent 8,000 euro on the car. The point being, writing 4,000 euro wasn't a mistake - it was the price you had decided to charge, and you explained the calculation. As I did my research, I could see that selling it to a UK forum member, which allows you to claim close to 2,000 euro VRT refund, meant it wasn't as bad as it looked for over a year's comfortable motoring.

So again, I think you have been dishonest in now claiming you meant £4,000 instead of 4,000 euro.

You're right, there are quite a few on donedeal. That's mainly because they are not selling. After close to 3 months with your car listed on the forum at 4,000 euro, you found one buyer - me. Now you want to try and sell it for 5,400 euro. Do you really think that putting the price up will produce more buyers for you? And even if you sell it to an Irish buyer for that price, you will end up with less because you don't get the export refund.

I generally think the best of people until such time as they let me down, and after investing many hours in researching your car, how to register it and get it home etc. I am very disappointed and disillusioned that you turned out to be dishonest.

Members reading this can form their own conclusion as to how abusive I was, but bear in mind the context was a discussion of which flight I was taking to buy the vehicle.

5. I wasn't planning to prejudice Bilmac's ability to sell the car to anyone else, but in the circumstances I am revealing that an Irish Cartell report reveals that the vehicle was originally silver, then black. It is now wrapped in blue plastic. So buyers have no scope to determine the current quality of the paintwork under the wrap, but it is not original. The report also states it is running on a Hackney license.

6 I believe the member to whom Bilmac sold his LS400 was very happy with the car. He also inspected a car for a fellow member. So clearly he is not a bad person. But I believe I am now the third member of this forum he has chosen to antagonise or insult, and frankly, life is too short.

I hope this clarifies my position.


For someone who claims to not speak ill, you have a lot to say.

I will contact the seller and post in due course.

In the meantime, it's my opinion you are a bully, I felt bullied by you. William

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You want to talk about trouble making? HA good one!

It is you who has caused trouble with 3 members already.

I wonder who is next........

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Gentleman please please keep the temperature down. Can you please return to the original thread of what is needed importing a car from Ireland which has been very enlightening. Mike.

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Gentleman please please keep the temperature down. Can you please return to the original thread of what is needed importing a car from Ireland which has been very enlightening. Mike.

Mike, I believe in temperate discussion on forums, but if someone calls me an abusive bully I am going to give my side of the story.

On that front I note:

1. Bilmac has not offered an apology for SHOUTING (i.e. caps) that I had made a mistake about India, despite me pointing out I had already told him.

2. Has not apologised for claiming I bullied my vendor, which is way off the truth.

3. Has not offered any evidence against my calculation of how he priced his car, until the last-minute price change.

He describes me as a bully - I prefer to think I am someone who won't be mugged off by a chancer.

Anyway, back to the topic in hand. I mentioned the online calculator of refund value in ireland. You enter the model, age and mileage and it gives you a value, subject to confirmation by inspection. Bilmac was right in that they deduct 500 euro, but misleading in that the headline value they give is net of that deduction.

here is one I did this morning:

Your VRT Calculation
  1. Date
  2. 23/03/2015
  3. Time
  4. 09:15
  1. VRT Repayable
  2. €1504
  1. Rate of VRT
  2. 36%
  1. Modify CO2 Emission info_icon.png
  2. Modifying the CO2 value may indicate that you selected an earlier or later version and may produce an invalid estimate.
Vehicle Details
  1. Statistical Code
  2. 40387147
  3. Model
  4. 430
  1. Make
  2. LEXUS
  3. Version
  4. LS 04DR A
Breakdown of VRT Calculation
  1. Open Market Selling Price (OMSP) determined by Revenue
  2. €108100
  3. Monthly adjustment
  4. +103%
  1. Depreciation code allocated by Revenue
  2. F2
  3. Odometer reading
  4. 113000 Miles
  1. Date of first registration
  2. June 2005
  3. Mileage/Kilometre reduction
  4. €0
  1. Rate of depreciation for this vehicle
  2. 95%
  3. Current OMSP determined by Revenue (Export)
  4. €5567
Revenue CO2 Calculation
  1. CO2 Emissions
  2. 289
  1. Rate of VRT
  2. 36%
  1. VRT Calculated
  2. €2004
  1. - Export Admin Fee
  2. €500
  1. VRT Repayable
  2. €1504

Anyone wanting to try this for themselves can try the calculator at

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Gentleman please please keep the temperature down. Can you please return to the original thread of what is needed importing a car from Ireland which has been very enlightening. Mike.

Mike, I believe in temperate discussion on forums, but if someone calls me an abusive bully I am going to give my side of the story.

On that front I note:

1. Bilmac has not offered an apology for SHOUTING (i.e. caps) that I had made a mistake about India, despite me pointing out I had already told him.

2. Has not apologised for claiming I bullied my vendor, which is way off the truth.

3. Has not offered any evidence against my calculation of how he priced his car, until the last-minute price change.

He describes me as a bully - I prefer to think I am someone who won't be mugged off by a chancer.

Anyway, back to the topic in hand. I mentioned the online calculator of refund value in ireland. You enter the model, age and mileage and it gives you a value, subject to confirmation by inspection. Bilmac was right in that they deduct 500 euro, but misleading in that the headline value they give is net of that deduction.

here is one I did this morning:

Your VRT Calculation
  1. Date
  2. 23/03/2015
  3. Time
  4. 09:15
  1. VRT Repayable
  2. €1504
  1. Rate of VRT
  2. 36%
  1. Modify CO2 Emission info_icon.png
  2. Modifying the CO2 value may indicate that you selected an earlier or later version and may produce an invalid estimate.
Vehicle Details
  1. Statistical Code
  2. 40387147
  3. Model
  4. 430
  1. Make
  2. LEXUS
  3. Version
  4. LS 04DR A
Breakdown of VRT Calculation
  1. Open Market Selling Price (OMSP) determined by Revenue
  2. €108100
  3. Monthly adjustment
  4. +103%
  1. Depreciation code allocated by Revenue
  2. F2
  3. Odometer reading
  4. 113000 Miles
  1. Date of first registration
  2. June 2005
  3. Mileage/Kilometre reduction
  4. €0
  1. Rate of depreciation for this vehicle
  2. 95%
  3. Current OMSP determined by Revenue (Export)
  4. €5567
Revenue CO2 Calculation
  1. CO2 Emissions
  2. 289
  1. Rate of VRT
  2. 36%
  1. VRT Calculated
  2. €2004
  1. - Export Admin Fee
  2. €500
  1. VRT Repayable
  2. €1504

Anyone wanting to try this for themselves can try the calculator at

Well that all looks nice and complicated. Little wonder why it costs government around the world so much to run. Mike.

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Takes under a minute to do though - that is just a cut and paste of the output page.

So, to bring it back to buying a nice Lexus from Ireland, you and the vendor get an independent assessment of what he will get back for selling it to a Brit. Given the shortage of Irish buyers for cars costing 1800 euro a year to tax, my vendor was happy to take his payment part from me and part from government. Others may feel the same way.

There are a lot of Lexus LS's for sale in Ireland at present.



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......spose the main drawback is having to go there to inspect before you buy and then if you don't buy then a bit of a costly wasted trip ........ unless one's on holiday there I guess ............... now, that's an idea :outforcount:


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......spose the main drawback is having to go there to inspect before you buy and then if you don't buy then a bit of a costly wasted trip ........ unless one's on holiday there I guess ............... now, that's an idea :outforcount:


Treat it as a holiday brilliant idea and before you go have as many as possible lined up for your inspection and I would have thought at least one would tug at your heart strings. Mike.

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I am well down the road of buying an LS430 in the Republic of Ireland. But i found a complication this morning in that Admiral are not able to add the car to my multi-car policy without a UK reg. So for the period of driving it to an MOT station, then home, while I wait for the DVLA to give me a registration, I need some insurance.

has anyone done this and have a recommendation or good idea?

Thanks in advance


Hello Jon .Try Quinn Direct,they are a Northern Ireland insurance company and can insure the car on Irish plates and UK plates.How are you getting on with changing the KPH to MPH as required too import the car into the UK.I am thinking of changing my IS 220 D too UK Plates

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Gentleman please please keep the temperature down. Can you please return to the original thread of what is needed importing a car from Ireland which has been very enlightening. Mike.

Mike, I believe in temperate discussion on forums, but if someone calls me an abusive bully I am going to give my side of the story.

On that front I note:

1. Bilmac has not offered an apology for SHOUTING (i.e. caps) that I had made a mistake about India, despite me pointing out I had already told him.

2. Has not apologised for claiming I bullied my vendor, which is way off the truth.

3. Has not offered any evidence against my calculation of how he priced his car, until the last-minute price change.

He describes me as a bully - I prefer to think I am someone who won't be mugged off by a chancer.

Anyway, back to the topic in hand. I mentioned the online calculator of refund value in ireland. You enter the model, age and mileage and it gives you a value, subject to confirmation by inspection. Bilmac was right in that they deduct 500 euro, but misleading in that the headline value they give is net of that deduction.

here is one I did this morning:

Your VRT Calculation

  • Date
  • 23/03/2015
  • Time
  • 09:15

  • VRT Repayable
  • 1504
  • Rate of VRT
  • 36%
  • Modify CO2 Emission info_icon.png
  • Modifying the CO2 value may indicate that you selected an earlier or later version and may produce an invalid estimate.

Vehicle Details

  • Statistical Code
  • 40387147
  • Model
  • 430
  • Make
  • Version
  • LS 04DR A
Breakdown of VRT Calculation

  • Open Market Selling Price (OMSP) determined by Revenue
  • 108100
  • Monthly adjustment
  • +103%
  • Depreciation code allocated by Revenue
  • F2
  • Odometer reading
  • 113000 Miles
  • Date of first registration
  • June 2005
  • Mileage/Kilometre reduction
  • 0
  • Rate of depreciation for this vehicle
  • 95%
  • Current OMSP determined by Revenue (Export)
  • 5567

Revenue CO2 Calculation

  • CO2 Emissions
  • 289
  • Rate of VRT
  • 36%

  • VRT Calculated
  • 2004

  • - Export Admin Fee
  • 500

  • VRT Repayable

  • 1504
Anyone wanting to try this for themselves can try the calculator at

I believe your motivation in posting is not to be helpful, rather, it's to show members, just how smart and clever a chap you are.

I believe you are not a genuine person, but a mean spirited petty individual. Who likes to think himself superior to the rest of us.

I will not be posting on this thread again, nor will I view it's you are free to be as petty as you wish. William

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I believe your motivation in posting is not to be helpful, rather, it's to show members, just how smart and clever a chap you are.
I believe you are not a genuine person, but a mean spirited petty individual. Who likes to think himself superior to the rest of us.
I will not be posting on this thread again, nor will I view it's you are free to be as petty as you wish. William

At the risk of being petty . . . . :whistling:

I would just like to point out that I didn't pick this fight, or name Bilmac, or give any details until he called me out. And I was specifically requested to write up the whole process by CruiserMark in post #6.

Very happy to leave it there, and for reference, I only consider myself superior to one member of this forum.

There were a couple of minor points I didn't respond to, I realise. My speedo is in miles already, so no need to change anything there. I noticed the navigation was in kilometres, but that was a straightforward settings change. The DVLA confirmed that I did not need a certificate of conformity as the car is over 10 years old.

Any more questions, just ask.



PS The big frustration is waiting for the paperwork to come back so I can start driving it.

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I believe your motivation in posting is not to be helpful, rather, it's to show members, just how smart and clever a chap you are.

I believe you are not a genuine person, but a mean spirited petty individual. Who likes to think himself superior to the rest of us.

I will not be posting on this thread again, nor will I view it's you are free to be as petty as you wish. William

At the risk of being petty . . . . :whistling:

I would just like to point out that I didn't pick this fight, or name Bilmac, or give any details until he called me out. And I was specifically requested to write up the whole process by CruiserMark in post #6.

Very happy to leave it there, and for reference, I only consider myself superior to one member of this forum.

There were a couple of minor points I didn't respond to, I realise. My speedo is in miles already, so no need to change anything there. I noticed the navigation was in kilometres, but that was a straightforward settings change. The DVLA confirmed that I did not need a certificate of conformity as the car is over 10 years old.

Any more questions, just ask.



PS The big frustration is waiting for the paperwork to come back so I can start driving it.

You will enjoy it all the more when they turn up. Mike.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update.

Admiral told me when they arranged cover that I would need to tell them the reg within two weeks or it would lapse. So today I rang the DVLA, to be told it had all gone through and confirmation was on its way to me, and should be with me by next Friday (!)

So as soon as the paperwork arrives I can go and buy some plates, stick them on, and start driving.

Do LS owners ever have a meetup, or a Continental tour, or anything of that ilk??


PS By Continental tour, I was thinking of a couple of days in Brittany, just to be clear :)

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Just a quick update.

Admiral told me when they arranged cover that I would need to tell them the reg within two weeks or it would lapse. So today I rang the DVLA, to be told it had all gone through and confirmation was on its way to me, and should be with me by next Friday (!)

So as soon as the paperwork arrives I can go and buy some plates, stick them on, and start driving.

Do LS owners ever have a meetup, or a continental tour, or anything of that ilk??


PS By continental tour, I was thinking of a couple of days in Brittany, just to be clear :)

Don't forget if you go to a number plate supplier you will need a couple of bits of ID, utility bills, passport etc. I always get mine online. As long as you order before 4pm you get them the next day & no messing around with all sorts of ID. Mike.

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Just a quick update.

Admiral told me when they arranged cover that I would need to tell them the reg within two weeks or it would lapse. So today I rang the DVLA, to be told it had all gone through and confirmation was on its way to me, and should be with me by next Friday (!)

So as soon as the paperwork arrives I can go and buy some plates, stick them on, and start driving.

Do LS owners ever have a meetup, or a continental tour, or anything of that ilk??


PS By continental tour, I was thinking of a couple of days in Brittany, just to be clear :)

Don't forget if you go to a number plate supplier you will need a couple of bits of ID, utility bills, passport etc. I always get mine online. As long as you order before 4pm you get them the next day & no messing around with all sorts of ID. Mike.

But the online guys need ID and registration sending in :(

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Just a quick update.

Admiral told me when they arranged cover that I would need to tell them the reg within two weeks or it would lapse. So today I rang the DVLA, to be told it had all gone through and confirmation was on its way to me, and should be with me by next Friday (!)

So as soon as the paperwork arrives I can go and buy some plates, stick them on, and start driving.

Do LS owners ever have a meetup, or a continental tour, or anything of that ilk??


PS By continental tour, I was thinking of a couple of days in Brittany, just to be clear :)

Don't forget if you go to a number plate supplier you will need a couple of bits of ID, utility bills, passport etc. I always get mine online. As long as you order before 4pm you get them the next day & no messing around with all sorts of ID. Mike.

But the online guys need ID and registration sending in :(

I have never encountered that ever. Mike :shifty:

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will be despatched as soon we have received confirmation of your name, address and entitlement to the registration number. In order to do this the DVLA require us to check your documents. This is a legal requirement that applies to any business or individual supplying number plates in the United Kingdom.

All documents must be original, not copies.

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............... going back to 2008 I had new plates prepared at a local garage ......... then many garages made up their own ( do they now ? ) , they have to have special authority too ...... and I needed V5C and ID and the cash ..... was quite instant and not expensive.


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I have bought many road legal plates from eBay and not 1 has ever asked for any form of ID. The most recent eBay plate purchase was December last year.

I bought a pair of aluminium pressed plates. Much nicer and they don't fade or crack.

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will be despatched as soon we have received confirmation of your name, address and entitlement to the registration number. In order to do this the DVLA require us to check your documents. This is a legal requirement that applies to any business or individual supplying number plates in the United Kingdom.

All documents must be original, not copies.

Here you go this is where I got my plates from ofG3DgSJAACe5NEHA0II1cbHgD40fY9aNfgwlSk4Qut802DoHVInlSvdhoCO0nw_wcB

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I tried to buy plates and got hit with the ID checks, but people have done so in the past without problem.

That LED me to conclude the rules must have changed, and a bit of googling gave me this:

Help and Information Guides
New Regulations relating to the purchase of Acrylic Plates

From the 1st January 2003 new regulations governing the supply of number plates comes into effect. Number plate suppliers will be required to carry out certain identity and entitlement checks and to maintain records of the transaction.

This will mean that at the time of purchasing a number plate you must present an original identification and entitlement document from the list below. Photocopied or faxed documents cannot be accepted.

Hope this helps

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I tried to buy plates and got hit with the ID checks, but people have done so in the past without problem.

That led me to conclude the rules must have changed, and a bit of googling gave me this:

Help and Information Guides
New Regulations relating to the purchase of Acrylic Plates

From the 1st January 2003 new regulations governing the supply of number plates comes into effect. Number plate suppliers will be required to carry out certain identity and entitlement checks and to maintain records of the transaction.

This will mean that at the time of purchasing a number plate you must present an original identification and entitlement document from the list below. Photocopied or faxed documents cannot be accepted.

Hope this helps

I bought a set of plates from them last year and it was no problem, didn't have to produce any ID. Mike

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