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Everything posted by Shahpor

  1. If only that were true.. I know it sounds like a cliché, but I think the obvious choice is that the LFA is the best Lexus ever made. Compared to that, I somehow doubt my GS would make the cut.
  2. As the owner of a GS450h Premier, I respectfully disagree 🙂
  3. You should try being the owner of a diesel Lexus on here! 🙂 Seriously though, no idea why anyone would think the CT wasn't a Lexus, especially as it demonstrates the typical Lexus traits like reliability, comfort, good build quality, etc..
  4. Different standards for all things Lexus, you know that 😉 I stand corrected. As a previous IS220d owner, I must concur with this statement. 🙂
  5. I'm beginning to suspect that you have some strong opinions on this subject Paul 🙂
  6. That's fighting talk! I demand facts and figures immediately!
  7. Copy and pasted, surely? Extra, bonus brownie points if that is typed!
  8. I wish I could, but for the sake of completeness, I wouldn't feel like I could possibly comment until I had read all the previous posts, and at 1666 pages, that might take me some time 🙂
  9. Now now, there is a place in the room for you too if you want 🙂 Actually, I think I might have missed the post you are referring to as I certainly didn't have you in mind when I wrote it, and besides, I wasn't try to have a dig at anyone. (quite the opposite in fact). As for the thread, you know it was removed from the forum so it wasn't just you that couldn't see it, right? I also obviously appreciate them putting it back. And you are both wrong since it is blatantly obvious that the GS450h is the best Lexus ever 😉
  10. Now this is interesting because it does make a different at Lexus Reading. When the car is in for routine work then I have to pay the £15 if I want the optional excess waiver, but if it is there for a warranty job then the warranty company pays the excess charge instead.
  11. How so? Don't get me wrong, I certainly agree that there are more 'tactful' ways of expressing an opinion, and I do believe that ultimately, for the lack of a better option, refraining from commenting is probably the best way.
  12. Ok, I am now officially jealous 🙂
  13. Thanks chaps. Yeah, I always liked them, so took one out for a test drive and really enjoyed it. Also one of the only cars I have found that has a standard spec better than my GS! It is a shame since I really do like the Lexus ownership experience but I am just not a fan of any of their new offerings.
  14. Welcome Paul, A GSF you say? Lucky you 🙂 Feel free to post some pictures as it is always nice to see another on here.
  15. Are you ready for some forum controversy? 🙂 I have ordered a new Kia Stinger...
  16. Well, it appears that there has been quite a lot of anger and tension on the forum lately ☹️ Perhaps I shouldn't bother adding anything, but I feel that perhaps I should also share my views, even though they aren't specifically related a single topic. First, let me say, despite what it might appear like on this forum, that I like Linas and am glad he is on here. I know this might surprise some of you, but I do think this forum is better off for him being on here. My belief is that if everyone had the same opinions and views on everything then this place would be quite boring and a lot less active. Like with any discussion media, if enough people get together, there will be differing views and perhaps some 'conflict'. The recent 'SVU' thread has highlighted this perfectly and I am guilty of doing what I am suggesting, but the difference is that I never harboured any ill will on anyone and hopefully came across as not being annoyed because I truly wasn't during the thread. Now, the reason I don't have any issues with Linas (and others on here) is because I accept them for who they are and understand that they aren't going to change what they are like just because I want them to. In other words, there is no point continuing to argue a point once it has become obvious that an agreement isn't going to be reached. It is also worth remembering that it takes two sides to have an argument and it is rare that the blame can be placed completely on one side. One thing I can say is that I rarely see Linas be deliberately rude or calling others names, even after a prolonged debate, which can't be said for some other members. Ultimately, what I am trying to get at is that if someone has a differing (negative) opinion on a subject, regardless of whether they are being bias or not, then they can claim such in any open discussion forums just as much as those that have positive comments. Just because the post isn't positive - even thought it is always nice when it is - doesn't make it automatically wrong. As an example from the most recent thread that kicked off, do I think the IS300h is a 'quick' car? No. Do I want more performance out of my cars for whatever reason? Yes, hence me owning a GS450h as opposed to a GS300h. These are simple statements that I could have made, but sometimes I can't be bothered to have to defend a statement that might cause some issues. So, should certain topics appear, I would definitely expect Linas to express his opinions again (at least he is consistent 🙂) and would just read the posts and move on to the next one. Constantly going around in circles serves no purpose, so why even try? Anyway, it is my hope that this forum returns to its friendly, accepting ways soon (It has certainly been tense here lately) even if that means certain members making use of the 'ignore' function. Thanks for reading 🙂
  17. No doubt they just wanted a picture to show off the model, which is does quite nicely 🙂 It is good that they are so complimentary about them all, especially the GS F, which I am surprised made the list considering - as mentioned in the article - the Supra is at the same price point.
  18. Hi all, Just came across this and thought it might interest some: Nice to see quite a few Lexus models recommended.
  19. Certainly not new in my case. I have been paying for it for at least the last few years.
  20. I always pay the £15 excess waiver as I believe it is £1000 otherwise if you need to claim! Paul is also right about the fuel, although they never check the car when I return it.
  21. I've had 3 and they weren't too bad. I am mildly claustrophobic, but I just kept my eyes shut and all was good. There are the occasional banging noises, but with headphones on they aren't overly loud. I did actually fall asleep more than once, even though I can normal never sleep on my back. One thing I haven't seen mentioned is not to wrap up too warmly. It is quite possible the procedure will warm you up a bit so I was quite sweaty by the time it had finished. It was a nice feeling though as it is a gentle heat, which probably helped me fall asleep.
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