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Phil xxkr

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Everything posted by Phil xxkr

  1. They do say that lefties often accuse others of something they themselves are guilty of 🤭
  2. These are the same people with Sky TV, the latest smartphones, cigarettes, taxis from the supermarket, I could go on 🤯
  3. Of course the climate changes, in fact by the minute Chris, it's generally called weather. But if you believe those changes are fundamentally caused by anthropogenic activities then they are so monumental in nature changing to an EV will not make a blind bit of difference. I have yet to see a proper "dust to dust" balance sheet of EV v ICE have you? As to fuel prices this is a car owners forum so no doubt we are more keenly focussed on the price per litre. But look closer and similar percentage rises abound in all sorts of commodities £7.25 for a tub of Lurpak anyone? For us in the West we have been living, by an large, the life of Riley based on debt for years but I sense now we have to pay the piper. 🙁
  4. Actually Bernard there are more horses kept in the UK today than in Victorian times 😎
  5. Looks like a great result, 0000, magic all-purpose reusable for no money, not heard of Muck-off sounds like some form of directive 😅
  6. Hang on Malc didn't you used to work for Nat West Bank? 🤔😂
  7. Did you use your gold card and save even more 🤔😎
  8. To that I would also add France 24, Talk TV, Whatfinger News (a site aggregator). Fox news comes in different guises not all DJT biased. I particularly like Tucker Carlson who I watch on YouTube as Fox News not accessible on usual UK channels.
  9. That's about as unbiased as RT 🤯
  10. Yes its a great place, I first went there in '73 when the word tax was essentially non-existent even now not that bad compared to here. I can wholly recommend the Hotel de France when you go next time 👍
  11. 😎, you are right Brian, it wasn't on our roads technically speaking, parked outside our hotel in St Helier, never saw it move in days 👍
  12. Problem solved, reduced image size 👍
  13. Hi everyone, trying to upload a pic and getting server error 200? It's a phone pic of an LC500 so nothing out of the ordinary. Any chance of a solution?
  14. There are some I believe, working/non working. My local red one now houses a library and a defib 🙂
  15. As you will observed having just returned from the Amalfi Coast I find myself far more tolerant of non French wines. Who knows, in say 20 years from now I may even grow to like the New World stuff 😉
  16. Hi Graham, how very true 🍻, the days of an everyday St Julien or Gevry Chambertin or Puilly Fuisse are now just distant memories. As a hard-pressed OAP I now find myself reduced to the inevitable Amarone, Barola or Rioja 1, 😕😎
  17. Nothing compares to trying to find a working phonebox in an emergency.
  18. Graham, if this is the quality of your rant after just a few glasses I strongly recommend you try at least a magnum 🥳. Lesson number 1, you sound like a Karen not a Graham 😅 Lesson number 2, you are definitely a Karen 🤣 Lesson number 3, I agree in terms of the strict use of the word manufacturing, however assembly numbers reached over 2 million in 2016 way above anything achieved before. Lesson number 4, providing revenue to the government? Well what other purpose do you serve? Other than providing input to a particular knotty problem that CERN are having with the Hadron collider, if so I am in awe. 🍻
  19. Forgive me Winston but I thought they were more associated with Miss Whiplash type bizarre proclivities, however if you have, how can I put this kindly, the multi dimensional skill set to do both activities who am I to judge? 🤠
  20. Great idea, a decorator chap in my local told me £70 is nothing these days for a roll of wallpaper 😱😱😱
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