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Everything posted by GMB

  1. I am not sure but disconnecting the earth could cause issues with electronic settings, I have not done this so maybe someone could confirm or not? I just attach the trickle charger to the correct terminals, disconnecting nothing, it has always worked fine on all the vehicles that I have had - no problems. There is also nothing in the trickle charger manual that mentions disconnecting anything. BTW the charger also comes with adaptors for attaching the cables without having to access the battery at all, once they are permanently attached.
  2. Lovely car. Would be nice if they sold them just like that brand new today. It still looks great and I would buy one of those against any of the new complicated electric stuff currently on sale - Retro Lexus - perfect. They got it dead right first time.
  3. I like the earlier stuff. I remember buying this single in the mid/late 60's. Mind you the original "Tommy LP" was good too.
  4. I got 207 million of those last week. There is a way of stopping this but some people would see it as government snooping or censorship. I for one would be happy to use an alternative "safe" internet as, like many folk, I have nothing to hide and I don't even care if the chinese or our gov't thought police know that I am reading the guardian newspaper website or ordering stuff from amazon. Just an example - Malwarebytes browser guard detected 53,000 ads and trackers blocked on my system in the last 30 days.
  5. Or... the person whose gender shall not be revealed who attended a training course on Microsoft office and was seen to be moving the mouse across the computer monitor because "they" thought the mousemat was a placemat for "their" teacup. All true unfortunately.🥱
  6. That reminds me of a customer we had who rang to complain that her new computer was not working. ( it's the era of floppy discs! ) She said that the instructions said to insert discs one to six and that she had managed to get three disks in the drive but could not get any more in as it was full. Aaaargh! New floppy disk drive on it's way and by the way it means insert the next disc after you have removed the previous disc - there will be a prompt on the screen too.. Oh really?😱
  7. Thanks. I will give it a try.🙂
  8. I am keeping mine too. It ticks all the boxes for me. Being an old fashioned engine enthusiast there is one word that sums up the most desirable feature of a car ( or motorbike ) for me and that is - Grunt! No references to neanderthal types please.😼
  9. Dead right. Apparently Lexus think we don't deserve them and won't buy enough to warrant supplying them anyway. Just my two pennysworth - there is no new Lexus vehicle that I find attractive now that the petrol IS is gone in the UK - Maybe go back to VOLVO but they re pulling out of non-EV cars as well. I will probably just have to keep my old fashioned ICE vehicles - lovely jubbly.
  10. The insurance, road tax and other fixed costs are causing me to consider leaving the ISF on SORN ( after winter ) permanently. So maybe their ( insurance company and probably government ) tactics and hidden agenda are working - i.e. keeping more vehicles off the roads. Doing less than 2000 miles per year makes driving the ISF a very expensive experience. I used to think we had a comfortable retirement income but recently find that budgeting and being very careful with money is necessary.
  11. Spot on. And it's not just LV.🫤
  12. I was quoted £150 by Cash only.
  13. They are all at it! Mine was refused as were many others. I am not allowed to post what I think of them because the auto censor or a "real" person may take offence. I think the day will come when they will take no customers with more that 0.01% risk factor.
  14. That's very good. Can you recommend a company quote? All the usual suspects wanted an extra £250 or so and I have a clean record and NCB (£425 to £675 ) . Maybe prices are stabilising or dropping, I will try again and see. If I could get the same or similar to last year? I would be happy if I could keep it under £500.
  15. You are not alone in thinking along these lines. There is a distinct feeling that there is some underhand hidden agenda at play with these ridiculous insurance price hikes. It's all a bit fishy, and expensive too. My standing charges ( Ins, tax, etc ) stand at £3K per year for very low miles = not practical or worthwhile. Maybe their logic; Drive some cars off the road with extortionate prices. = Less pollution = fewer customers paying higher prices = less risk =more profits = rich ripoff insurance companies get richer. The other knock -on effect is: More uninsured drivers, less service/maintenance done to cars = less profits for dealers = higher charges to compensate and so on. I think I just had a logic meltdown.🤭
  16. Hi David I think you may have to go for an import at the moment, not a lot of choice but best of luck with the search. I really have not seen that many true facelift models for sale recently. I don't want to be a tease but my isf fits the bill perfectly - late 2012 - 61K miles, problem is that I am in love with it! It is languishing in the garage being pampered waiting for dry sunny days. I know that when you find one you will be very happy together☺️😉
  17. It must just be me that gets ripped off. Even Marks and Spencers ripped me off for £2 last week. I must admit that I was surprised and disappointed by the meanness of the Lexus garages concerned. Even though I asked nicely for just a gallon of fuel to get to the nearest petrol station without worry they just would not do it. It was too much trouble for them ( even after parting with £20,000 quid!). Problem is that one does not know who to trust with car purchase and servicing. At one time you could do it yourself so that you knew it was done right with the right products but those days have passed unfortunately.😢
  18. You will notice that most North facing walls are green. Also, most grids are blocked with mud and leaves so there will be some nice big puddles. Potholes! - Don't even go there!😎
  19. Sounds nice and sunny around Preston. Here we get rain about 95% of the time. The other 5% is usually snow or hail. I think we had a sunny day around the 15th July 2014.
  20. I have not washed a car for about 10 years. I take the car to the local hand wash ( about £8 ) for a quick wash'n'scratch. They have a method of washing the really dirty gritty lower areas and then use the same unwashed/unrinsed cloth on the bonnet and roof and sides. I like the mottled areas where they missed a bit and the contrasting filthy parts of the wheels that never get touched. It seems beyond reason to wash the car too much when you see the state of the underneath areas. I prefer the good old days when the engine gearbox and diff leaked oil everywhere and kept the underneath of the car protected from salt and grime.
  21. We lived in a very hilly area and the consensus of opinion in these places - garages/competent drivers etc - was to inflate the tyres about 10% higher than the book values. They said it prevents undue tyre wear from all those sharp corners, less tendency to rub the sidewalls and gives better cornering grip due to less roll. It certainly worked for us, and no noticeable extra tyre wear in the centre area. I still slightly overinflate the tyres because the low profile tyres always look flat at the right pressure! PS - less road noise too. I am sure that someone on here will point out the error of my ways very soon😝
  22. There may be a rallycross circuit nearby?🤨. Many years ago I had my soft top sports car in for a service and later saw and heard my car being driven at speed down the road with the hood down ( it was up when I took it in ) with two blokes in it. I complained to the garage and got a shrug - roadtest matey! Tossers! They even put a scratch on it when putting the hood back. They were RAC authorised - and I was a member too, so I reported them. The RAC dealt with them and insisted on an apology and a refund and a scratch repair. I don't think the RAC are as good now as they used to be though.
  23. I found that they will do quite a few miles on an empty gauge indication, which is fortunate as the two times I picked up the car from Lexus (- once after buying the car and secondly after the fuel tank re-call ) the tank was showing empty and also showing a low fuel warning. Neither dealer would put any fuel in the car as any type of gesture of goodwill or whatever. I would have had to pay for the privilege but did not want to take up the miserly offer. It was a bit worrying after 15/20 miles on an empty tank. I suppose somebody has to pay for the biscuits🥲
  24. It is not just us Lexus owners that are seeing big increases in insurance costs. Phone call yesterday from brother-in-law who is ancient and has a knackered old VW Polo, just for shopping. His premium has doubled. He is on a poor state pension only. He cannot afford the increase. He must now take the bus everywhere as the old car in unaffordable. Priced off the road. Sad😒
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