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Everything posted by Boomer54

  1. I had my Northern Soul library on random shuffle this evening and this old favorite of mine came up. The immensely talented Curtis Mayfield leading vocals. Whilst I would like to think I have fairly eclectic tastes in music I suppose i will always go back to my Soul roots.
  3. On reflection that is probably better than they look daft with you wearing them. 😉
  4. Rioja AND MOUNTAIN DRIVING ! His obituary read " He went out the way he came in screaming and unhappy".
  5. 20mph and probably sub 20 mpg methinks?
  6. What do you intend to use on your leather? Surprised the rear seats need anything given their typical lack of use. Going to be doing my front seats shortly. Probably just buy a kit. However, I am also going to try homemade steaming on the pads and bolsters using a bog standard iron and cloth. See if it tightens up the leather.
  7. True enough. Indeed, yesterday there was no Q in Ilkley. We could have walked right in for a table. I find the Harrogate branch busier probably because of more tourists. Same likely true for the York branch.
  8. The SC430Mods controller sounds a simpler mechanism in the sense of functionality. That is ,no displays etc. Just 3 buttons for mode selection. It's more than £40, but I can say I have never had any issue with the way it works.
  9. Truth be told I find Bettys a little overhyped. Lots of queuing, decent ,but overpriced food that is in fairness inline with the ethos of it's historic appeal. If lots of peeps like it and want to be there you're not going to sell cheaply are you? Being 'insiders' of course we stopped in at Addingham on the way back and used the local cafe "Ginger Plum". Nice cafetiere, great service, lovely moist Orange and Almond cake. All done for 14 quid for two. Plus they have works from local artists on the wall for sale. Indeed, the trip was for me to get another look in at a little art gallery in Ilkley that I have bought from before. Nothing to buy today ,but still some nice works if you have the appropriate place for it. Also a bit of fun winding the wife up regaling her with the tale of the landlord daughter from Addingham, the one that got away ! Yeah, that's right no baking for me for the next month.
  10. "Think Yorkshire may have been a tad warmer than Spain today." Not something you hear said very often!
  11. Wink wink, nudge nudge, we won't tell where your wife rides ! It's the boot lid (cough).
  12. Anyone familiar with this landmark will instantly know Lexigirl was tripping out in Ilkley today. Moreover at 23 C she was doing it with her head uncovered. Now question for my passenger wife was "tell me what do you think with the hood down and sunshine on your head?". Her reply (bearing in mine she's an old school Yorkshire lass), "it was ok". Da da ,this is wife speak that she loved it ! For myself admittedly not in the greatest of shape at the moment it was unadulteratedly wonderful. A real pick me up and a super reminder that the body may be thinking one thing ,but the mind ,our mental outlook can still be lifted by experiences that bring joy.
  13. Joke
  14. She will, but will you be around to see it? Another question entirely.
  15. Don't be so formal. You can call me Marc ! Although my hands today are calling me Mr Incredibly Stupid.
  16. Knowing how enthralled (sic) you all were by the Scumble topic I thought I would feed your appetite to know more. Here are a couple of pics showing it in process. The base is done in eggshell Calico. The scumble is made using artists Violet oil paint. It is crosshatched application followed by a ragging using stockinette. As ever it is a process of trial and error. The initial application result was just too dense/strong. Hence, the section shown has been rubbed down using a variety of grades of paper. This removes some of the colour giving a more faded/aged look. Also removes some of the sheen from the oil based scumble. If you are really expert at this you could get there using a water based mix, but that requires a different skill level as the water based mix by implication dries very quickly giving you little time to work with the scumble. Certainly you couldn't then rub it down as I have done here. You would need to be very sure that the colour was right straight out of the pot. On top of the finish shown here there will be a stencil running horizontally around the room midway between picture rail and cornice. No, it won't feature various prehistoric creatures although it probably should. I had forgotten just how much work is involved in doing this stuff. When I was doing it years ago it was meant to endure for 10 to 20 years or so. Easy really given the oil content is incredibly durable. Today I ask myself what the hell am I doing this for ,because 10 to 20 years just isn't credible unless the afterlife holds secrets I am not yet privvy to. Nonetheless I have started so i shall finish, echoes of Bamber Gascoigne. You can just glimpse a piece of glass work I did in 1995. I say I did. What I meant is I drew it and a local glass worker created it for me from the artwork supplied.
  17. Good news is you figured all that out before it became a bad news scenario. Pays to know the small print.
  18. There's "a bright side"?. Directions to it on a post card please. Is it really bright and not be confused with the 'flash' after Putin nuked us? Ok, I am going to have to stop watching Fallout.
  19. Our German Shepherd considers cats Brunch ! Although he's got absolutely zero chance of ever catching one.
  20. On the bright side my daughter is at a conference at Lancaster University today and I agreed to ferry her there and back in the XK. She has a foot like a clog so I think she's going to like it.
  21. I think you are right . My eldest brother suffered with gout all his life right from being a teenager to the end and I know from his experience it was absolutely awful, agony. You wouldn't wish it on anyone (other than the guy with the dog that craps at the gate).
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