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Everything posted by Boomer54

  1. "And this is just few examples, but in principle I actually do a lot to minimise my personal waste... not really because I care about climate change or temperature rising, but because I find it morally important for myself to minimise my personal waste. I would do it with or without government forcing me to do it. " Indeed, and personally, the longer that I have something the more attached to it I tend to become. I have the same friends I made 55 years ago, the same wife (more or less) as I married 40 years ao, my Levi Strauss flares have been in and out of fashion at least 3 times whilst I have had them. Then there is my treasured little friend who greets me for breakfast each day.. I am not a fan of disposable society.
  2. "20" from my experiences in the '70's. "30" for you whippersnappers. Anyway, I suppose it was a step up from having to throw a saddle on those Velociraptors.
  3. Almost 20 years on then, but it did not sound like anything had changed.
  4. Gulp, LexiGirl is going to 'melt away' ?
  5. Hmm, better and better. So ,who thought 'rusting' and 'corroding' were the same thing ? Not so. link Does Aluminum Rust or Corrode? Aluminium Corrosion Resistance ( If roof corrosion occurs most commonly at the very edges abutting to the cars body. It would be interesting to know what metal those parts were made of, because perhaps we have a reaction occurring? I imagine ideally you want your aluminium roof to be oxidised for strength ,but to be then treated with some form of bonding agent to seal it completely and form a suitable surface for coating. I shall look into this further.
  6. Actually ,this a a better article on Aluminium. However, it is also 'muddying' Does aluminium rust. Click to find out more. thyssenkrupp Materials (UK) ( First rusting is not the right way to describe the roof problem. It is corroding. However, what follows is confusing. Apparently the Oxide formed from corrosion is stronger than the base metal, but unfortunately is a not a surface that will bond well for paint ! One guesses that perhaps that is why the paint on your roof may 'bubble' ? I shall look further into this.
  7. I tend to agree. I think anything that takes your attention off the road more than is healthy is bad from a safety viewpoint. Hence, I think speed control areas that mean you spend undue time watching your dashboard rather than the road around you is inherently less safe. The safest drivers I know pay little attention to their driving and far more concentrating on other drivers. You cannot do that very well in speed controlled areas.
  8. So ,being borderline obsessive when I get interested I started looking around. I found the roof of the SC430 is supposedly Aluminium. Also being borderline stupid I thought hold on rust on the roof is a common problem on these cars, but Aluminium does not rust, wrong. Confirming the stupid diagnosis actually Aluminium does rust, BUT importantly not in the same way as Iron etc. Rusting in Aluminium actually makes the base metal stronger ! So, in effect get that car cover off and pray for rain !. No, seriously read the article, it's interesting and particularly the part about you treat rusting Aluminium. My take is if you had a rust problem on your roof and it recurs then in all likelihood the coat of Aluminium Oxide probably was not removed well enough. On the plus side if you ever sell and your roof is showing evidence of rust then in all honesty you can tell your buyer you will not charge them extra because the roof is getting stronger. Link. Does Aluminum Rust? - The Craftsman Blog
  9. Was that the 90's ? I thought it was 70's. The first guy was talking about, amongst other things, Morris Marina. That was my first company car in about '75 I think. Utter crap bucket. When I hit a post that jumped out at me it was a relief to get a car swap. Frankly, it took me right back and it was so on the money as I remember it. The constant bickering over car allocation and how it basically told the story of where you were on the greasy totem pole. It certainly was of those status symbols right up there with where you lived, what sort of house you had. I don't think much as changed, we are very much a society based up on the material. Not me of course ,that's why I drive a SC430 so I won't be noticed !
  10. Yup, just call Zimmerframes R Us, they will be right with you in a week ,or so.
  11. You might be on to something there. I used to be woken by the same problem from a sensor in the carriage store.
  12. Fink you are alluding to Pie Barm surely. Only place mad enough to put a Meat Pie in a Barm Cake to make a sandwich. For the uninitiated 'up here' people call a Teacake a Barm Cake. I know, Meat Pie wrapped in bread, really ?. First time I heard about it i thought someone was taking the proverbial out of me.
  13. Pope urges all sides to 'silence their weapons' in Karabakh So it's ok to shoot people, but just do it quietly !
  14. "BP who have been in the energy business forever trying to do the very best to come up with up with the likely least damaging solution " Hmm, may be life as left me a tad too cynical to eat that. Seriously, I could give you a list of corporate malfeasance that would be long enough to keep you so busy you would be late for lunch. Lest that read as me anti whatever, I assure you I am a dyed in the wool capitalist. However, when it comes to human nature also a realist. The key is in aligning goals, public good with corporate goals. That way you can trust in self interest not damaging the end result.
  15. Again, no offence, but if I want impartial I am probably not going to seek it from BP ,or Shell, or indeed any energy company. Bit like asking J & J for an opinion on the use of Talc !
  16. I don't see any completely right ,or wrong arguments so far on this issue. What I do see is the usual incomplete cost benefit analysis. Typically, as is the case here, this exists because there are many competing interest groups whose agenda benefits by overlooking certain factors. It could only help by having a 'jury' like commission, qualifed to judge ,but without the self interest to do so in a biased manner.
  17. Phil, I truly understand what you mean but what I say is not really academic. It is simply rudimentary accounting. If I can borrow and make a greater return on that money than the cost of servicing the debt then you have the very definition of good leverage. The real problem here is the element of personal debt that represents current consumption. That is , no positive investment basis for taking on the debt simply one of two things inability to match income to expenditure, and sometimes a failure to understand the distinction between Need and Want.
  18. Well apparently there is a 4th kind of "people", and they are called "Station wagons".
  19. Hi Ronnie, We are from a different era where credit was not so freely available so in that sense we are 'old school'. However, let me explain why the situation is not so dire as you may think. You see the level of personal debt does not exist in isolation. What counts is the ability to repay that debt and indeed just how much of that debt is actually secured against assets such as property, pension savings etc. What I am saying is personal debt is one figure on just one side of the ledger. It is just as important what is the double entry on the otherside. having said all that your comment s regarding financial education is absolutely spot on in my experience.
  20. I shall go away and think if I have been very cleverly insulted. I mean I have been called many things, just not a "station wagon".
  21. And there I was thinking you were going to say 'you remind me of a Ferrari with a new set of tyres all a😄round'.
  22. Thanks Glynn. I have little experience telling what is good from bad on undercarriage, other than the obvious where something is obviously rusted to the gills. Now I have something to compare to as mine goes for a vehicle healthcheck on Tuesday and they have promised to let me have shots whilst it is up on the ramp. I wanted that ,because I know it's been previously treated, but with winter not that far way this would be the time to redo it if it requires it. Sort of thing I would like to do myself, but I just don't have the equipment to safely elevate it.
  23. Just a general purpose cleaner. Basically, soapy water stuff and absolutely nothing abrasive.
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