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Mac Or Pc ?


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hi. was just wondering how many of you are using a mac compared to a pc. i would assume that most lexus owners would be mac owners. mac =lexus. pc = lada. just a thought ! seems to me if you want the best cars, you,ll want the best computers ? or maybe i,m completely wrong !!!!

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hi. was just wondering how many of you are using a mac compared to a pc. i would assume that most lexus owners would be mac owners. mac =lexus. pc = lada. just a thought ! seems to me if you want the best cars, you,ll want the best computers ? or maybe i,m completely wrong !!!!



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Im a mac user and would never go back to PC :shifty:


as above.

At work i have to use a PC and it stresses me out with the age it takes to load things and the constant crashes and random going ons.

Had my Mac 2 years now and have had zero drama and it runs as well and quick as the day i bought it.

I don't get involved with the whole PC V Mac shenanigans, but the 'it just works' saying, is so true

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PC myself, did used to think that my next comp might be a mac, but after getting an ipod recently and having to go through the nightmare that is iTunes, I don't think I'll ever get a mac.

In my opinion it's style over substance which isn't what a Lexus is all about :P

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PC myself, did used to think that my next comp might be a mac, but after getting an ipod recently and having to go through the nightmare that is iTunes, I don't think I'll ever get a mac.

In my opinion it's style over substance which isn't what a Lexus is all about :P

itunes on a pc is completely different to itunes on a mac ! as for style over substance a mac is both stylish and more substantial than a pc. it,s quite hard to explain but when you,ve been using a mac for a while , and then you use a pc, the windows machine just seems not as well made and the software not as good ! the only thing bad about mac,s is the price ! but you get what ya pay for !

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Price isn't the issue for me, if it's good I'll pay for it. And compared to a Sony or HP pc, there isn't a lot of difference in price anyway.

Is iTunes on the mac really that different? How so?

I don't want to start an mac vs pc debate as there are merits to both, which is why I'm only talking about the things I have experience with but going back to the iPod, it isn't as good as it should be for the cost.

Yes it is perfectly formed, but it doesn't offer enough flexibility and sound quality isn't great either imho.

I had been warming to the thought of buying a mac, but the iPod/iTunes experience really has tainted the prospect for me.

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Price isn't the issue for me, if it's good I'll pay for it. And compared to a Sony or HP pc, there isn't a lot of difference in price anyway.

Is iTunes on the mac really that different? How so?

I don't want to start an mac vs pc debate as there are merits to both, which is why I'm only talking about the things I have experience with but going back to the iPod, it isn't as good as it should be for the cost.

Yes it is perfectly formed, but it doesn't offer enough flexibility and sound quality isn't great either imho.

I had been warming to the thought of buying a mac, but the iPod/iTunes experience really has tainted the prospect for me.

it,s hard to explain but on a mac itunes is much more streamlined as opposed to a windows pc. just little things in general. as for ipod sound quality, my Iphone has better sound quality than my ipod, but both sound fantastic on the zeppellin ! as for flexibility ? you want a music player to play music nothing else ? or am i mistaken ?

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I disagree that Windows in unstable - part of the reason Macs are so stable is that the hardware is perfectly configured.........if you buy a decent brand PC they are just as well built with quality components.

I've never had any issues with XP, and didn't have any problems with Vista either (when I ran it for a short while) except for the fact that it is quite system intensive.

There really isn't much of a difference between the two in terms of everyday use, just pick the one you prefer :)

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I disagree that Windows in unstable - part of the reason Macs are so stable is that the hardware is perfectly configured.........if you buy a decent brand PC they are just as well built with quality components.

I've never had any issues with XP, and didn't have any problems with Vista either (when I ran it for a short while) except for the fact that it is quite system intensive.

There really isn't much of a difference between the two in terms of everyday use, just pick the one you prefer :)

sorry parthiban but i disagree ! there is a lot of difference in terms of daily use ! i have an imac a macbook and a mac mini and have no spyware adware antivirus on any of them and have never been infected, but with windows you do need all three which takes up system resources. if you have kids i think a mac is generally safer to let them loose on than a pc. altough it does look like windows 7 is a step in the right direction

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sorry parthiban but i disagree ! there is a lot of difference in terms of daily use ! i have an imac a macbook and a mac mini and have no spyware adware antivirus on any of them and have never been infected, but with windows you do need all three which takes up system resources. if you have kids i think a mac is generally safer to let them loose on than a pc. altough it does look like windows 7 is a step in the right direction

I was under the impression that mac users still use spyware protection but I don't know to be honest. With regard to viruses, as soon as Macs are more commonplace they'll have exactly the same problems.........I agree with your point though as Macs are more "immune" than PCs are on the internet.

But people really do give PCs more of a hard time than they deserve - Macs are not god's gifts to computing and PCs aren't useless pieces of junk, there is a middle ground and both sit just one step either side of it :)

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sorry parthiban but i disagree ! there is a lot of difference in terms of daily use ! i have an imac a macbook and a mac mini and have no spyware adware antivirus on any of them and have never been infected, but with windows you do need all three which takes up system resources. if you have kids i think a mac is generally safer to let them loose on than a pc. altough it does look like windows 7 is a step in the right direction

I was under the impression that mac users still use spyware protection but I don't know to be honest. With regard to viruses, as soon as Macs are more commonplace they'll have exactly the same problems.........I agree with your point though as Macs are more "immune" than PCs are on the internet.

But people really do give PCs more of a hard time than they deserve - Macs are not god's gifts to computing and PCs aren't useless pieces of junk, there is a middle ground and both sit just one step either side of it :)

i don,t use spyware. altough it has to be said , a bit of common sense goes a long way on either mac or pc. you are right macs are not gods gift and pc,s aren,t useless, i just thought that people who like lexus would be more mac users than pc users. guess i was wrong. basically the main thing in favour of macs is ease of use for the person not computer savy !

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What issues do you have with iTunes Parthiban, i never had a problem on my old PC?

There were numerous things to begin with, mainly to do with the way it sorts albums (seems to be designed to work fine if you use iTunes, but not if you already had a music library) but after spending hours and hours going through everything I had all the albums sorted properly with albumart so I was happy enough.

However, then it decided to really pi$$ me off and doubled every single track in my library, all mine have filnames as "track number - track name", it kept those and created duplicates of everything with "track number - artist - track name".

That really was the last straw for me, so have started using mediamonkey - which has been a real surprise. Had never heard of it before, and it isn't massively user friendly, but once you get how to use it, it is an incredibly powerful bit of software.

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Im a PC user, mainly due to the fact that im a bit of a geek and have built/upgraded my own computers for many years now. They do the job I need them to and I have always been able to sort out any problems myself. So its cheap and easy.

Would love to give a mac a go but they are pretty pricey and doubt I could justify one anytime soon.


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couldn,t agree more. changed from pc to mac and will never go back. like you say, mac,s just work ! redsteve i think you need to make the change !!!!

To be honest, I don't know what the difference is. :blush:

I only use my PC for looking on here (and the rest of the web), E-mail and burning CDs.


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just better to do that on a mac !

I understand the concept that people like different things (for example, some people like Land Rovers but I wouldn't touch one with a bargepole) but in layman's terms why would a Mac be better for my needs?

I am curious because this discussion has raged for a long time but PCs still seem to be more popular to the general public.


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just better to do that on a mac !

I understand the concept that people like different things (for example, some people like Land Rovers but I wouldn't touch one with a bargepole) but in layman's terms why would a Mac be better for my needs?

I am curious because this discussion has raged for a long time but PCs still seem to be more popular to the general public.


it wouldn,t neccessarily be better for your needs ! bit like saying i need a car to get me from a - b . do i buy a datsun or do i spend the extra and buy a lexus. basically you pay for what you get, but both do the job. i just thort that most lexus owners would be mac owners. macs are expensive but not so sure in the long run. for example apple just released snow leopard operating system, and most macs (apart from the very old) could run the new operating system. but with windows 7 most computers need a hardware upgrade first ! thats before anti virus, spyware and adware software !

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just better to do that on a mac !

I understand the concept that people like different things (for example, some people like Land Rovers but I wouldn't touch one with a bargepole) but in layman's terms why would a Mac be better for my needs?

I am curious because this discussion has raged for a long time but PCs still seem to be more popular to the general public.


it wouldn,t neccessarily be better for your needs ! bit like saying i need a car to get me from a - b . do i buy a datsun or do i spend the extra and buy a lexus. basically you pay for what you get, but both do the job. i just thort that most lexus owners would be mac owners. macs are expensive but not so sure in the long run. for example apple just released snow leopard operating system, and most macs (apart from the very old) could run the new operating system. but with windows 7 most computers need a hardware upgrade first ! thats before anti virus, spyware and adware software !

That's completely untrue. Snow Leopard requires an Intel based Mac, which means there are some Macs out there, less than 3 years old, which can't run it. And worse, the ones which can't were the most expensive ones, since the lower-end models changed to Intel first! Windows 7 has no greater hardware requirements than Vista and if a machine can run Vista, it will probably run 7 faster than Vista anyway.

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