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Everything posted by TonyGoose

  1. Hmm, being a hutch owned company, we've had these 3g nec's on the go for a while now ... Free to use too B) Yes very clever an all that ... weather clips, bottom videos etc ... BUT ... Now the novelty is worn off, they're just tossed aside because ... Permanently on charge - sh1te battery life. handset looks pretty minging and bulky. menus etc are not at all intuitive, dead ends etc. No other bugger has one so what's the point of a videophone The saving grace is the ring tone that sounds like a bell ... probably better described as a phone ringing in the matrix. So, not really polished enough yet for general release imo ... flakey Needless to say it's the directors and top brass who HAVE to have them .. Obvious experts ? Some struggle with an office chair if it has levers :D
  2. McDonalds used to do a range of VERY yummy pizzas ...
  3. Zee's operation had gone quite smoothly ... However, dying his hair blonde was becoming a bit of a chore. :D :zee: :D
  4. The dealer said he'd give me a pony for me motor. This isn't quite what i expected :duh:
  5. Ahem - thanks for that vital piece of info :D
  6. Not exactly 'factory fitted' ... Lexus GB replace the standard parts with those of the styling kit. So it's done in the UK rather than the Kanto factory. Not that that's any kind of excuse
  7. C'mon Gordon, how many people did you forward it to ?? :P :P
  8. A hefty smack in the 'nads with a cricket bat would be a more effective deterrent
  9. Look out everyone, sounds like Mat is going to Scotland :duh:
  10. You left the lambda sensor in it didn't you ... That has wires ... Harty won't go near it for fear of setting it alight :iraqi-info-minister: :D :D
  11. Hmm, maybe it was attached to your left hand .. holding your steering wheel .... All i can say is you people must have long arms if you can rest your elbow between the seats while holding the steering wheel with both hands
  12. Oh yes, i'm sure that's what it makes them think ... :D :D
  13. AMEN to that ... Best we get out altogether while we still can <_<
  14. I find when driving on German autobahns i'm more alert and focused on what's going on. 100 or 'it won't go any quicker' ... constantly aware something's travelling faster than you ... As a result, lane discipline seems far better, you HAVE to get outta the way in plenty of time or be tailgated and flashed by huge mercs and audis B) On the other hand, i have 2 relatives who both got done speeding in Germany... and both at speeds below 20mph. It seems where there's a need for limits, they're there ... built up areas, before + after autobahn on/off ramps and bad weather for example ... And where there's no need, progress as you please ... Concentrating on driving rather than looking for sneaky cops and cameras. All seems perfectly sensible to me. Then cross to UK with arbitrary speed limit figure from the 60's plucked out of the air ... Progress is drone like and artificially restrained = lack of concentration = problems. Ever notice traffic moving freely ... ooh look, police car doing 60 on inside lane, traffic instantly jammed up .... So, i vote German... Sensible limits where required ... Unrestricted where they're not. But then i usually do go for the common sense option
  15. Ha Ha ... I reckon Rob's on a promise if he gets enough of us to vote :luck:
  16. Yes yes ... The headlamp sprayers are particularly good for that ... More of a surprise coz it's not immediately obvious where it came from :D
  17. Teenager on board, adult on board, pensioner on board, 3 bags of shopping on board ... Baby on board is different how exactly ?? 9 times out of 10 there's no baby and why should it matter anyway ? Bad driving is bad driving ... and i'm sure we're all guilty of it occasionally. Maybe the tailgater closed up trying to read the stupid signs :iraqi-info-minister: I'm sure we're all relieved nobody (adult or child) was seriously hurt in the smash ...
  18. That would have to be an early meet - you'll have sailed by 10:40 am :D Not catching it until 7.30 pm Ooh, late to bed instead then ... unless you're driving through the night Mighty impressive tub that HSS ... Be sure to go out back and look at the wash B)
  19. ***** - this beach erosion business must be worse than i thought ... The channel grew by 10 miles already ?? :iraqi-info-minister: :D :D
  20. Yes i'm up for this meet ... Errr :iraqi-info-minister: Sorry if this interferes with the s/c chatter
  21. That would have to be an early meet - you'll have sailed by 10:40 am :D
  22. Definitely NO. Euro coins set off the metal detector at the airport ... In my experience, sterling coins do not. As good a reason as any i've heard to stick 2 fingers up to the euro :D
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