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Everything posted by Fever

  1. Fantasic Maz!!! I had no doubt that you would find it fun!!
  2. Rob, I'm interested depending on the final price!
  3. Pete, at least they are now cleaner than when he gave them to you!! :P :P
  4. Mark we got to get this video done for all to see...and it MUST be this week!!! :D :P :D Well can we...huh..huh...can we???? :P
  5. Damn thats fine!! Mr Fargo....look at all the things you could do!!! B) B)
  6. No problem Rod....will always keep civilised....just making sure the facts are straight, i'm sure you would defend yourself in the same situation!
  7. Aido, yeah they are in stock had a quick chat with Mark yesterday!
  8. Ok not sure who you are, but please get your facts right before slagging somebody off, or better still read the rest of the posts before putting up a post which makes you look stupid!!! 1. Fargo's kit is NOT "on the market", it was a personal project which was met with great interest by the a result, Fargo has been trying to develop a way in which members can purchase the parts they need and undertake the job themselves. NOTHING HAS BEEN MADE AVAILABLE OR SOLD TO MEMBERS!!!!! 2. Fargo bought a blue cluster kit from a guy in the UK called LED_AUTO_DESIGN. This was done for evaluation purposes and if it proved to be a good one he was going to advise members to get it! However, it turned out not to be, we informed the club this, then LED_AUTO_DESIGNS informed Fargo that he had to sand the LED surface. Fargo fully understood the implications of doing something like this, but did so to prove that it wouldn't help! NOBODY ELSE HAS SANDED THEIR LED's AND FARGO HAS NOT ADVISED ANYONE TO DO SO!!!!! 3. And finally for your information!! Fargo has successfully changed all the lights in his car to blue!! Being a person who has seen this, I can say that nothing else compairs to his work!! Every part of the interior, stereo, a/c panel, cluster, switches, etc are a bright neon blue which covers every part with no patchyness, they also work with the dimmer switch and he can make a kit in different colours.....there are a couple of other members who have seen his work and can also confirm how class it is!! So in conclusion, i'll say it again, get your facts right next time!!!!
  9. Ok guys, after Gaydon...again my credit card is now s :tsktsk: iting itself! I'm thinking of a couple of items that I would like....could those who have the following please advise the best and cheapest place to pick them up? 1. DB boost and oil temp gauges (Apexi, HKS or Blitz). 2. Quickshift kit (Zee, I had a quick feel of yours yesterday while you weren't looking!)....amazing how much closer the change is! I'm guessing the group buy one's Mark sorted a while back are all gone now?? Mark please let me know if you have any left!! Thanks - Neil
  10. Ok saw a huge amonut of IS's, maybe 20, an Altezza and a handfull of GS's yesterday on the M40 just past Junction 10 at around 9:45......they were in long convoy for a while....any ideas who they were and where they were all going??
  11. Hell yeah Tony!!...Your title is mine!!
  12. Top quality day boys and girls!! Bit of a shame that the sun didn't make a huge apperance, but all good none the less!! To echo everyone else's comments, great to see faces old and new! Duncan, great chatting to you mate, hope to catch you soon at the next meet!! The car was looking awesome as always!! Great to meet some of the newer faces and people I haven't met before, Aido, marcus, stevebish, Raz, immx to name a few!! Maz...forget about getting your IS back...I think the Corsa has much better pulling potential!! Zee the new wheels looked class mate!! IMHO I like them better!! Pete, next time you wax your car before a show, make sure that you do it properly!! :P :P Oh and Steve (LEXAV) that I have Paul's charger, it gives me the right to start saying that my IS is faster than yours!! :P :P And for all the peeps who took a look at the blue LED dash lights.....I think we were all agreed on the final verdict!! :yack:
  13. Since everybody knows now... :D tried it again a couple of times, 4.3 and 4.4 for my times Rob!
  14. Oi you cheeky bugger.....I'm no max muppet, beside's not like there is enough space for the IS to reach any decent speed, need at least a quater mile straight road to get above 40!! I will make a Lexus style luxury entry thank you very much!!!
  15. So what happens if somebody sends their car in for some body work to be done??? Do they take a trip to halfords...i think not!!
  16. My apologies mate....that wasn't very fair of me!! I just find it very hard to understand how anyone could be happy with it!
  17. Oh and I showed the kit to a couple of my mates last night who really have no interest in the world of cars, and they both laughed at it! One of them asked if it was faulty!
  18. LED_AUTO_DESIGNS BLUE DASH KIT Ok, this is how it is...the kit is poor!! I will take some pics tonight to prove it, many people on here that know me, know that I am a straight forward honest guy. These are my individual comments on the kit: 1. Far to dull. 2. Looks like the lights are faulty. 3. Very blotchy, some areas are brighter than others. 4. The colour is terrible, looks more like an off green/blue. 5. Now that the LED's have been sanded it makes no difference, except for the fact that they now imit more surface heat and I run the risk of melting my dash. 6. I'd rather have the orange ones. As a current customer of this kit, my advise to the members of LOC would be, if you want a nice sharp bright blue dash kit DO NOT waste your money, you will be highly dissappointed! If you don't mind however and you are happy with my 6 honest points above then buy the kit! As I said before, I will make no benefit from this kit or anything that Fargo creates and I fully have the right to inform the members of LOC. One thing that really angers me is people getting ripped off, a product being advertised as one thing and in reality being something completely different!
  19. Me too Raz!!!! B) B) I only need 2 or 3 more and then I've got the set!! :D The guy at the Shell garage knows me well and keeps giving me handfuls of them!!!
  20. Hmmmm....brand new member first post was about blue dash light kit bought from Led_Auto _Designs and he's very happy with the result......
  21. Ok, the pictures Paul has just posted are no where near the same as the kit installed yesterday!! As Gaydon is approaching, I am happy to have the kit Paul received from LED Auto Designs put back into my car so members can see for themselves! Trouble is better drive home in the daylight so I can be sure I'm not speeding! Seriously, I have no vested interest in either Paul's or Andi's kits, but like other members of LOC want to get the best for my money! From what I saw yesterday I was not impressed and fully back Paul's statements! The fact that I preferred to have the orange ones put back in should tell you exactly what I thought!! EDIT: Can I also point out Andi that Paul is not trying to out do you, or make people buy his kit over yours!! If people buy your kits it makes no difference to him, this is not a business for Paul and he is only looking out for the interests of club members! Bottom line, the pictures you keep posting have ABSOLUTELY NO similarity to the kit we fitted yesterday!!!
  22. Absolute pants....Paul had to check the connections a couple of times at first as we weren't sure if they were in or connected correctly....then we realised that they were actually on, just very dull. Then we covered up the windows while Paul took the shots and it was just as bad, hardly any light and what little light you could see was poor!!! To add to that the colour of blue used was rubbish!! If anything, the pictures that Paul has taken make those light look better than they were!!! Paul said I could just have answer was please put the orange ones back in!!!! And I hate the orange lights!!! Bottom line, there is no comparison, buy these and your just wasting your money!!!
  23. Yep sure do!! :D ....but I have no problem using the dimmer switch with the new LED's!
  24. Not in the flesh mate!! Besides, thats what the cabin light dimmer switch is for!! ;)
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