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Everything posted by mikeyv

  1. Glad you're sorted and back on the rank, hopefully without too much financial pain. Mines getting converted in a couple of weeks. I noticed a Shell garage just round the corner from me has dropped it's lpg price to Morrison level - it's always been a good 10p+ dearer in the past. Hope it's countrywide, as Shell stations are pretty plentiful.
  2. There's a seller on ebay worth trying, here's a link.
  3. Legal or not, why attract attention from the boys in blue? I'm sure both posts above are correct, but once they have pulled you they won't want to lose face, and then you'd better be 100% sure that your car and driving is perfect in every other respect.
  4. I disagree about skill levels being lower, very few cars had power steering or disc brakes, steering wasn't normally rack and pinion, so loads of play, brakes were often unassisted still, and needed regular manual adjustment even to perform at much lower standards than modern cars. Tyres were mostly cross ply and cars were mostly rear wheel drive, an entertaining mix in wet or icy conditions, requiring a degree of skill todays motorist mostly doesn't need or possess. Modern cars drive themselves by comparison, and frankly 70 mph on motorways is boring in normal conditions, I think 80/90 keeps you more alert, assuming suitable conditions of course. Middle lane hoggers should be shot.
  5. Hope it's an easy fix, at least she waited for the better weather. Reminds me of seeing a Rolls Royce broken down near Leeds years ago, they covered it with a sheet before loading it on to the breakdown truck.
  6. Kellys cornish with honeycomb pieces..........mmmm!
  7. I have a 99(T) Mk 4, and it's great. The longer I own it, the more I appreciate the quality and finish, and it'll waft around sedately with barely a touch of throttle or hit three figures very quickly if you're a tad more brutal. It's the only one I've driven though, so can't compare with the earlier models I'm afraid, but it did seem to me to be the best choice from what I read on here and other motoring sites, both from a reliability and performance point of view.
  8. Isn't there some extra warranty on these engines with regard to HG/engine failure? I think I've read of cases where lack of full Lexus service history meant they wouldn't stump up for repair. I'd certainly research thoroughly before opting for anything other than the proper service.
  9. Can't make up my mind which I prefer, but that's not surprising as I did the same on my silver CTR and my mind used to change daily as to whether I'd done the right thing. Much better for not showing brake dust though, which was terrible on the Honda. Car looks nice anyway, with both wheels.
  10. I agree, I did read somewhere the percentage of people who just blindly renew with existing company, I can't recall the exact number, but it was pretty high. Actually, I've just remembered, it was on Watchdog and they had the top man from ABI on there, boy did he squirm when confronted with the figures. Shop around has been my advice for years now, as said above, loyalty is a thing of the past. Get the best quote you can on internet comparison, then ring around to see if anybody will beat it, won't take that long and will almost certainly save you hundreds.
  11. No hosepipe ban here, just floods!! However, if there were, I'd have two choices, waterless car polish, eg showroom shine, or my karcher pressure washer fed from a water container. You could have a water butt fed by your gutters, or apparently you could legally fill a bucket from the tap and use that to supply the pressure washer. I've used the waterless polish and it's pretty good, very handy for my caravan too, though I doubt I'd risk it on a filthy car.
  12. Thanks Stericker, I'll take a look, the wheels could do with a refurb as well, just need some spare time and better weather.
  13. What style are they please? I'm asking because three of my centre caps are missing their "L".
  14. Thanks Mark. The touch screen is good, though I don't even want to think about it going wrong, but the satnav is outdated and clunky to use. I'm not sure if it can be updated usefully, or what it might cost (think we can safely assume not cheap!!), but I just plug my old tom tom one in on the rare occasion I need satnav. Hi Norman, I had similar problems loading images, I'm not even sure where they are to be honest, as I don't see them associated with my profile page.
  15. Well done, I like that colour combo. Did you fit the reversing sensors yourself?
  16. Hi Michael. She looks really nice. Enjoy. Mike Thanks Mike, I've got a terrible habit of changing perfectly good cars, it's like an itch that just has to be scratched, but I'm not sure Mrs V would ever forgive me if I sold this one. We both love the car, and, as I've read on here many times, everybody who rides in it comments on the comfort, more than any car I've had before, and doesn't want to get out at journeys end.
  17. I've just loaded some pics of mine on here, here's the link to see if it works.
  18. Are you not covered by your insurance? I thought glass was usually covered separately, and supposedly without losing no claim, or am I out of date on this?
  19. Good grief, they've shot up then, they were £40 without entering any discount codes when I posted. EDIT:- I might be wrong, so I'd be grateful if someone else could check, but they seem to be still at £40. Additionally, according to the current offers page on their website, the introductory 25% discount posted by oilman on here in February, is still applicable by using ferodo25 at checkout, so down to £30, presumably plus postage.
  20. Hi Dave, I've fitted stacks of Ferodo stuff without a problem. Thought I'd mention that Opie Oils, who are on here and many other motoring forums, have them at £40 for a 99 LS, and there may be more to come off that price in member discount or promotions. I always ring them to be certain, and they do a price promise too if needed.
  21. If you call it £1500 tops, you'd be hard pushed to get a better value car imo. It's got to be virtually depreciation free by now as well, and that's the biggest cost by far to most motorists, even though petrol costs get the headlines. I've not had mine long, but liking it more with every mile, that's when I can get the wife out of the driving seat of course.
  22. I couldn't see them either, so I tried copying the links and hopefully here they are? Very nice too.
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