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Everything posted by runsgrateasanut

  1. Lovely Car and superb colour. I'd be inclined to dip into my pocket again and have the Radiator replaced as a priority expense if this model has a combined cooling Rad.
  2. So PM, footballers who do a despicable deed should not be allowed to be in the public eye regaining their status and (possibly) becoming a role model to the public, but presenters of TV car shows (who I bet a pound to a penny was a Bully at School) can go around biffing people because your Kids like him. Thats OK behaviour is it?
  3. abandoned task - if temporarily - why do they make a part to the wrong spec? Its always the same with this aftermarket stuff, never quite right. Perhaps the original manufacturers have a patent on the spec. As need replacing front drivers side wing just can't be bothered to dremel the hole. too damn cold and windy anyway. Glad I didn't bother to get the other side out.
  4. Side Repeaters. Sat around for nearly eight months so I started the job. Credit Card against the headlight side and then screw driver into rubber and out it pops no need to get behind wheel arch. Side repeater bulb holder has four holes and only three tangs (had forgotten this thread - anno domini) so thought I'd be able to get away with just filing/extending certain slots. OK can fit bulb holder but it wont turn and lock, so I've taped it on to the unit as it doesn't get any wind or crud on it hidden under the mud guard. Then I find (having gone out in the dark) the damn thing could be marginally wider than the original (even after removing tape and only taping lengthways, and also see that there are "corners" on the unit and strengthening walls which would make the hole need be much larger. Decided to file off part of the corner posts and the strengthening walls down near rubber. Nothing to watch on TV so did this and will see if it fits tomorrow. . If not won't bother with them.
  5. Nice to finally get this job and the Car seat fixed. Whilst its fresh in my mind, I will mention that tugging it just didn't free it, so I ended up using two of my numerous out of date plastic flexible friends to just create a gap between it and the Radio. Leaving about an inch from each side into which I put a screwdriver head and carefully levered and out it came, much to my relief. Repaired by removing (asbestos?) washer, put back together and checked continuity to see the centre was not touching the sides anywhere, and as they say jobs a good un. Did need to lever upward the inner positive grip part each side, as lighter was not clcking into lock position. Hey presto and the lighter jumped right out of the tray and onto the wood veneer. No damage, and won't be lighting anything but using for double USB. Mind you I could do with a nice Joya de Nicaragua Cigar right now to calm my nerves!
  6. Thanks Rupert, I just can't be tugging hard enough.Not eating sufficient Spinach these days! Recall in my Merc that you got to two screws after removing the drawer, which was removed like the powder dispenser on a washing machine. This I guess is held by spring clips similar to the Air vent, which was also a good tug to get it to come free. Tomorrow is another day.
  7. Can somebody help as regards a Mk11 removal of ash tray. I've taken away the shifter wood panel but I don't think that the ash tray "drawer" as such can be removed to expose any screws? Tried pulling whole unit holding base area and nothing happens. also, read something about putting key into "ACC" which I scratch my head over as I don't want live to the cigar lighter whilst trying to extract the whole unit. Can't get a credit card between the top of the unit and radio so stumped for the moment. Anyone taken out a Mk11 can advise? Seemed like a good day to do this job having replaced the Hazard Warning bulb! Thanks Stuart
  8. Just a clarification on this thread, having just removed the tube by only releasing the seat back four bolts with seat in situ, a piece of 15mm copper pipe won't thread onto this tube. 16mm might, but I'm not in france where it is a common measurement. Will need to splice the 15mm to wrap it round. Still a quick fix without removal of seat. Must press on. RETRACT MY COMMENT - 15mm does fit PERFECTLY., I hadn't champhered the end after it was last cut. Doh!
  9. well done Steve. do you remember what the distinguishing marks were on the Arm that proved it to be OEM or was it just that it was in a sealed Toyota labelled bag? I'd be interested to know.
  10. Its not that I cant afford the OEM its that I resent paying an amount that could buy me four new premium grade Tyres for a part which others can manufacture for one tenth of the price. OK Quality wise there will be a difference but this is an extortionate amount to have to pay for this part. The existing UCA's were on advisories and my mechanic said they both needed changing. Pointing out that the part under load would be the only way to test it for wear. I want to be safe, but not at any price. I've ordered the below from the States as a pair, because they have a short delivery date. They were reluctant to send them until I confirmed the OEM number which I got from a very useful link someone put on a thread, to a website called Toyo..... ? I only need the one Arm but unless I order from a UK seller who lists his items under Private Seller (which I always suspect is not a good place to go!) then I'll have spare. May sell if anyone interested. I've used Rock for Merc parts but for my year Lexus its a bit vague as to the list of UCA parts that will fit. Also their price is higher. I understand that many names quoted as brands on the Box, may also be Taiwan products inside although understood to be of high quality.
  11. Good Question Malc. They were advisories and having taken off the rubber (seemingly in tact) covering the ball joint on the one removed (which may be original but can't see any ID for rust) though loose, I can't find any actual play up and down. Some rust in the grease. Only used my fingers to try to pull/push in both directions. Daresay it may have lasted another 50k miles but just don't want a nightmare MOT situation like I had first time with this car. Trying to resolve all issues well in advance
  12. I just can't run to £450 for a single front upper control arm. I purchased two from America both supposedly American brand. Both turned out to be Branded box but made in Taiwan with no corresponding ID. Guarantee worthless I imagine. OK One fitted and the other I was totally suspicious of as it didn't look similar, being an H bar, but thought we'd check. Turns out not to fit and on further examination the part is for a SC430 and wrongly quoted as for an LS400 89-94. so, last night Mechanic had to put back the original part and was less than happy to do so. Trying to get a replacement as a matter of urgency for France trip shortly. None on ebay and Amanana will take too long. So, had to buy from States again (a pair) and delivery expected by 13th if they can confirm part numbers match. Got refund of part cost for wrong arm but lost out shipping and VAT. Can sell on the wrong part and perhaps cut my loss but not labour charge. Just hoping parts arrive in time and that I won't have a problem to end up driving like this guy
  13. I've temporarily postponed installing an LPG system. I had a Mercedes which had a tank probably fourteen years old. I updated the valve to the tank after twelve years and it looked fine inside and outside. I have a four hole Stako tank kitted out and awaiting installation. Its never been used, but the manufacture date on the card is 2005. There's nothing on the tank itself date wise, but am I to be ruled out using it? It may be that later cars than mine had less hard valves. The Merc 1996 model, owner told me he had the valves changed at 180k - just in case, so resarch on softer valves if you can find any, may be worth doing.
  14. Wonderful looking cars Pepe. Tell me how much time do you spend keeping the engine bay looking so pristine? and whats the secret?
  15. Just my luck that this one is the wrong side. Probably more gold than Beige I console myself. There is a grey LS being broken but looks like someone has put a couple of small dents on the wing top taking out the engine? Seems more choice for later cars than 1993.
  16. I thought I'd found a matching replacement for £65 quoted from someone supposedly breaking, but he seems to have disposed of the car in its entirety. Why not try a "1st Choice spares" enquiry for a s/h one with no rust and matching colour - you might be lucky? Any rust repair would have to be good to survive my sea front position so I'm not going to bother to try to do the job myself. Only one wing fortunately.
  17. Don't know if these would fit? for £215 seem good value
  18. Purchased four of the first style with deeper longer indents and 16 inch size Lexus wheels. Not sure which model they came from - manufacturer Borbet. Second wheel very Mercedes AMG style , which I also like. Is the first style 17 inch?
  19. Only time gets rid of sciatica or alleviates some of the pain and discomfort. I was warned by a Consultant against using an Osteopath or Chiropractor after X Rays and an MRI scan, which I had following a second severe attack after a seven year pause. It depends on age and spine condition. If spine condition is unknown it could be detrimental. Having a long back I could see how the spinal cord was threaded through a very small and challenging circuit along the vertebrae at the lumber region where spinal disk compression takes place. I'd tried Osteopathy the first time and it was torture even if my mind was not on it as I laid across her legs having noticed her blue thong showing! I tried Chinese Acupuncture for twelve sessions but not sure it made any differerence. I couldn't raise my left leg if I lay on the bed. Not even an inch. Just didn't respond but it would lock out so walked with a stick. Only time healed the problem to an extent - min eighteen months. Didn't take any drugs or rub on Ibroprofin, after reading possible side effects, and didn't change the mattress which is Memory foam. This is reminding me to fix my twisted front Lexus seat. I have taken the back panel off. I work at a snails pace these days. I did buy a second hand Bactrac which is an inversion table. Not suited if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma, etc. If I feel that lifting that engine was perhaps not a wise thing to do, I go on the table for a minute or place hands on the back of two chairs and try to raise my weight on my shoulders. I've never had actual back pain even though thats where the problem lies. Fortunate that it is the Sciatic nerve in my left leg each time, and so could still drive an Automatic. I have full use of the leg now, but the upper muscle only about ninety per cent returned after the wasting period. Hope you recover soon - its a bummer!
  20. Its a matter of personal taste but colour is a high consideration for me. I've bought clear indictors for the mk 2 but do I buy chromed bulbs or have the fried egg look. Such a difficult choice to make, Hahaha. I do prefer the styimg of the mk 2 to the later models as I think the front wings especially of later models look too slab like, without the crease that runs front to back. I know Mercedes did the same thing (how they copy one another in styling). but for me I also prefer the front bumper being slightly yank in its styling. Don't know the Mk1 well enough to comment, but still givng my 3 penneth worth. Certainly right about older vehicles likely to need more expense and not quite as powerful.
  21. Braving the bitterly cold wind I have discovered the cause. Alignment is the reason. Found that the Radiator has not been put back correctly as the brackets which fit over the top are slightly twisted. Loosened them off, but the rubber which is supposed to align with the plastic moulding on the top of the radiator - doesn't now as its the only way I can move the air filter centre to the left. The Rad is still clamped, but not as it should be. The far right panel cover is now askew to the centre part owing to the battery not being correctly positioned. There arn't two lug holes but just one screw hole far end. slightly askew. Boy when you buy a car with a few issues don't you know you've got em! Will speak to my mechanic who changed the Timing belt as perhaps he had to remove the rad, not that it wasn't like this when I first bought the car because it was. Doh! Bit Worrying this. Lovely car otherwise.
  22. The centre part Left Hand Side aligns exactly with the Radiator bolt (as on the video) and if moved to the left, the lug holes would no longer align for the over part. Also the right hand side of the centre section aligns with the plastic part that covers, and also screws down into the allotted hole. I'll have to take off the Dome and see if somehow the connector has been forced into it, although I'm sure I would have noticed it when I cleaned it before putting in the new filter. Also it looks like it meets a buffer which you'd expect it to. Bit of a brain teaser this one.
  23. Hi Malc and Mark - - the two lugs holes are for a cover which fits over the parts (you can just see part of it sitting on the centre panel) It slots into the dome one side and then plops down into the two holes. It is the correct size to fit exactly where it should be. The strip of foam was only as wide as the base of the part i.e. 2cm
  24. Don't think this will display - its years since I used photobucket. I'll post and see.
  25. Keep us in the picture on your ultimate purchase. See the car is black and not green - it was the window tint that must have stuc in my mind good luck
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