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Everything posted by Barry14UK

  1. Seems like good advice from John. Suggest you take some pictures. Good luck.
  2. Thanks to all that replied. It was in my mind that as we are both with the same insurers and they may want to settle on a 50/50 fault basis but I would certainly fight such an outcome.
  3. I was promised a loan car by the claim management company suggested by Lexus Snows as they accepted on the basis of the photographs I provided that I was not at fault. They subsequently withdrew this offer because the the other party insisted he was not at fault and had found a witness. (The accident happened almost outside his house and let me put it this way, he has now found very supportive neighbours!) So I reverted to the Brokers who arranged my policy with AXA. The Brokers claim line puts one directly though to AUXILLIS, another claim management company. Notwithstanding, the other party disputing being at fault, AUXILLIS agreed to provide a car they considered I was not at fault. However, by that time it was too late to get the car for the planned journey from Devon to my daughter in Surrey on 11th May and onward to a funeral in Kent on 12th May. In the circumstances, as my car was still drivable I decided to use it. My wife sat in the back as the front passengers door gruched at it opened and would not open succulently to permit entry or egress. We had a pretty easy except for a loose tyre tread from somewhere making it's way towards me so I had to push harder on the loud peddle to avoid it. Also, the journey was uncomfortable because hot air rather than cold was being delivered through vents notwithstanding I dropped the temperature set on both sides, maximised fan settings, ensured the air settings were coldest with rotary controls and air was on in menu. I am wondering if the bang to my car could have caused a leak in the aircon system, something else to be investigated! The plan is to visit my brother and his wife tomorrow in Kent and then return to Devon on Sunday. Collection of my car and provision of a loan car will follow on Monday next. Picture of other parties car with broken headlight and damaged bumper. How he reckons I hit him with the impact on the extreme wing and leading edge of my front passenger door with no frontal damage to my car is a feeble 'try on'.
  4. Point taken about having dashcam, one of a number of things not got round to doing for diverse reasons but will now prioritise. As regards scrap, when my car was hit previously and the exhaust severely damaged, I asked for the central cat which was OK, so I could have made available to somebody else but was told all replaced components had to be scrapped regardless of the fact they may have included serviceable parts, and that they were no longer mine. This seems a shame. Whether in reality this always happens is a matter of conjecture! I know a lot of lightly damaged body parts that at one time would have been brought back to shape and for example doors that were worse were sometimes reskinned externally. Done it myself years ago . Today, they generally just discard damaged components and replace these with new. Depending on the severity of damage and circumstances, it can work well buying as scrap, fixing yourself using good used parts from breakers where parts from scrapper were more severely damaged. Still have different types of welding equipment and tools to do this but lack the motivation and penury that drove this at the time. I know from a previous experience that some Insurance companies will only allow new parts to be fitted which drives up the cost to the extent that a few items can cause a car to be written off. My granddaughter was hit by another driver and was told that if she accepted pattern parts, they would repair her car but would not pay for genuine ones, so ended up with some poorly fitted panels to avoid it being written off. (It was a small car and she had to have an automatic and to acquire it we had gone a considerable distance, as automatic versions were pretty rare).
  5. Hi John, It's a good question because there are pros and cons for using a management company which the RAC state here. You and the management company need to be convinced on the basis of supporting photographic damage to vehicles and circumstances that you have a good case as they provide a car immediately and take steps to process claim without any upfront charge to claimant provided you use a reputable one. (I used the one recommended by Lexus Snows, being the one I used when previously rear ended and they had all my details from then). I need a car quicky as I plan to visit my daughter some 220 miles away next week and attend the funeral of my best friend while there. I am not sure I would have got a car so readily through AXA who are also the at fault's insurers. My policy did not include the provision of a loan car and there was less certainty that AXA would provide one, at least without delay, to facilitate the visit to my daughter. Although I don't think it will apply in this case, I think a Claim Management Company is in a stronger position to negotiate on a client's behalf if a car is written off or for other aspects. The fact that so many of these companies are flourishing, means that they are becoming more popular, although care needs to be taken to ensure you get a good one.
  6. Appreciate commiserations. So much hassle and a blot on ones driving record as some insurers consider you are an increased risk even though not the guilty party. I informed brokers and insurers as one is obliged to do, at least for information. I have contacted the Claim Management company recommended by Lexus Snows Repair Centre who are happy to work on the basis that I was not at fault, will collect my car and repair it to Lexus standard and then return it. Meanwhile they will provide a comparable car, although this might not be a Lexus, so it will be interesting to see what the loaner will be. Pics to follow.
  7. Having previously been hit at the back and got over all the hassle that involved, a car came out of a side street early this evening and was driven into the side of me. I was on a main road. The other car, Audi as previously, was turning left and his offside front bumper and headlamp was badly damaged. The damage to my car was to the rear of my nearside front wing, the frame behind it and the leading edge of the passenger front door with some scraping down most of the remaining nearside. So it was clear that the Audi was driven into me as I was partially past it. My wife was in the front passenger seat and had to climb over to my side and exit by my door as hers wouldn't open without using considerable force and likely causing more damage. I was only doing about 15mph as I traversed some speed bumps about 25 yards before and there were some further on so. Ironically, had I been doing say 20mph I might have got passed before he hit me. Took some pics and expect to post tomorrow. Coincidentally, both cars are insured with AXA, so I hope they will play fair. Fortunately, nobody was hurt. Anybody know where I can buy a used Challenger 2--- oh maybe not, they are probably on route for NATO border with Russia. Perhaps a Humvee if they can be had with RHD!
  8. Can't understand why somebody wouldn't get the exhaust box welded and lights refurbished or replaced with some better used ones. if all that was required or even advertising with these faults. But we don't know the reasoning behind this.
  9. I generally keep my remote alarm/electronic door controller in the driver's pop out drink holder whilst in the car. There have been a couple of times when for some reason or another I have left it there and tried to lock the car using the little indent in the handle and here has been a warning beep at the same time being preventing the door being locked and the alarm set. This the correct way the system should work as it prevents you locking yourself out. However, yesterday I inadvertently left the key in this place, probably because I was carrying some items into my bungalow. It was bucketing down and forgetting the usual key was still in the car, I picked up the spare and used it to lock and set the alarm. It did this and there was not the usual warning beep. I unlocked it with the spare controller this morning and retrieved the one left in the car. The batteries in both controllers are fine and both operate the system as should now. The drink holder is made of plastic and was in the open position anyway, so not providing a faraday cage. It's things like this that make me concerned about relying so much on electronics. I remember Ford had problems with some of their cars cutting out unexpectedly, due I believe to fault in ECU. Don't know I would be happy with steer by wire as in new BZ4 and RZ even if systems used in air planes, but probably duplicated there.
  10. But expect RZ will be heavy and certainly with a lot more power than the UXe. It has been conceded that it will have less range than the similar but lower powered Toyota BZ4 models. Agreed that if BIL and your sister find it does not meet their expectations, they should not find it difficult to sell as when available demand is likely to exceed early supply.
  11. A brave decision, buying without trying or even seeing other than through eye of camera, especially for a model quite different to anything Lexus presently has sold to public. Wish your BIL good luck with it and we will be very interested to learn impressions in due course.
  12. Yes John, Had a few close shaves, not all in vehicles but it's one reason why I prefer to have a larger heavy built car. As you grow older I think you become increasingly more conscious of the need for care and safety measures. I realize I got away with things I would no longer wish to do even on tracks but am still aware that others (or animals) can put one in dangerous situations, so wearing a seat belt is a no brainer on balance, in mitigating risk of serious injury.
  13. Don't try to bring your lunch home like this!! I bought a BMW for spares where the front had been stoved in by driver hitting a deer but seat belt/air bags did their job and driver survived but highly dependent on drivers speed. Am reminded of when as a young motor cyclist a pony or may have been a horse galloped out of the bush towards me. I didn't know what to do for best to slow and hit it or accelerate and hope I passed it before hitting it. I instantaneously decided to do the latter but would still have struck it had it not slowed and reared up very quickly just before impact. I stopped and badly shaken smoked a cigarette before I was able to get back on the bike and continue.
  14. Yes photochromic glasses can be good in most circumstances but they don't change quickly enough to deal with intermittent bright and dark conditions experienced in quickly changing conditions, or at least when I had mine. Maybe this aspect has been improved now. After all welding glass can change pretty instantaneously nowadays.
  15. I asked my Optician for prescription sun glasses a few years ago and he showed me some which he said were the darkest permitted for drivers. The polarized one were certainly better. The drawback is that that I can't read the HUD display when they are on and there comes a tipping point when visibility means they should be removed. I also have some night glasses. These are a very pale tinged towards amber. I bought them at a truckers centre in the USA. Can't say I have seen them in UK. They do help slightly in some conditions. When faced with a blinding light I adopt a trick we were taught in military training to close one eye and open it when it's dark again. This helps the closed eye focus more quicky than if both pupils had been affected by (flares) or in this case bright lights.
  16. As happens sometimes, drivers come onto this forum, get some advice and can't be bothered to say how their problem was resolved which might have benefited others in due course, you for example.
  17. Yes 1 or 2. The Polestar 3 is not due in UK until next year but if similar to the concept could be a serious new contender if well priced. Some interesting info here :-
  18. Not forgetting the compressor as this item is also expensive so marketable if you swap to conventional springs.
  19. Just noticed that the dynax S-50 I suggested is from Bilt Hamber Laboratories at Billericay, so maybe very similar Adrian.
  20. Do let us know when you take delivery and your impressions. Although, we are Lexus biased, we do appreciate that other cars can appeal for various reasons!
  21. Have you decided what you will be looking at if jumping ship ?
  22. I purchased my used RX from Lexus Cheltenham. As I drove from Devon for the first service they provided me with a near new NX for the day thereby enabling me to visit my sister in Stroud. There was no charge made and in view of the distance from N Devon filled my RX with petrol at no cost. A year later they provided a near new UX but charged £15 as my insurance didn't cover it. Also, there was no fuel for the RX this time. The 3rd service I didn't bother with a courtesy car because the space in the UX provided the previous year was so miniscule that it was very difficult to fit my sister and her husband and my wife and myself in it. (Instead, by arrangement we arrived very early at Lexus and wandered off for lunch and collected my car early and visited my sister on the way home having taken them to dinner before leaving for home. I plan to do this again this year but this is the last time I will be using Lexus Cheltenham or possibly any Lexus dealer for service.
  23. As regard makers of cars that were largely limited to premium cars, nearly all have either ceased production, like Bristol for example, or gone from one crises to another with support from other manufacturers or wealthy individuals/groups such as Aston Martin, or been taken over like Rolls Royce and Bentley by BMW and VW respectively or Maserati added to the Fiat Group just as some examples. Some manufactures other than just acquiring premium brands have set up a more elite representation using group technology and funding. The last two aspects have become increasingly important due to the high cost of research and development of their higher priced models, and the main reason why small output prestige model only stand alone car manufacturers could not complete. So manufactures enjoy the kudos of an acquired premium name or an up market range formed under another name for a smaller number of sales but this is supported by the funds of all the larger selling group. It remains a subject of argument as to which models from different manufacturers can be described as premium or is it just because a manufacturer is considered a premium one all it's models are considered so? Tesla have developed and incorporated more advanced technology but many would not consider they are premium cars due to shortcomings elsewhere, although outselling competitors in their sector. Whether the RZ with it's introductory specification will be regarded as premium remains to be seen, although it's price is likely to be so.
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