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Everything posted by Barry14UK

  1. Reference has been made to this on Mercedes 4 wheel drive cars in the UK and Australia. There are pages of comments, and videos. showing this happen. Mercedes have offered alternative tyres which has helped alleviate the problem but not completely cure it. The problem with these particular cars is much less of a problem in the USA and has been put down to having a different front drive there due to LHD and RHD. This particular cause should not apply to Lexus.
  2. Ha ha! Not even trickling down the famous Porlock Hill LOL. Still if that 99.9 best still stays on it when we part company, (which hopefully will be a long time hence), somebody else is likely to wonder how the figure could be achieved.
  3. Reports that Mercedes considering lodging an objection due to misapplication of rule but seems most unlikely to change outcome. Luck with Max!
  4. This raises a very good point as any of us could be in this situation. Unfortunately, possibly too late if not already done in this case. You could ask Morrisons if they have any CCTV that shows your vehicle and the person taking it. If so it might help the Police identify the thief who seems to have done a professional job.
  5. Thank you, so seems normal then, although this is first time in 2+ years this has happened, so I thought worth asking.
  6. After I refueled last, I pressed the mouse like controller and when I looked awhile later, the pictorial column was at the top and the figure given 99.9mpg which still shows as best figure achieved after maybe a 100 miles or so. However, the running figure reduced quite quickly, and due to recent journeys being fairly short, the current active figure is about 24mpg. Clearly, in reality my car was never achieving 99.9mpg which still shows as best result. Could this have been because I touched the controller fairly soon after refuelling or is there a problem with what has been recorded would you think?
  7. That's my view too. If Lewis can stay reasonably close to Ver overtaking possible as the advantage of the softer tyre is lost, Lewis on harder tyre should pass. Just hope race is not marred by stoppage and safety cars or comings together.
  8. I am sure I am not the only one interested in this aside. When I took my car into Lexus Cheltenham for service this year, I think it was August or September, they were adamant that 'Essential Service' was no longer an option. Grateful if you will advise which dealership offered this. Good luck with sorting your problem. It seems to me that blockage rather than pump could be problem.
  9. Wise words. I used to enjoy motor cycling on and off road and in competition but gave up when raising a family, with view to buying another road bike when I retired. Eventually did this but found bike too heavy so just remains unused in garage. Wish I had got the bike earlier and had use out of it. Same principle, do things while you can or the opportunity may be lost.
  10. That's my thought too. Unfortunate car is now pretty full of fuel as complete system may need to be flushed through including tank if this is indeed root of problem.
  11. Marko has now issued an apology to Ham and Mercedes now having accepted finding that Ver was at fault for what was termed the brake testing accident. Bernie Ecclestone is reported as having said that Lewis should have retired at the end of last season so as to preserve Schumacher's unsurpassed record - what a strange view! Maybe it's good he is no longer in charge.
  12. Not sure that this is the case. If Ham is taken out, whether or not Ver wins and is disqualified he will still have won more races than Ham so will be champion. Ver can't have points deducted for races he has previously won can he? Or what if Per or Bot take out one of the leading protagonists?
  13. One of the comments in above referenced link. "Magic Smoke 6 months ago @MikeB Mike, the answers are in the other batter charger test videos especially the NOCO. They are right charging at a slightly lower voltage will increase battery life but reduce Ah capacity and reduce peak current. However 13.8 is too low as the plates will get covered in sulfate that would be difficult or impossible to shift. If you charge at the higher end of the voltage (14.35- 14,4V @25 deg) then you get more charge and higher performance but battery life is reduced due to increased plate erosion. If you want to shoot for the latter and don't mind iffy reliability then the CTEK is the best option. If you want to travel the fine lines and eek out the longest life then accuracy and temperature compensation is required. What is the model and make of your battery? I will take a look at the datasheet. Some of the cheap smart chargers I have tested go up to 14.7V on standard charge but this is not intentional as the charger spec says 14,4V. (i.e. lack of accuracy). AGM mode if supported should charge to a higher voltage but the profile is wrong for sealed PbCa" You really need to read all the comments. All of us that have commented on this forum seem to have had good experience with CETEK but clearly there are those that have not.
  14. Well I have looked further into this and it seems that a number the CETEK battery chargers fail after a few years or much use due to quality of some components and poor design in addition to the mode micro switch problem. I have no experience in this area so have to rely on comments of those who have. This is an interesting video of an investigation into failure but is very long. The last 15 minutes reveals conclusion that the root of the problem was caused by the power supply (not as good as in a £15 Lidl unit!). The subsequent comments are also revealing and when pressed it is suggested a Noco unit is better built. I am not so happy now about leaving my CELTEK MXS 5 permanently connected. I also get the impression that permanent connection could lead to shortening of battery life. Would like to know what you more clued up guys think.
  15. I have had same model CETEK and it had performed well for both ordinary and AGM batteries using the appropriate mode button which is essential. A few people report having had a problem with the mode button so I would not be heavy fingered with this. Crocodile clips were provided for easy connection and also eye terminals for more permanent connection and I assume this will still be the case.
  16. You might get a little more for your car when you sell it if it has a full Lexus service history but not so much more than if serviced by an inde now due to age of car. You will certainly pay Lexus a lot more and I believe not benefit from the warranty as car is too old . But if you do get a coffee, yet alone biscuits, at an inde, it will be provided in a less salubrious emporium! Assume there must be a good inde in your area which is the way I would go in your position.
  17. I read that from January, Insurance companies will not be permitted to offer introductory offers that are lower than for renewal for the same risk as for existing policy holders. Good for those that just renew automatically but less so for those shopping for introductory offers. How this will affect variable rates for time policy required before taking out, if at all, will be interesting.
  18. A lot of companies have hitherto offered lower premiums to new policy holders and then bumped up the cost on renewal. I have read that this practice is prohibited from January, so companies cannot offer lower premiums than they give to existing policy holders for same risk. This may benefit those who just renew but not those who shop around for introductory premiums. I thought that being in North Devon now I would be in an area where there was much less crime but having used the crime link find it is is worse on every count than I entered for my previous address that came within the bounds of Croydon !!!
  19. Don't know your model but leather can take up natural oil from hands or hand cream from previous owner or after great mileage wear smooth. Many years ago I bought some Connolly leather cleaner and hide food which I have sparingly applied to leather on my cars over the years. I had a little left which I used on my BMW leather steering wheel last year to restore the grip. I expect there are others now who do products to achieve the same objective. Maybe an auto leather restorer could supply or advise. You don't want anything that makes the wheel too grippy or sticky.
  20. Well you got one place right out of five, should have consulted Mystic Meg LOL! Must admit race was a nail biter and was pleasantly surprised Lewis managed to win despite bad luck that favoured Max and a damaged front wing. Even without the over aggressive Max there was car carnage to others partly due to the nature of the track and insufficient run offs. I don't know if the course could be improved but all the restarts spoilt it for me.
  21. This situation has been brought up by others in the last year or so and you believe your garage are honest having looked after the maintenance of your car for some time. In your shoes, I would discuss with them whether they could weld up and treat the affected sub frame so it would give another say 5 or so years and if so at what cost. Alternatively, if they don't want to do this job, could they recommend somebody who could. You could also check meanwhile what you could get a reasonable second hand one that would require minimum work would cost. In either event the existing subframe would have to be removed and you will have an idea of the cost due to the time indicated by your garage. You can then consider whether the cost is worth it to you. A replacement car of the same quality may need a lot of work but you know with the service and work done on yours that you have a car that should only require minimal maintenance. However. I would also get a report as to the likely need that the other subframe might need repair/replacement over 5 or so years or you may be back in a similar situation again. Good luck.
  22. Sometimes depending on the severity of impact an adjustment to toe will cure the bias. However, it is possible that the camber or caster has been affected. Again with some cars this can be compensated for by adjustment but when my Camry was side swiped years ago it needed at least a new strut and possibly other parts so everything could be brought back into correct alignment. So yes a very careful alignment check is a good place to start.
  23. Drivers don't seem to mind it but not a good course for spectators, even watching on TV! Bot needs to play his part well for Ham and the Team.
  24. That looks like a fair result and let's hope it holds up for a fair time. Manufactures have come to use plastic type material headlights as part of the styling and to 'face lift' models so how convenient for them that after a few years owners need to replace them at great cost or use temporary restoration as illustrated. I have BMW Hella headlamps on my E39 BMW (made in Japan as it happens), Usually within 10 years from new (sometimes a lot less) the internal plastic adjusters break and the lights flop about. At one time it was possible to melt the glue that holds the plastic outer lens to the body and thereby easily replace these adjusters which you can buy on ebay. The glue could be melted by putting the whole lamp into an oven for a certain time at lowish temperature or by judicious use of a heat gun. Then after replacing the adjusters the glue could be reheated and the headlamp reassembled. So Hella then changed the glue to a high melt meaning you could no longer use this method because of damaging the headlamp. Again, how very convenient for manufacturers because owners generally now buy expensive new headlamps, although some either cut the body for access and plastic weld repair after replacing adjusters or if you have thin fingers, a lot of patience and several hours to spare, some people have managed to fiddle replacement adjusters into place through the rear orifices where bulbs are inserted. Same headlight just different glue. How to rip off owners!
  25. Scotty is certainly a character and having watched many of his videos I would mostly concur with what he says. He strongly favours Lexus/ Toyota cars. I just wonder how he keeps his arms still enough and long enough to work on cars lol. Must admit I coughed when he derided all the stripping down you had to do to change s/plugs on a Nissan, having watched a video on what was necessary to change these on the rear bank of my RX450h.
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